Odin vs. The Summers Gang
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Shaman Nate Grey
God Like Cable
Rachel Grey w/ PF
Who wins?
Odin 10/10 easily.
The first two (Nate and Cable) are high heralds AT BEST. Rachel with the PF is a joke and it would be stretching to place her in the low herald tier.
Odin every time.
I'm not sure who to vote for. Rachel is very powerful in her P/F form.
CPT Space Bomb
Odin should win. He could have done what Shaman did without killing himself in the process.
yeah, it comes down to rachel completely. she COULD beat him. of course she's also been ohko'd by thor, so..... confused
Originally posted by Stoic
I'm not sure who to vote for. Rachel is very powerful in her P/F form.
Stoic, no she's not.......at all. In fact, she's the weakest member of her team.
Originally posted by zopzop
Stoic, no she's not.......at all. In fact, she's the weakest member of her team.
No, she fluctuated wildly when she had the Phoenix force.
At one point she was basically one shotted by Thor, but she also went toe to toe with Galactus at another point.
Originally posted by AlmightyKfish
No, she fluctuated wildly when she had the Phoenix force.
At one point she was basically one shotted by Thor, but she also went toe to toe with Galactus at another point. been told the phoenix was riding her during that galactus incident. rachel's mind couldnt really accomplish anything
Originally posted by 753
been told the phoenix was riding her during that galactus incident. rachel's mind couldnt really accomplish anything
Thank you. If you want to see how truly pathetic she is, check out her fight with Necrom. He tooled her while tapping into only a SLIVER of the power she had. Technically she was capable of doing everything he did (hurling hundreds of billions of tons of a planet's core at her, throwing moons at her, igniting a planet into star, and destroying an entire solar system) and more. But she never did anything nearly as impressive. She's full of fail.
Odin shoves Gungnir up their collective asses.
Didn't Emma also tool Rachel when they met on the astral plane?
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