Rematch: Juggernaut vs Onslaught h2h
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No bullshit gem stealing, no bfr
Who wins?
Onslaught already beat Juggernaut in a fist fight. Punched him from one side of the states to the other.
Cain's been upgraded, carv.
Originally posted by carver9
Onslaught already beat Juggernaut in a fist fight. Punched him from one side of the states to the other. After stealing the gem and making him powerless, so he punched a human across the country nothing special there...also no bfr here.
Originally posted by carver9
Onslaught already beat Juggernaut in a fist fight. Punched him from one side of the states to the other.
Actually no he didn't. There was no fight on panel, and Marvel has said in different bios that he was, "magnetically hurled", not punched. That story involving Juggernaut was crap and not much, if any, thought put into it.
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
Actually no he didn't. There was no fight on panel, and Marvel has said in different bios that he was, "magnetically hurled", not punched. That story involving Juggernaut was crap and not much, if any, thought put into it. Any links ?
Onslaught with ease............again
Originally posted by quanchi112
Any links ?
I can only find one Hand Book scan on my HD at the moment that says Onslaught threw him. This link shows the bio on which says he Magnetically threw him:
I know I have two other hand book scans on my external hard drive, but unfortunately I throw everything from music, movies, comics, old school files and pictures on it and don't labeled things properly. There is almost 30,000 files and over 3,000 folders to look through.
The problem had nothing to do with him throwing or punching Juggs to new Jersey. The problem is that Onslaught pierced Juggs like he was made out of jello. Now for years I argued PIS but since I got shut down and that Onslaught was a new character with no track record I started to accept it.
Regardless of the fact, this is spite since Onslaught can always mind rape Juggs after telekinetically and magnetically removing his helmet.
h1 this is hand to hand only.
Originally posted by h1a8
The problem had nothing to do with him throwing or punching Juggs to new Jersey.
I didn't say it was the problem, but it is part of the problem. People who haven't actually read the story tend to think he was beat in fisticuffs on panel which he wasn't. It is like when people say that Maestro killed Juggernaut or Thor, which he actuality did not. They may point to the "trophy room" which doesn't have any armor parts or the gem from Juggernaut, but at the same time it is NOT Maestro's trophy room. Rick explains what happened to the other big guns such as Thor who all died in the war.
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
I didn't say it was the problem, but it is part of the problem. People who haven't actually read the story tend to think he was beat in fisticuffs on panel which he wasn't. It is like when people say that Maestro killed Juggernaut or Thor, which he actuality did not. They may point to the "trophy room" which doesn't have any armor parts or the gem from Juggernaut, but at the same time it is NOT Maestro's trophy room. Rick explains what happened to the other big guns such as Thor who all died in the war.
Onslaught took his hand and went through Juggs chest with ease.
I'm thinking that if he can do that then he can easily beat Juggs if he wanted to.
Now I'm leaning on the side of PIS but what the hell do I know about Onslaught. He might have had universal power. For all we know Franklin Richards power could have amplified all of other abilities infinite fold. Almost how the power gem backs the other gems.
Juggernaut punches Onslaught.And Onslaught disappears but his voice is heard somewhere saying "BEHOLD MY MIGHTY HAND!" then he appears out of nowhere towering over Juggernaut saying "NO ONE IS SAFE!"Onslaught does his mighty hand maneuver on Juggernaut.Juggernaut is KO'ed in the process.
Originally posted by h1a8
Onslaught took his hand and went through Juggs chest with ease.
I don't know why you are posting this, I know this and have read the issue. The gem wasn't supposed to be there in the first place, Juggernaut has an unbreakable shield and his durability is probably the best on Marvel earth.
My initial post was just adding more info on what Carver posted, which was the two's first encounter. But if you take a look at the issue when the gem is ripped out in their second encounter, Onslaught says that Juggernaut can't be killed, as long as he is connected to the power. If Juggernaut was smarter, he could use his shield to prevent Onslaught from getting to his helmet. With that taken into account, I don't see how Onslaught would beat him.
Juggs is suppose to have a helmet and a skull cap.
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
I don't know why you are posting this, I know this and have read the issue. The gem wasn't supposed to be there in the first place, Juggernaut has an unbreakable shield and his durability is probably the best on Marvel earth.
My initial post was just adding more info on what Carver posted, which was the two's first encounter. But if you take a look at the issue when the gem is ripped out in their second encounter, Onslaught says that Juggernaut can't be killed, as long as he is connected to the power. If Juggernaut was smarter, he could use his shield to prevent Onslaught from getting to his helmet. With that taken into account, I don't see how Onslaught would beat him.
Makes sense.
So do you thing the hand going through Juggs is PIS (never mind the gem)?
Originally posted by Nihilist
After stealing the gem and making him powerless, so he punched a human across the country nothing special there...also no bfr here.
I can tell you didnt even read the story. Cain had his powers when Onslaught pimp smacked him across the continent. When Cain lost the gem, he was abandoned/thrown inside the realm of Cytorrak. Stranged aided him in receiving his powers because Strange showed him a vision of Cytorrak borrowing Cain body, killing every being on the planet. Cain battles Cytorrak, gets his power back and never see Onslaught again.
Cain was at 100% when he got smacked.
Originally posted by carver9
I can tell you didnt even read the story. Cain had his powers when Onslaught pimp smacked him across the continent. When Cain lost the gem, he was abandoned/thrown inside the realm of Cytorrak. Stranged aided him in receiving his powers because Strange showed him a vision of Cytorrak borrowing Cain body, killing every being on the planet. Cain battles Cytorrak, gets his power back and never see Onslaught again.
Cain was at 100% when he got smacked.

What Onslaught did fudged Juggs powers, otherwise he wouldnt have been able to do what he did.
Zack Fair
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
I didn't say it was the problem, but it is part of the problem. People who haven't actually read the story tend to think he was beat in fisticuffs on panel which he wasn't. It is like when people say that Maestro killed Juggernaut or Thor, which he actuality did not. They may point to the "trophy room" which doesn't have any armor parts or the gem from Juggernaut, but at the same time it is NOT Maestro's trophy room. Rick explains what happened to the other big guns such as Thor who all died in the war.
Onslaught still wins. It took Hulk losing his mind to reach enough strength to bust through Onslaught's armor, and even then that was what Onslaught wanted in the first place, so even that is iffy.
Originally posted by h1a8
So do you thing the hand going through Juggs is PIS (never mind the gem)?
Yes. The idea is ridiculous, and the art making it look like a child picking something up with their pointer finger and thumb, made it worse.
Originally posted by carver9
Stranged aided him in receiving his powers because Strange showed him a vision of Cytorrak borrowing Cain body, killing every being on the planet. Cain battles Cytorrak, gets his power back and never see Onslaught again.
Not quite. It was two others who entered the gem and helped Marko out. They showed him that if he kept the power, he would lead a path of destruction and eventually destroy all the ones he loved.
Also, there is no on panel fight or a description of what went down, besides Cain being hurled or thrown. Seeing as Juggs did not have a scratch or bruise on him (only torn cloths), Onslaught may have messed heavily with his mind, which to a degree was mentioned (his memory loss). Even with his helmet on, if the psychic can create a physical manifestation of their powers (i.e. Psylocke's psi-blade) they can go through the helmet. Onslaught being psionic entity, that would be no problem to replicate.
Even if Onslaught did cause some type of physical injury, Cain has a healing factor that would have or should have healed those injuries in mere seconds. Unlike Hulk, his healing factor isn't dependent on his rage or anger level nor should it be able to be taxed.
psycho gundam
hulk stomps both of them
Zack Fair
Hulk solos the omniverse.
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
Yes. The idea is ridiculous, and the art making it look like a child picking something up with their pointer finger and thumb, made it worse.
I agree. What made me think it was plausible in the past though was:
1. Franklin Richards Celestial level power may be enough to either grant Onslaught the necessary strength or just warp reality enough so that he can achieve the feat. A similar feat is when the Queen of Fables used reality warping to snap WW's lasso with ease.
2. Onslaught has no other showings to contradict the feat.
Originally posted by h1a8
I agree. What made me think it was plausible in the past though was:
1. Franklin Richards Celestial level power may be enough to either grant Onslaught the necessary strength or just warp reality enough so that he can achieve the feat. A similar feat is when the Queen of Fables used reality warping to snap WW's lasso with ease.
2. Onslaught has no other showings to contradict the feat.
Onslaught didnt have Nate or Franklin powers when he curbed Juggernaut. He was only filled with Xavier and Mags powers. Imagine what a full power Onslaught would do. A Onslaught that has Nate and Franks powers.
Can we all say "curb stomp"?
psycho gundam
Originally posted by carver9
Onslaught didnt have Nate or Franklin powers when he curbed Juggernaut. He was only filled with Xavier and Mags powers. he would have had to read the comics to know that
Originally posted by carver9
Imagine what a full power Onslaught would do. A Onslaught that has Nate and Franks powers. hulk crushed that version

Originally posted by psycho gundam
he would have had to read the comics to know that
hulk crushed that version
I know

Originally posted by Zack Fair
Hulk solos the omniverse.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
he would have had to read the comics to know that
hulk crushed that version
Plus that Hulk was beyond all other Hulks that ever lived.
Originally posted by h1a8
Plus that Hulk was beyond all other Hulks that ever lived.
Please no one respond to this mess.
F*ck Onslaught, f*ck what happened in the comic with the damn gem.
Juggernaut wins because he wins.
Originally posted by carver9
Please no one respond to this mess.

Originally posted by Nihilist
No bullshit gem stealing, no bfr
Who wins?
lolz my boy onslaught beats Juggernaut again
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