Iron Man and Wonder Man vs Nova Prime and Drax
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This is "Riddick" Drax. Fight takes place in Pym's infinity mansion. Battle is for membership in the Avengers. If Nova and Drax win, they get Tony and Simon's roster spots while Tony and Simon have to live in space.
If IM and WM are smart they take the fight to the air leaving it a 2 on 1 scenario. Even though there's a good chance Nova still out does them.
This could go either way, but I'm giving Nova/Drax small majority.
WM is physically more powerful than Nova, so Simon needs to fight at close quarters for his team to have a chance. Right now, Richard is too much of an strategy to be a prey of this two.
the ninjak
Can Wonderman's particles be gravitated into the earth?
How malleable is he truly? And does he have a limit/pain threshold?
Originally posted by the ninjak
Can Wonderman's particles be gravitated into the earth?
How malleable is he truly? And does he have a limit/pain threshold?
He can be damaged, but his durability is up there with the highest Marvel tiers. Ryder should be able to hurt him, but since WM levitates, he can arguably fight off basic gravity manipulation.
the ninjak
How does being able to levitate negate being crushed to the ground with extreme gravity?
No idea

the ninjak
Nova wins.
Ironman still has a whiles to go.
Originally posted by Bentley
WM is physically more powerful than Nova, so Simon needs to fight at close quarters for his team to have a chance. Right now, Richard is too much of an strategy to be a prey of this two. I'd say that they're about even physically. But Nova can amp.
Originally posted by dmills
I'd say that they're about even physically. But Nova can amp.
I'm getting that you think Nova is physically on par with Sentry?
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Nova solos
This. Team 1 isn't doing jack vs a legit high herald like Nova Prime. Simon's way too one dimensional and I find IM underwhelming.
Originally posted by zopzop
This. Team 1 isn't doing jack vs a legit high herald like Nova Prime. Simon's way too one dimensional and I find IM underwhelming.
kinda kidding about the solo.. he has the potential to, but it would be hard because of Tony and his "bleeding edge" toy. Simon would be a beetch to handle as well. Drax is more a distraction here since he's sorta gimped without the ability to fly. Plus he's not even close to being in the same levels of str and dur compared to his previous incarnation.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
kinda kidding about the solo.. he has the potential to, but it would be hard because of Tony and his "bleeding edge" toy. Simon would be a beetch to handle as well. Drax is more a distraction here since he's sorta gimped without the ability to fly. Plus he's not even close to being in the same levels of str and dur compared to his previous incarnation.
I believe Drax is still class 100. Just nowhere near his previous levels. Check out the Drax mini. And he's was still strong enough to effect Thanos physically.
Team 2 wins. Nova's not soloing.
Originally posted by dmills
I believe Drax is still class 100. Just nowhere near his previous levels. Check out the Drax mini. And he's was still strong enough to effect Thanos physically.
u talking about the one prior to Annihilation?
I love when people act shocked that Rider is a legit class 100. I can make the case with panels that he's in that Wonderman, Namor class of strength on average. Far above them if we count striking power.
As far as Sentry goes, I can't make that case with feats. Only speculation -unless we count proxy feats from Supernova-
Originally posted by Bentley
WM is physically more powerful than Nova...
Is he?
Richard was holding his own with that female Gladiator, and he wasn't tapping the full Nova Force when he did it.
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