Cyclops, Storm, and Gambit vs Wolverine
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Scenerio fight.
Wolverine is tracking them through the forests of Canada.
The fight doesn't end, until he hunts them all down and finishes them off, or they find a way to incapacitate him permanently.
Who wins?
the ninjak
Storm flies team up a mountain and waits. While surveying the area from above.
If the fight ever got to a tangle between the 3. Remy can hold his own while Scott tries to survive. Ororo takes Logan down. Freeze and Lightning combo.
Team. The element of surprise and cover is nullified between Cyke and Storm.
CPT Space Bomb
They really can't stop him permanently, though they can get the ko before he does.
Logan based on the stips, unless Cyke gets off a GOML blast that manages to decapitate him.
the ninjak
Originally posted by Harbinger
Logan based on the stips, unless Cyke gets off a GOML blast that manages to decapitate him.
GOML blast would simply force Logan deep into the forest. Giving Logan time to heal and strike back again.
It won't decapitate him. Specially since it's a wide force beam. And the Adamantium skeleton.
Storm is the one to keep him down.
I'm tempted to close this for spite. Both Cyclops and Storm are capable of taking him down solo.
How can Cyke or Storm permanently incapacitate Logan?
Originally posted by Harbinger
How can Cyke or Storm permanently incapacitate Logan?
They don't have to. They just have to KO him.
Originally posted by -Pr-
They don't have to. They just have to KO him.
Originally posted by cdtm
The fight doesn't end, until he hunts them all down and finishes them off, or they find a way to incapacitate him permanently.
Who wins?
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
They really can't stop him permanently, though they can get the ko before he does.
They can put him under a rock inside the water or send him to orbit. They can probably punish him until his healing factor runs out without letting up.
the ninjak
Originally posted by Harbinger
How can Cyke or Storm permanently incapacitate Logan?
They can't but Ororo can Lightning blast then freeze Logan. Rinse and repeat. Long enough for a forum win.
Though if She freezes Logan in a chunk of ice and Remy charges the ice. That should blow the flesh off Logans bones. Sure he'll grow back but at least they can contain the skeleton in more ice.
There's your permanent containment.
Originally posted by Harbinger
I don't care about ops. uhuh
Honestly though, I could see them just pummeling him/zapping/exploding him over and over. It's more likely than him beating all of them, imo.
I know ice melts and stuff, but Storm can freeze him. After that, they just leave Wolverine in a really secure freezer or some such. Is that good enough for "permanent?"
Or Storm can freeze him while Cyclops and Gambit blast him. Repeat the process until his healing factor is taxed then freeze him again.
Edit: Then again, the entirety of Canada's forests is the battlefield here. He could force a stalemate until they die of age. Wolverine wins. biscuits
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