Doom & Ultron vs. Loki & Kang

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1. No prep
2.2 days prep

Doom prevails.

Taking any team with Loki right now. He is the prep king. The current Journey Into Mystery is why I love comics. Gillen and Braithwaite do the trickster justice. Best fukkin book in the pull list! Hands down!

Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Taking any team with Loki right now. He is the prep king. The current Journey Into Mystery is why I love comics. Gillen and Braithwaite do the trickster justice. Best fukkin book in the pull list! Hands down!

thumb up thumb up

Originally posted by leonidas
thumb up thumb up

I should get compensation for my rousing advertisement..
stick out tongue

Kang and Loki are the better preppers -I mean with just two days prep-. In straight combat against Ultron there may be some trouble, but they can use unorthodox combat to take him down -bfr etc.-.

CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
The current Journey Into Mystery is why I love comics. Gillen and Braithwaite do the trickster justice. He is pretty interesting right now I must say.
Originally posted by Bentley
Kang and Loki are the better preppers -I mean with just two days prep-. In straight combat against Ultron there may be some trouble, but they can use unorthodox combat to take him down -bfr etc.-. Comon now, I like Kang but I wouldn't say he's a better Prepper than Doom. Sure the Beyonder bit was retconned into a cosmic cube, but at the time it was still valid. And he's still got tons of monster feats as well. Give me Doom/ Ultron. Especially since Doom has and will give Ultron that disintegrater beam again.


Kang has a few multiversal feats under his belt, that is, not using outside artifacts. Even at conventional warfare he's a force to be reckoned not to even talk about the potential of his time-manipulation...

However, I consider Doom to be the best prepper overall, he has shown more creativity, more willingness to go all out and more variety when it comes to resources -he's a magician after all-. Kang in the other hand is a better manipulator. The problem here is that, because of his vastly superior resources, Kang has a huge advantage with short periods of prep, Doom should eventually catch up with him, but two days is not nearly enough -much less backed by a magic adept such as Loki, Doom is completely outmatched here-.

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