Guy Gardner Vs. Firelord
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Who takes it???
Firelords underrated.
I think he can beat Guy. Not a majority, but enough to make it close.
Wow..! U guys have Firelord that low on the herald totem pole? Always thought he was one of Galactus's more powerful heralds.
Originally posted by cdtm
Firelords underrated.
I think he can beat Guy. Not a majority, but enough to make it close.
Firelord. PIS/CIS off and he fights like he did vs Thor (swatting Mjolnir away on like a pestering insect), Guy is dead.
CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by zopzop
Firelord. PIS/CIS off and he fights like he did vs Thor (swatting Mjolnir away on like a pestering insect), Guy is dead. This. Firelord fighting to his full potential wins.
Any GL fighting at his full potential would be above or at least even with most herlads. Guy has done some impressive stuff with the ring before. And could likely break even. Rookie GL's back in the day were opening and closing black holes with ease.
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