I admit... we have some intelligent people on KMC with a versatile imagination. If you were writing these stories, how would they go if you were the person with the pencil writing these battles? Who would you have win the fight and how would that person win?
Please write a story on each battle. Lets test your talent. Lets see who will be the next Stan Lee. You dont have to write one for all. Just choose the one you like and give us or other talented writers some ideas. If you dont like the battles on my list, feel free to create your own.
Superman vs Thor
Nova Prime vs Zod
Orion vs Thor
Magneto vs Doctor Poloris
Wolverine vs the Bat Family
Thanos vs Darkseid
Wonder Woman vs Gamora
Slade vs Gorgon
The Xmen vs Teen Titans (make your own line up)
Silver Surfer vs Firestorm
Cant think of anymore but how would these play out? Lets see what stories you can come up with.
Please write a story on each battle. Lets test your talent. Lets see who will be the next Stan Lee. You dont have to write one for all. Just choose the one you like and give us or other talented writers some ideas. If you dont like the battles on my list, feel free to create your own.
Superman vs Thor
Nova Prime vs Zod
Orion vs Thor
Magneto vs Doctor Poloris
Wolverine vs the Bat Family
Thanos vs Darkseid
Wonder Woman vs Gamora
Slade vs Gorgon
The Xmen vs Teen Titans (make your own line up)
Silver Surfer vs Firestorm
Cant think of anymore but how would these play out? Lets see what stories you can come up with.