Spider-Man vs Batman and Green Arrow
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Starscream M
Fight in New York.
Who wins?
Spiderman crushes them.
Team beats that ass
Originally posted by iceman24567
Team beats that ass
Da** lie.
Team for a healthy majority.
If he does want them to they won't touch him
Originally posted by golem370
If he does want them to they won't touch him
Don't worry, he'll want it plenty

Originally posted by iceman24567
Team beats that ass
If CIS is on for Spider-man the team will put up a fight. If CIS is off they wont. But he takes it either way. uhuh
Originally posted by SamZED
If CIS is on for Spider-man the team will put up a fight. If CIS is off they wont. But he takes it either way. uhuh

the ninjak
Spidey won't get tagged and will web them from skilled distance.
And will keep webbing them until he can cave their heads in or they go unconscious from lack of oxygen. If Bats is fortunate enough to put on some kind of oxygen mask. Spidey rips the chuck of web out of the ground with Bruce in it and swings it around and throws Bats into BFRville.
CPT Space Bomb
Spider-man Wins. Give team prep they win.
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