Battle of the Brains: Man vs. Machine
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High Evolutionary
Cyborg Superman
Mr. Sinister
Dr. Doom
The Joker
Reed Richards
Tony Stark
Lex Luthor
Hank Pym
Black Panther
Everyone can use whatever STANDARD resources they have access to (tech,money,magic, army, etc.)
1) 1 day prep
2) 1 week prep
3) 1 month prep
"machines" win and most of them arent machines
Iyo, what seals it for Team Machine?
EDIT: I just realized the god damn Joker is on the Man team. WTF? He hurts the team more than he contributes.
I'm confused by the team breakdown - the classification of some as machine and other as men...
That said, Team 2 is stacked with walking plot devices. With all that prep, they'd win. w/o prep, or with maybe an hour prep, they'd get stomped hard.
CPT Space Bomb
Men win. Doom, Reed, and Bruce = win.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
EDIT: I just realized the god damn Joker is on the Man team. WTF? He hurts the team more than he contributes.
Comment of the week, easily.
It was over when u added prep time. Doom, Reed, Bruce & Lex!! It's a stomp!!
HE > Doom/Reed
CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by shokosugi
HE > Doom/Reed Has HE ever become God? If not, then sorry.
Originally posted by shokosugi
HE > Doom/Reed
sinister is a machine ?
Team Men win
Though half of team "machine" aren't machines.
Anti-Celestial gun FTW.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Iyo, what seals it for Team Machine?
EDIT: I just realized the god damn Joker is on the Man team. WTF? He hurts the team more than he contributes. they have a better resource base: power cosmic + annihilation wave. everyone of them can contribute with some very high end tech and tactics, while a few in the men team are a bit outclassed here. ultimately, HE/brainaic/ultron seal the deal for them as they outweigh the reed/doom/stark combo IMO, in great part thanks to HE.
ummm, don't think the wave would be considered 'standard' resources....
men crush other men and their machine friends.....
Originally posted by leonidas
ummm, don't think the wave would be considered 'standard' resources....
men crush other men and their machine friends..... why not? it's his empire. I personally consider HE to be above doom or richards individually and now he has the power cosmic.
i'd take doom and reed over he everytime. and doom has easily drained pc at least twice. i'm thinking doom would be the one with pc at the end of this....
as for the wave--it took him years from what i remember to gather that force. in a month i suppose he could try and put something together but it still doesn't seem like it should be allowed here. even if it were, as soon as annihilus is killed it would fall apart.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Iyo, what seals it for Team Machine?
EDIT: I just realized the god damn Joker is on the Man team. WTF? He hurts the team more than he contributes.
They can be glad it's only the Joker and not Carver, that would hurt more. sneer
Originally posted by leonidas
i'd take doom and reed over he everytime. and doom has easily drained pc at least twice. i'm thinking doom would be the one with pc at the end of this....
as for the wave--it took him years from what i remember to gather that force. in a month i suppose he could try and put something together but it still doesn't seem like it should be allowed here. even if it were, as soon as annihilus is killed it would fall apart. meh I disagree, HE is beyond them. I remember doom drooling all over his isotope G or whatever and while reed couldnt come close to undoing the effects of m-day even with help from beast adn pym, the HE figured out a way to reproduce the celestial's work. HE didnt just acquire some PC, he carved himself a role in the workings of the cosmos, elevating himself to godhood once again. besides, he would have the power cosmic and cosmic awareness to prep with, that alone gives his team an unsormountable advantage.
even without going into who is intellectually superior, I dont see doom taking the PC from a cosmically aware foe who specifically prepped to fight against him on his best day.
I understand Annie has reformed the wave in the negative zone. should he still wield the the opposing force, that's two people with power cosmic and practically limitless resources on team one.
furthermore, team one excells in both physics/engineering and biological manipulation, including superhuman augmentation while team 2 is stacked with engineering gearheads.
are we forgetting about brainiac? this guys pretty smart/tough too.
Cyborg Superman is also able to control any type of machine or device from doom/reed/pym/stark. even the ultimate nullifier, etc.
Team machine is pretty formidable.
Apoc/Sinister/etc.was added to give to team machine to give it more diversity in power set.
Originally posted by shokosugi
Cyborg Superman is also able to control any type of machine or device from doom/reed/pym/stark. even the ultimate nullifier, etc.
as a matter of fact, that IS a good point. i'd not even noticed the borg on there. he could be a very large problem, no doubt about it.
@753 we'll simply disagree on he vs doom/reed. and while true they are gearheads, they both just have too many on-panel pis-style inventions. if they work together, they just have too many things to pull out of their collective arses to lose. if the wave IS reconstituted and IS allowable, of course that would be a problem as well.....
still, going with the guys, but between you and shoko, i do think the machines can take some and i can see why you think they could take a majority.
HE, Ultron, Cyborg Superman, Brainiac and Celestial tech -who cares about Apocalypse?- are actually a very big threat to team men. Specially backed with armies from the Negative Zone and herald levelers.
Team men has better preppers, but team 2 wins on resources alone.
i give team men a slight edge due to Dooms access to magic.
1- Team 1 stomp
2- Edge to Team 2
3- Team 2 stomp
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