Green Lanten vs Magneto
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Battle takes place in London. Prep time is a couple hours for each.
Who wins?
ps. Green Latern experts is his ring made of metal or a different substance? If no one knows assume 2 scenarios 1) metal ring 2) ring other substance
Green Lantern should win
I think Dr Polaris could affect Kyle's ring .... iirc
is lanterns ring metal, because if it is I think it could be a null fight because magneto would just rip the ring away from the lantern, most likely along with his finger...I guess its a better battle to assume its not metaI
Kyle fought some magnetic person and he ended up socking himself, so yes Magneto FTW
lol okay I didn't know that thnx I guess mags wins kinda easy then
Uh, any of the Earth Lanterns win a sizeable majority.
not if the ringis metal Magneto will rip it off his hand and have the ring for himself, no?
depends on how mags can impact the ring.
Originally posted by scyven
Battle takes place in London. Prep time is a couple hours for each.
Who wins?
ps. Green Latern experts is his ring made of metal or a different substance? If no one knows assume 2 scenarios 1) metal ring 2) ring other substance It's been done. amp;highlight=title%3A%28green+lantern+vs+magneto%
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