Thanos/Zeus/Lord Marv-ell/FP Magnus/Thor vs Kryptonian Race
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This doesn't include Superman, Supergirl, Zod, or Powergirl.
Can the team win this against the 100k kryptonians?
Originally posted by carver9
Can the team win this against the 100k kryptonians?
100,000. It's a really big number.
Where does this battle take place?
I ask only because depending on the location, it's possible, not likely however, that Zeus just goes full Skyfather mode.
The combination of Zatanna's spell work and Freddy Freeman-Shazam's magic was able to briefly incapacitate 10,000 of the Kryptonians iirc (someone correct me if the number is off, btw). You would think that Zeus, who is significantly far more powerful than either of them and who possess potent magic in spades would be able to do something similar but to a greater degree.
But the likelihood is dubious.
Team Thanos wins. They can't ever put Thanos down and he took out billions without clothes and while feral.
Kryptonians ftw.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Team Thanos wins. They can't ever put Thanos down and he took out billions without clothes and while feral.
No, they can't kill Thanos. They can put him down long enough for a forum win.
And..billions? Billions of what? Kryptonians? I thought not.
Zeus spray magically lighting to kill off Kryptonian like flies.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
The combination of Zatanna's spell work and Freddy Freeman-Shazam's magic was able to briefly incapacitate 10,000 of the Kryptonians iirc (someone correct me if the number is off, btw). You would think that Zeus, who is significantly far more powerful than either of them and who possess potent magic in spades would be able to do something similar but to a greater degree.
But the likelihood is dubious.
When they start getting to these numbers they basically start turning into cannon fodder
Originally posted by SuperiorTech
When they start getting to these numbers they basically start turning into cannon fodder
That's the reason i personally hated the New Krypton arc. I threw that shit in the garbage after a few issues.
Originally posted by vansonbee
Zeus spray magically lighting to kill off Kryptonian like flies.
LOL he did swat away all the Eternals in Olympia except for Zuras

Anyone saying this team has a chance doesn't have a clear concept of the number 100,000
Originally posted by Cogito
No, they can't kill Thanos. They can put him down long enough for a forum win.
And..billions? Billions of what? Kryptonians? I thought not. They don't have a cc ready and I don't see them even harming him to be honest. Plus you have Zeus just bucking k-nians and Mar-vell just swatting them away.
Lord Feron
Mother ****ing Zues!
They will never be able to hurt Zeus.
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