Blade vs. Kraven
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1. Fight on NYC at night
2. Fight in a jungle at night.
Standard equipment for both.
Who wins?
who has he beaten? I know T'Challa, Punisher, and Spiderman have all beaten him if I'm not mistaken.
You're thinking of Kraven's son. He's nowhere near as impressive as the original. THE Kraven has never lost to T'chala or Punisher.
Check this. Snaps the monster's hand like a twig.
The orig Kraven recently defeated Black Panther, Storm had to save his ass.
tbf BP isnt what he used to be and he was drugged with a dart throughout most of the fight.
For the record, Kraven has also defeated Spider-man (CIS on), put up a decent fight against bloodlusted Spider-man, defeated Vermin, put up a fight against Deadpool, dodged his gunshot at almost point blank and even stunned him for a minute (with his tech but still). Oh also Sabertooth is very pissed at Sergei for what happened in Africa a long ime ago, we can only guess what Kraven did to him.

Originally posted by SamZED
THE Kraven has never lost to T'chala
What about that book in which BP energy dagger'd him to near death? Was it a doppelganger? I think it had to be one... either that or Kraven travelled in time... everything is possible in the MU.
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
What about that book in which BP energy dagger'd him to near death? Was it a doppelganger? I think it had to be one... either that or Kraven travelled in time... everything is possible in the MU. Its been a long time but if i remember correctly T'chala fought Sergei's son.
Originally posted by SamZED
Its been a long time but if i remember correctly T'chala fought Sergei's son.
Looked exactly like Kraven...
Brb, I'm going to find scans.
Originally posted by Stryder Hiryu
almost kills Kraven until Iron Man intervenes
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
All Kravens look alike but yeah, think it is Sergei. Makes me wonder why T'chala said in the recent issue that he's never fought Kraven in the past, but only his son. Could be writers mistake. Either way, doesnt this fight seem a bit.. CISy?
Originally posted by SamZED
All Kravens look alike but yeah, think it is Sergei. Makes me wonder why T'chala said in the recent issue that he's never fought Kraven in the past, but only his son. Could be writers mistake. Either way, doesnt this fight seem a bit.. CISy?
Yes, it does. And wasn't he still dead in that era? ermm
Too bad Wanda didn't keep dressing like that droolio
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Yes, it does. And wasn't he still dead in that era? ermm
Too bad Wanda didn't keep dressing like that droolio That's what i was wondering.. Think he was dead, unless it was some kind of flashback.

Originally posted by SamZED
That's what i was wondering.. Think he was dead, unless it was some kind of flashback.
Doesn't seem likely for it to be a flashback... that's modern Panther with energy daggers and vibranium suit (Priest's run?). And look at the Avengers.
It bugs me. Hopefully we'll get an answer soon from some BP fan (looking at you Trackz

so did which kraven was it that lost to the punisher...
Originally posted by Trackz
so did which kraven was it that lost to the punisher...
Alyosha Kravinoff.
Kraven died in the story written in 1987

Kraven's Last Hunt. He's been resurrected just recently.
anyway, they seem comparable, they've both taken on spiderman and held their own (although both times Blade fougt a blood lusted vampire spider and the second time he was weakened) and for the strength feat I'm sure people have seen the scan of Blade ripping Draconis' head off
Silent Guardian
Blade easily.
And Kraven didn't beat Black Panther. In there recent fight Panther was depowered and drugged, and Kraven was using a metahuman that had powers similar to Tera from Teen Titans. Yet Panther still beat him.
I wouldn't say easily. Kraven has a good shot.
Silent Guardian
yeah Kraven has about as good a shot as he does with Spider-Man or a non-depowered Black Panther.
Only difference is Blade won't hesitate to kill him if it comes down to it
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