Mad Jim Jaspers vs Legion vs Jaime Braddock vs The First Fallen
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MJJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Legion>>>>>>>>>>Jaime>>>>>>>>>First Fallen
Mad Jim Jasper with runner-up Jaime Braddock
Power Cosmic II
MJJ. What did the first fallen do? wasn't he the anti-PF...didn't see too much of him.
I think Marvel dropped the ball with the First Fallen
Seemed he was more powerful than Jaime
Not enough to gauge
And yall this is the 'true' Legion

MJJ or Braddock ftw, they both have completely insane reality warping feats, with the edge to MJJ.
Sir James Jaspers.
Legion's feats seemed more impressive to me... srug
Originally posted by guy222
I think Marvel dropped the ball with the First Fallen
Seemed he was more powerful than Jaime
Not enough to gauge
And yall this is the 'true' Legion
The First Fallen is meant to be a force. Just like the Phoenix Force. Jamie was meant to be its host.
I'd roll with Jaspers in a battle royale. Unless someone inexplicably makes the realization that teleporting him to unspace neutralizes his powers (which is assinine in of itself since he'd still have his own mass, and as such, reality, to manipulate), the others would be extremely hard pressed to put him down, and the longer he's on the battlefield the harder it would be to kill him.
Originally posted by MF DELPH
(which is assinine in of itself since he'd still have his own mass, and as such, reality, to manipulate)
Originally posted by celestialdemon
So much. So very much.
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