Apocolypse VS Ultron
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1) no prep
2) 1 hr prep
3) 1 month
really? You don't think Apocolypse can find a way to create a giant Magnet

Not disagreeing I just always regarded Apocolypse as a pretty tough dude
Originally posted by scyven
1) no prep
2) 1 hr prep
3) 1 month
Ultron takes everything, maybe Apocalypse has a chance, if he is the only one with prep! Giving prep to Ultron, allows him to steal Celetail tech from Apoc XD
I'm confused do people when they judge battles go off feats or the power rating levels and power types on the Marvel website because Apocalypse is rated quite a bit higher on the marvel website
1. Ultron
2. Ultron
3. Probably Apoc.
Originally posted by scyven
really? You don't think Apocolypse can find a way to create a giant Magnet

Not disagreeing I just always regarded Apocolypse as a pretty tough dude
Ultron without prep is already capable of controlling his body to atomic level, so magnets would be useless.
Originally posted by scyven
I'm confused do people when they judge battles go off feats or the power rating levels and power types on the Marvel website because Apocalypse is rated quite a bit higher on the marvel website
We use the comics. Power rankings are ignored because they are incredibly inaccurate.
hmm, don't see why apoc couldn't shift his shape to enter ultron's body and wreck it from the inside. ultron's blasts and beams wouldn't be any more effective against apoc than ikaris's were. i see this as apoc's to lose. which he likely would given the way he's been written at times. but he def has the powers necessary to win this fight.
Rule # 1 about Apocalypse: Don't debate about him using his powerset... Because he doesn't fight using it.
Apocalypse can phase shift and keep himself from being harmed. Apoxy is just a horrible character to argue for, he should win though even though he will lose.
Originally posted by Nietzschean
he should win though even though he will lose.

Originally posted by Bentley
Ultron without prep is already capable of controlling his body to atomic level, so magnets would be useless.
But that would alter his adamantium protective armor and give Apocalypse a chance to sieze the day
If it's a non jobbing Poccy, Ultron wins barely.
Originally posted by Bentley
Rule # 1 about Apocalypse: Don't debate about him using his powerset... Because he doesn't fight using it.
hrm. wish i could argue this point but i know when i've been owned....
Originally posted by scyven
But that would alter his adamantium protective armor and give Apocalypse a chance to sieze the day
How do you figure? Ultron can shapeshift the form of his outer armor using his ability to control his molecules, that includes opposing an outside force such as a magnetic field.
Originally posted by Bentley
How do you figure? Ultron can shapeshift the form of his outer armor using his ability to control his molecules, that includes opposing an outside force such as a magnetic field.
Ok he might be able to change his molecular structure but his outershell will no long be impervious...Apocalypse has control of his molecular structure to.
Ultron would absolutly waste poor Apocalypse all over the place.
Ultron is said to being more intelligent that Tony Stark, so what kind of chance Apocalypse has with prep?
Tony is the 3rd most intelligent being on Earth, behind Richards and Doom.
Best chance of Apocalypse is the first match, and I find it hard pressed to think that he could beat an adamentium Ultron, while Avengers can barely make it.
CPT Space Bomb
Apoc, if he used his powers well, would be a beast. Unfortunately for him, Marvel likes to job him to just about everybody. Besides, we have Thanos and Darkseid who are also big ugly guys who are actually worthy of being a bada##
Originally posted by scyven
Ok he might be able to change his molecular structure but his outershell will no long be impervious...Apocalypse has control of his molecular structure to.
He can control adamantium so his shell doesn't need to be any more fragile, he can just demagnetize his own adamantium.
BTW, I don't think Ultron is winning that easily here, they both are about peers in physical attributes, but Ultron will always outlast Apoc. When it comes to prep Apoc is no slouch, but Ultron is even nastier.
Apoc puts up a fight, but he goes down.
Originally posted by Bentley
Ultron massacres.
Originally posted by Bentley
He can control adamantium so his shell doesn't need to be any more fragile, he can just demagnetize his own adamantium.
BTW, I don't think Ultron is winning that easily here, they both are about peers in physical attributes, but Ultron will always outlast Apoc. When it comes to prep Apoc is no slouch, but Ultron is even nastier.
Apoc puts up a fight, but he goes down.

Apocalypse wins about 6-7/10
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Ultron would absolutly waste poor Apocalypse all over the place.
Ultron is said to being more intelligent that Tony Stark, so what kind of chance Apocalypse has with prep?
Tony is the 3rd most intelligent being on Earth, behind Richards and Doom.
Best chance of Apocalypse is the first match, and I find it hard pressed to think that he could beat an adamentium Ultron, while Avengers can barely make it.
Aplocalypse is thousands of years old... not sure if he can really be classified under human intelligence and has access to Celestial tech. Remember stark is human after all and we can only use around 10% of our brains, I dont think Apocalypse is subject to such limitations. I mean c'mon he can genetically alter humans and mutants to become his horsemen, stark doesn't have that knowledge...I think you're being hard on the big lug

Originally posted by scyven
Aplocalypse is thousands of years old... not sure if he can really be classified under human intelligence and has access to Celestial tech. Remember stark is human after all and we can only use around 10% of our brains, I dont think Apocalypse is subject to such limitations. I mean c'mon he can genetically alter humans and mutants to become his horsemen, stark doesn't have that knowledge...I think you're being hard on the big lug
Apoc alters people using the tech he was given by the celestials Whig took him thousands of years to learn and master...
Compare that to tech that reed Richards or dr doom has created on their own...
Yeah. Apoc isn't that smart
Yeah I think Celestial tech is just a smidget higher in complexity
Originally posted by scyven
Yeah I think Celestial tech is just a smidget higher in complexity
Yeah... And reed has made weapons that can rearrange planets and stars... Deciphered time travel tech... Etc etc... Interdimensional travel... Faster than light travel...
Oh yeah and reed made guns that kill celestials...
Originally posted by scyven
Yeah I think Celestial tech is just a smidget higher in complexity
Oh. And being able to use an iPhone
And design an iPhone from scratch
Is the best way to compare apocalypse
To reed or doom...
When has reed killed a Celestial?
It was in the issues where there a lot of celestials attack the reed collective. I forget the issues exactly but 616 reed left and came back with guns that blew the celestials apart. The reeds weren't winning but still. That is tech reed designed. Apocalypse plays with the toys of men greater than him.
Originally posted by scyven
When has reed killed a Celestial? What was Apoc circumstances in killing the Celestial? Did he got him drunk and had his way and than murder him? We don't know how now right?
Originally posted by rotiart
Apoc alters people using the tech he was given by the celestials Whig took him thousands of years to learn and master...
Compare that to tech that reed Richards or dr doom has created on their own...
Yeah. Apoc isn't that smart
An essential caveman taking a couple of millenia to master technology millions of years beyond the technology of his day (as in spears, rocks, and clubs) is a negative? Let's not forget the era and environment that Tony and Reed hail from, as well as the fact that both of them were the offspring of geniuses (particularly in Reed's case) and raised with a high premium placed on academics.
Apocalypse came to adulthood in a Darwinian Tribe and slavery during the early Bronze Age and became a master geneticist and inventor without any tutelege of any sort. That's quite an accomplishment.
Anti-Apoc Meme be damned.
If thats true Marvel has so many loop holes in it. I thought Celestials were immortal? In addition Reed is human and yes maybe a genius but still he has a human mind...Having said that Apocalypse is suppossed close to immortal to...hasn't Apocalypse used time travel b4 to?
Apocalypse killed a celestial?!
Not that I know I thought he just found a ship of there's?
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
The first one was for emphasis 131
Why are so many people amazed when a poster actually changes his mind? Is it so weird that people debate without a single idea obsessed in their heads?
Originally posted by MF DELPH
An essential caveman taking a couple of millenia to master technology millions of years beyond the technology of his day (as in spears, rocks, and clubs) is a negative? Let's not forget the era and environment that Tony and Reed hail from, as well as the fact that both of them were the offspring of geniuses (particularly in Reed's case) and raised with a high premium placed on academics.
Apocalypse came to adulthood in a Darwinian Tribe and slavery during the early Bronze Age and became a master geneticist and inventor without any tutelege of any sort. That's quite an accomplishment.
Anti-Apoc Meme be damned.
Apocalypse may have come into his own finding the ship but recent revelations that celestials had plans for him means anything...
1. The celestials could have altere him to be smarter
2. Directly fed knowledge into him...
3. Been given an incredibly user friendly ship that like cables graymalkin possibly responds to voice commands and helps you...
4. He ACTUALLY sat there reading something in a language with no sort of Rosetta stone to translate anything thus having no conceptual base to translate much less decipher and learn?
Yah... I'm thinking someone gave him a lot of help.
Originally posted by rotiart
Apocalypse may have come into his own finding the ship but recent revelations that celestials had plans for him means anything...
1. The celestials could have altere him to be smarter
2. Directly fed knowledge into him...
3. Been given an incredibly user friendly ship that like cables graymalkin possibly responds to voice commands and helps you...
4. He ACTUALLY sat there reading something in a language with no sort of Rosetta stone to translate anything thus having no conceptual base to translate much less decipher and learn?
Yah... I'm thinking someone gave him a lot of help.
Helped or not it still takes above human intellect to understand...meaning he has genius intelligence from birth or he his intelligence was augmented...either way he's one smart dude
Are you saying that Kang time-travelled and helped Apocalypse to learn how to use Celestial tech?
Come on, give the guy some credit, Apoc learned how to use that tech on his own until proven otherwise.
Originally posted by Bentley
The first one was for emphasis 131
Why are so many people amazed when a poster actually changes his mind? Is it so weird that people debate without a single idea obsessed in their heads?
Bentley I think u post great stuff and know a lot about comic characters but I'm a little lost about what ur referring to with the "Huh" and this last comment lol please elaborate thnx

To me saying someone is not dumb does not mean they are smart...
Put a child behind the wheels of a ford Focus and see how long it takes them to turn on the car and get it going.
But I'll concede only cause this is off topic. And make a thread later concerning apocalypses intelligence.

Originally posted by scyven
Bentley I think u post great stuff and know a lot about comic characters but I'm a little lost about what ur referring to with the "Huh" and this last comment lol please elaborate thnx
Ah, celeyhyga posted two of my comments that were radically different evaluations of this same battle.
Originally posted by Bentley
Ah, celeyhyga posted two of my comments that were radically different evaluations of this same battle.
Ah got ya thnx
Who is physically stronger Ultron or Apoc...I am going to assume to a stalemate on intelligence although I'm sure some will rip me for that lol
Originally posted by scyven
Who is physically stronger Ultron or Apoc...I am going to assume to a stalemate on intelligence although I'm sure some will rip me for that lol
Apoc is potentially stronger than Ultron -he can increase his own strength-, but he cannot inflict physical damage to him, so it doesn't really matter. Apoc probably ends up falling to an encephalo ray at some point, despite of his powerful psychic defenses.
So even with limitless strength Apoc still can't dent the adamantium shell?
Originally posted by rotiart
Apocalypse may have come into his own finding the ship but recent revelations that celestials had plans for him means anything...
1. The celestials could have altere him to be smarter
2. Directly fed knowledge into him...
3. Been given an incredibly user friendly ship that like cables graymalkin possibly responds to voice commands and helps you...
4. He ACTUALLY sat there reading something in a language with no sort of Rosetta stone to translate anything thus having no conceptual base to translate much less decipher and learn?
Yah... I'm thinking someone gave him a lot of help.
Luckily that was actually addressed on panel. He was infected with a version of the Transmode virus prior to his encounter with the Cellestial Ship, which tried to defend itself against him, and he was unable to decipher the symbols until the virus allowed him to interface with it. He then spent the next millenia cracking open it's databases, studying, learning, and practicing what he learned as well as augmenting his body with the new knowledge. Afterwards he intermittently took time to travel around, spread his seed, conquer, and then take a nap for a century or so. This was later half assed retconned into the Cellestials lending the ship to him in order for him to be their servant later, but the means by which he attained the knowledge was not. He found the ship/was given the ship and then spent hundreds of years studying and experimenting on his own.
The virus allowed him to learn how to use celestial tech? Is this what you are saying yes or no?
The Virus allowed him to read their (Celestials) language. Without the interface he was unable to read what was on the ships screens (remember, Apocalypse was originally from the dawn of the Bronze Age/Egyptian 1st Dynasty, and he himself was an uneducated slave and tribesman. Written language wasn't exactly in common use). Due to being infected with the techno organic virus he was able to interface with the ship and the language became legible to him, so he was then able to read all of the data and learn all of the sciences and technology in the Celestial's archives and began experimenting with genetics and augmenting his own body by incorporating the Celestial's technology with his own now techno-organic form.
So yes, the virus allowed him to learn how to use the Celestial Tech as it worked as a kind of Rosetta Stone for the Celestial's Language. He then spent a couple centuries in the ship mastering genetic and technological engineering and modifying himself into a techno-organic being.
Originally posted by scyven
So even with limitless strength Apoc still can't dent the adamantium shell?
Assuming that Apocalypse's strength is limitless because he can amp is one of the things we can't really do. But even if we give him grace to achieve Thor level strength, that alone can only dent adamantium in a superficial fashion, as I mentioned before, Ultron can control his shell and heal from such attacks.
With his powerset, Apoc is better off trying something else anyways, if he manages to sneak into Ultron's shell with his shapeshifting he could actually try to overcome his internal shielding.
Quite handily.
Originally posted by MF DELPH
The Virus allowed him to read their (Celestials) language. Without the interface he was unable to read what was on the ships screens (remember, Apocalypse was originally from the dawn of the Bronze Age/Egyptian 1st Dynasty, and he himself was an uneducated slave and tribesman. Written language wasn't exactly in common use). Due to being infected with the techno organic virus he was able to interface with the ship and the language became legible to him, so he was then able to read all of the data and learn all of the sciences and technology in the Celestial's archives and began experimenting with genetics and augmenting his own body by incorporating the Celestial's technology with his own now techno-organic form.
So yes, the virus allowed him to learn how to use the Celestial Tech as it worked as a kind of Rosetta Stone for the Celestial's Language. He then spent a couple centuries in the ship mastering genetic and technological engineering and modifying himself into a techno-organic being.
All that for you to say yes?
Hehe and my friends say I talk too much. :-P
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