What Heralds would you choose?
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In certain predicaments who would you choose from Marvel or DC to handle these situatiin? High Heralds and below can only be used.
Move Earth.
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York.
Stop a planet destroying asteroid.
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out.
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes
Last 5 minutes against Zeus
Originally posted by carver9
In certain predicaments who would you choose from Marvel to handle these situatiin? High Heralds and below can only be used.
Move Earth.
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York.
Stop a planet destroying asteroid.
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out.
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes
Last 5 minutes against Zeus
Depends on what you mean by "move" Earth. Like pushing it ala Superman?
I'd pick Thor as the clear candidate for virtually everything here.
Thor or Sentry
Thor, Superman, or Captain Marvel for most any of these.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Depends on what you mean by "move" Earth. Like pushing it ala Superman?
I'd pick Thor as the clear candidate for virtually everything here.
Yeah...the Earth was moved out of place by a couple of million miles and it has to be put back into the original spot. Let's follow comic book logic here. Please don't go into too much scientific thought on this.
Originally posted by Cogito
Thor, Superman, or Captain Marvel for most any of these.
I think Carver wanted only Marvel chars.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Thor or Sentry
WTF, can't believe it.
I was going to pick Hulk, because on his good day he very possibly may be considered herald level, but then I saw what needs to be done and no way in hell can he accomplish any of them. He can't fly so he can't get to the asteroid, what's he going to do to a tidal wave? Punch it? Ok he might break the earth and open up the ground below. He can't beat doomsday, can keep Thanos busy though and didn't last 2 mins against ZEUS. BTW I too pick Thor or Sentry.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
I think Carver wanted only Marvel chars.
I edited my post. At first I wanted Marvel but I changed my mind.
Sentry for all of them, except maybe move Earth.
I'm thinking Surfer could teleport Earth somewhere.
Thor, Sentry, Gladiator.
Originally posted by carver9
WTF, can't believe it.
Ok so Marvel: Thor or Sentry
DC: Superman or Captain Marvel
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
I think Carver wanted only Marvel chars.
Reading skills...whatcha gonna do?

Originally posted by Diesldude
I was going to pick Hulk, because on his good day he very possibly may be considered herald level, but then I saw what needs to be done and no way in hell can he accomplish any of them. He can't fly so he can't get to the asteroid, what's he going to do to a tidal wave? Punch it? Ok he might break the earth and open up the ground below. He can't beat doomsday, can keep Thanos busy though and didn't last 2 mins against ZEUS. BTW I too pick Thor or Sentry.
Originally posted by Cogito
Reading skills...whatcha gonna do?
Originally posted by carver9
I edited my post. At first I wanted Marvel but I changed my mind.

Thor and Captain Marvel
How do you guys justify your picks?
Move Earth.
No one that I know of.
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York.
Most any High Herald can do this.
Stop a planet destroying asteroid.
Most any High Herald can do this
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out.
Which version? Because if it's DoS version any High or even Mid Herald can do it.
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes
No High Herald can do this.
Last 5 minutes against Zeus
ONLY Thor. He's already done it on panel.
CPT Space Bomb
Thor is the best choice for being able to accomplish most/all of those feats. He's also the only one who could last against Thanos that long, or Zeus.
Black bolt z
Move Earth-Superman
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York-Thor or Human Torch
Stop a planet destroying asteroid-Thor or Surfer or Supes. Would have the same result.
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out-Surfer
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes-Juggernaut
Last 5 minutes against Zeus-Juggernaut
The reason for juggernaut is that juggs would probably be the hardest to get rid of. Their only chance is BFR.
... That's right, he ain't a high herald but he can pull all those things off

I'd pick Superman any day of the week.
My reasoning is, Superman would go through hell itself, more than others to protect the innocence, and that's extra motivation right there.
Superman is the type of character that would face all the Skyfathers in the universe just to protect a soul, knowing them doesn't make him try any less.
1- This is a job for Superman!
2- Thor
3- Silver Surfer
4- Thor or Silver Surfer or Superman or Hal Jordan
5- Even if he got crappy showings against I still have to go with Surfer, and I add Hal Jordan to this. Because they are probably the two most powerful herald at long range. Thanos would still crush both of them in 10 minutes at best, but they are the two who are the most likely to hurt him. Or annoy him.
6- Thor, obviously
Originally posted by SquallX
I'd pick Superman any day of the week.
My reasoning is, Superman would go through hell itself, more than others to protect the innocence, and that's extra motivation right there.
Superman is the type of character that would face all the Skyfathers in the universe just to protect a soul, knowing them doesn't make him try any less.
The same argument about going to any length to protect innocent lives can be easily made for people like Surfer and Thor, as well.
and by itself, it doesn't mean they can accomplish any of the tasks
CPT Space Bomb
Yah, Matter of fact, Thor protects Earth and Asgard. Two realms. Not to mention he has helped other realms out of the 9 also. Thor's pulling more than double duty.
Originally posted by IisCoolio
well the U FOES took thor out very easily....
Thor's also beaten them in the past and has many more impressive showings. And it's not like the U-Foes are "weak" either, considering what they did to the Hulk.
PS has ANY high herald ever moved a planet under it's own power?
Originally posted by zopzop
PS has ANY high herald ever moved a planet under it's own power?
Well Superman lifted half of Infinity, and with the help of WW, MM they moved the Earth.
Originally posted by SquallX
Well Superman lifted half of Infinity, and with the help of WW, MM they moved the Earth.
So no individual high herald has moved a planet under it's own power?
Originally posted by zopzop
So no individual high herald has moved a planet under it's own power?
Superman moved Mageddon which was bigger then Earth IIRC. He also moved an Solar system, it started very small but became bigger with each passing second, gainig mass and everything.
And Hercules held up the universe.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
And Hercules held up the universe.
Interesting but how would he move a planet?
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Superman moved Mageddon which was bigger then Earth IIRC. He also moved an Solar system, it started very small but became bigger with each passing second, gainig mass and everything.
If this is true and he did it without outside help or an amp, that's damn impressive.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
And Hercules held up the universe.
Originally posted by zopzop
Interesting but how would he move a planet?
My point is that certain feats such as lifting "infinity" or moving galaxies veers into the unquantifiable category. Considering his arm wrestling bout with Thor threatened to throw the planet out of whack, he'd probably need flight or his SuperHerc powers to move a planet.
Move Earth.
Superman/Captain Marvel
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York.
Surfer/Hal Jordan
Stop a planet destroying asteroid.
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out.
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes
Last 5 minutes against Zeus
Thor/Captain Marvel
Originally posted by carver9
Yeah...the Earth was moved out of place by a couple of million miles and it has to be put back into the original spot. Let's follow comic book logic here. Please don't go into too much scientific thought on this.
Move earth a couple million miles?? Whoah!
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Superman moved Mageddon which was bigger then Earth IIRC. He also moved an Solar system, it started very small but became bigger with each passing second, gainig mass and everything.
Somebody help this guy.
Move Earth. - Majestic
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York. - Iceman
Stop a planet destroying asteroid - BRB/Thor
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out. - Superman
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes. -
Last 5 minutes against Zeus. - Surfer
Originally posted by dmills

I need to find the site where you are getting these.
Originally posted by zopzop
So no individual high herald has moved a planet under it's own power?
Kang moved a planet with a machine 131
Move Earth - Superman or one of his clones. On a good day he could do it.
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York - If a tidal wave counted as weather this would be an easy one for Thor. I dont suppose it does though so Ill probably go with the Surfer.
Stop a planet destroying asteroid - Superman. Maybe Thor.
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out - Hulk. Someone has to go in and do the hard work of putting him down in this scenario and thats a job for Hulk.
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes - Superman. He has the mobility and the speed to keepaway from Thanos, enough brains to be half aware of his tech and tactics and the physical capabilities to stand up to him.
Last 5 minutes against Zeus - Probably Thor since they know each other and Zeus is likely to spend half the time jawing at him about this or that. Otherwise probably Superman.
Move Earth - Probably Superman or one of his clones on a good day would be the least troublesome option.
Stop a tidal wave that is about to engulf New York - Thor.
Stop a planet destroying asteroid - Thor.
Doomsday shows up and they have to take him out - Any High end Herald but if I had to pick, it'd be Thor or Superman.
Slow down a pissed Thanos for an 30 minutes - Thor or Superman.
Last 5 minutes against Zeus - Thor.
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