S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. X-Force
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Nick Fury
Captain America (Steve Rogers)
Ms. Marvel
Spider Woman
Black Widow
Who wins?
the ninjak
Fantomex is the only real threat Xforce have against Ironman and Ms Marvel.
Ironman blitzes and takes down ArchAngel. Then sonics the crap out of XForce with shields up.
I'm not sure about Cypher's abilities is he still Phalanx? If Tony is Ultron hacking resistant now I can't see the kid getting in.
Ironman wrecks. Too fast too much variety. And illusions wont work on his sensors.
Originally posted by the ninjak
Fantomex is the only real threat Xforce have against Ironman and Ms Marvel.
Ironman blitzes and takes down ArchAngel. Then sonics the crap out of XForce with shields up.
I'm not sure about Cypher's abilities is he still Phalanx? If Tony is Ultron hacking resistant now I can't see the kid getting in.
Ironman wrecks. Too fast too much variety. And illusions wont work on his sensors.
I thought Cypher would be atleast able to bother Tony some,thats why i added him. If not, then Tony is too much, I agree
Added cable & Deadpool
the ninjak
Originally posted by byrdgang21
Added cable & Deadpool
The rest can handle them while Tony destroys.
If it wasn't of Tony, I would say that the X-Force stomp.
I don't see many peeps killing Tony here. Maybe Wolverine?
the ninjak
Sonics would F him up more than most people due to his canine sensors.
tony is a problem.
Yeah, Tony against a bunch of guys that can't fly (minus Warren). That sounds like fun.
Lord Feron
Does anyone think Cable holds any weapons that can disable stark?
Don't forget about Carol.
Tony and Carol stomp here.
Cap cleans up the rest.
The others can be good distractions.
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