Deathstroke (with Promethium Upgrade) VS Wolverine
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Deathstroke (with Promethium upgrade) VS Wolverine
slade gets his skeleton laced with depleted promethium & has claws attached as well. slade also has his standard gear. fight takes place in a forest at dusk. fight ends when one of them is permanently destroyed.
who wins?
1. No prep
2. Both get prep
Slade doesn't need the upgrades to pwn Wolverine.
Originally posted by cdtm
Slade doesn't need the upgrades to pwn Wolverine.
ya, he does.
Originally posted by wildernesss
ya, he does.
His gear can hurt Superboy, and his healing factor and damage soak is good enough to take claw damage, and he's fast enough to minimize what damage he does take.
Originally posted by cdtm
His gear can hurt Superboy, and his healing factor and damage soak is good enough to take claw damage, and he's fast enough to minimize what damage he does take.
none of that is good enough against someone with logan's HF, durability,fighting ability, and speed.
logan's claws have cut thor open & left him bleeding. thor>superboy
Sin I AM
not slashing durabilty wise he aint
Originally posted by Sin I AM
not slashing durabilty wise he aint
my point is that i doubt slade could cut thor open like logan can; anyhow, it wasn't specified which of slade's gear can hurt superboy & how.
no upgrades neccessary.
*Waits 4 logan fanatics*
Whats the difference in a "Logan fanatic" and a "Logan Hater"?
No Upgrade needed for an even split imho.
The upgrades are a start, but they still fail to address what is Wolverine's biggest advantage: his healing factor. It might be a lame win, but he'd still probably outlast Deathstroke at the very least in the no prep match.
Deathstroke probably wins with prep though.
Originally posted by wildernesss
ya, he does.
No he doesn't
Originally posted by cdtm
His gear can hurt Superboy, and his healing factor and damage soak is good enough to take claw damage, and he's fast enough to minimize what damage he does take.
That same grenade failed to ko Robin, hurting SB was PIS.

Originally posted by Aries_04
No he doesn't
Wolverine is faster, stronger, exponentially more skilled and his healing factor is several of orders of magnitude better then Slade's on a logarithmic scale. Wolverine would stomp Slade 10/10 in a no prep match.
slade takes a majority without prep and 10/10 with it. Wolverine is not faster either.
And of course youd wanna state the lowest showing for the damage slades gear does as the norm, because thats what you do with ever single slade attribute.
Originally posted by namorsubby
slade takes a majority without prep and 10/10 with it. Wolverine is not faster either.
And of course youd wanna state the lowest showing forthe damage slades staff does as the norm, because thats what you do with ever single slade attribute.
Not the low showings, just the majority showings.
Slade stands - literally - no chance of defeating Wolverine in a straight up fight. But you are right, with prep Slade wins 10/10 in a one sided landslide of pure ass kicking.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Not the low showings, just the majority showings.
Slade stands - literally - no chance of defeating Wolverine in a straight up fight. But you are right, with prep Slade wins 10/10 in a one sided landslide of pure ass kicking. If you take slades consistent showings as the norm he can easily outreact wolverine and engage him in a group with captain america and a few other assorted heroes.
Please explain how he stands "no chance"
Originally posted by namorsubby
If you take slades consistent showings as the norm he can easily outreact wolverine and engage him in a group with captain america and a few other assorted heroes.
Please explain how he stands "no chance"
Bullshit. First of all Slade fighting off "groups of heroes" is not his norm or a representation of his majority representation. Are you honestly going to straight face suggest that more then 50% of Slade's appearances are of him fighting teams? They aren't. Not even 10% of his appearances are of him fighting teams. Secondly, he hardly ever beats those teams. Thirdly he almost always has prep. Fourthly the "team" is usually a mismatch of several Teen Titans, who stumble all over themselves (and still usually ends up running away).
Wolverine would walk all over Slade in a straight up fight. Even limited to just his fists with no claws, and he would still steam roll Slade. He is too strong, too fast, too skilled, and too hard to put down.
first off, I said consistent, not majority. Does wolverine have to heal from a skeleton more than every other issue to prove hes capable of it? No. Slade can beat teams with and without prep, its proven.........even if it doesnt happen every appearance. Be realistic.
No he wont. Hes definitely not faster. I doubt hes stronger. He obviously has a better hf, but slades is impressive. He also has armor(described as promethium at times), an assortment of weapons, and superior brain function/strategy.
Originally posted by namorsubby
first off, I said consistent, not majority. Does wolverine have to heal from a skeleton more than every other issue to prove hes capable of it? No. Slade can beat teams with and without prep, its proven.........even if it doesnt happen every appearance. Be realistic.
No he wont. Hes definitely not faster. I doubt hes stronger. He obviously has a better hf, but slades is impressive. He also has armor(described as promethium at times), an assortment of weapons, and superior brain function/strategy.
Slade has not shown he can constantly beat teams with or without prep. He almost always is prepped when he fights a team, and he still usually loses. The first legitimate when he has over the Titans wasn't even until the crappy mid 90s Titans box, and that didn't even feature the classic Titans roster (and he was prepped). He has some limited success against fighting the Titans in a group because frankly they have awful team work, they are sloppy, inexperienced and they end up getting into each others way. That's why Green Arrow was so happy that JLE got into a fight with the JSA while they were undercover and not - specifically - the Titans. It's the same reason all the X-Men Academy Teams have been effortlessly solo'd by one of the senior X-Men. It's why Black Panther beat the New Warriors. It's why Marvel Boy beat the Runaways. There then that one good showing against the JLA (PIS) and Outsiders (also PIS) isn't even close to showing he can "constant" beat teams, and even if it was we've seen pretty plainly that how he operates with prep and how he operates with out prep are two completely different beasts.
Slade stands no chance of beating Wolverine without prep time.
I disagree completely. Slade is capable of engaging teams teams with and without prep because hes done it since his creation and throughout his history. You can fabricate any non comic supported excuse yowu please to explain it away, but it still stands. You cant undue his comic history with your overskeptical analysing and "explanations". He can because he does. Its simple.....but you like to complicate things.
Fine, show me way slade stands no chance....and ill show you why youre wrong. Lets
Originally posted by namorsubby
I disagree completely. Slade is capable of engaging teams teams with and without prep because hes done it since his creation and throughout his history. You can fabricate any non comic supported excuse yowu please to explain it away, but it still stands. You cant undue his comic history with your overskeptical analysing and "explanations". He can because he does. Its simple.....but you like to complicate things.
Fine, show me way slade stands no chance....and ill show you why youre wrong. Lets
What Slade has shown since his creation is that he is capable of engaging several members of the Teen Titans with prep and successfully run away and avoid capture / defeat. He rarely engages the entire team, he almost always has prep, and he still typically loses. That isn't me "undoing his history," that is me stating an undeniable fact. Wolverine's held his own against the X-Men, beaten Alpha Flight, the Winter Guard, most of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard minus Gladiator (twice), the majority of the New Warriors and his X-Men student class. He probably has a better win to lose ration against teams then Deathstroke does, and he didn't need prep to do it.
Look at a picture of Batman or Nightwing punching Slade. Then imagine they had foot long claws coming out of their hand. That's why Slade has no chance.
lol, so now wolverines a team antagonist? Please, srank.
What slade has proven is that he can engage teams period. Not just titans. Ask the jla, black canary/green arrow, outsiders, black canary/green arrow/others, etc. You say "lose" like they beat him most often while hes trying to over come them, when you know he simply accomplishes what he set out to do then leaves. Thats the only concern he has.
Lol you know good and well comics dont work like that srank. If batman or nightwing had lethal appendages on their hands, they wouldnt once get the opportunity to plunge it through his skull. They can hit him because it wont kill him. What about the opponents he faced with lethal weapons? Why didnt they kill him? Oh yeah, because thats comics.
Originally posted by namorsubby
lol, so now wolverines a team antagonist? Please, srank.
What slade has proven is that he can engage teams period. Not just titans. Ask the jla, black canary/green arrow, outsiders, black canary/green arrow/others, etc. You say "lose" like they beat him most often while hes trying to over come them, when you know he simply accomplishes what he set out to do then leaves. Thats the only concern he has.
Lol you know good and well comics dont work like that srank. If batman or nightwing had lethal appendages on their hands, they wouldnt once get the opportunity to plunge it through his skull. They can hit him because it wont kill him. What about the opponents he faced with lethal weapons? Why didnt they kill him? Oh yeah, because thats comics.
you listed bc/ga twice....anyway, even if you don't beleive that the caliber of the teams logan has pwned by himself are of the same level as slades's (they ARE) you really beleive slade could defeat the kind of opponents logan has beaten without prep? could you see slade defeating Hercules without prep? logan did in contest of champions 2. with BONE claws. Is slade beating the grey hulk without prep? do you think Bastion would retreat from slade as he did from logan during the first x-force arc? Is slade strong enough to fight rough house? or the sub-mariner? could slade cut thor open with a huge bleeding wound & take swinging blows from thor's hammer?
slade isn't beating logan; especially without prep.
Logan can take on powerful Bricks because he has the tools, however, Street and Metas can prove difficult for him as much as low+mid heralds, depends on their MA skill and their other abilities they can be even more dangerous.
So no ABC logic please.

Originally posted by namorsubby
lol, so now wolverines a team antagonist? Please, srank.
What slade has proven is that he can engage teams period. Not just titans. Ask the jla, black canary/green arrow, outsiders, black canary/green arrow/others, etc. You say "lose" like they beat him most often while hes trying to over come them, when you know he simply accomplishes what he set out to do then leaves. Thats the only concern he has.
Lol you know good and well comics dont work like that srank. If batman or nightwing had lethal appendages on their hands, they wouldnt once get the opportunity to plunge it through his skull. They can hit him because it wont kill him. What about the opponents he faced with lethal weapons? Why didnt they kill him? Oh yeah, because thats comics.
Like I said he has a better win to lose ratio then Slade. I've already mentioned the JLA and Outsiders fights, and they are both blatant PIS. Flash running into the sword of a stationary DS? How Green Lantern was beaten? Metamorpho? Geoforce? Blatant PIS. You can cite them if you'd like, but just keep in mind no one will take you seriously if you do. Slade preps for fights and he doesn't win them, you could - I suppose - argue that they aren't technically "loses" but that is just semantics. He runs away because he can't win, you might prefer to call it a tactical retreat, but it is a loss. Not that any of that matters, because that is all done with prep, without prep he has trouble one on one with streets, and without prep Wolverine would fold Slade up like a lawn chair.
That's not how comics work, but its how the forum works. Wolverine isn't going to kill Slade in a comic, because it's a comic, but he has no such limitations in a forum fight. There is no PIS enabled here or plot devices to save his opponents, unlike a comic fight where he is limited to glancing blows, and scratches, here he can fight to the best of his abilities, and he will hit Slade just as frequently (more so, but what ever) as Batman or Nightwing do, and all of his attacks will have three twelve inch blades on them. Wolverine will fight like he does in Wolverine: The Best There Is, and limbs will be coming off in seconds. Nightwing and Batman aren't allowed to hit a character because they won't kill them, other characters are forbidden from connecting cleanly because they will kill.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Wolverine is faster
No he is not.
Originally posted by Aries_04
No he is not.
'Fraid so.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Like I said he has a better win to lose ratio then Slade. I've already mentioned the JLA and Outsiders fights, and they are both blatant PIS. Flash running into the sword of a stationary DS? How Green Lantern was beaten? Metamorpho? Geoforce? Blatant PIS. You can cite them if you'd like, but just keep in mind no one will take you seriously if you do. Slade preps for fights and he doesn't win them, you could - I suppose - argue that they aren't technically "loses" but that is just semantics. He runs away because he can't win, you might prefer to call it a tactical retreat, but it is a loss. Not that any of that matters, because that is all done with prep, without prep he has trouble one on one with streets, and without prep Wolverine would fold Slade up like a lawn chair.
That's not how comics work, but its how the forum works. Wolverine isn't going to kill Slade in a comic, because it's a comic, but he has no such limitations in a forum fight. There is no PIS enabled here or plot devices to save his opponents, unlike a comic fight where he is limited to glancing blows, and scratches, here he can fight to the best of his abilities, and he will hit Slade just as frequently (more so, but what ever) as Batman or Nightwing do, and all of his attacks will have three twelve inch blades on them. Wolverine will fight like he does in Wolverine: The Best There Is, and limbs will be coming off in seconds. Nightwing and Batman aren't allowed to hit a character because they won't kill them, other characters are forbidden from connecting cleanly because they will kill.
You're acting like Slades sword wouldn't do the same thing as Wolverines claws. Most recent issue of Deathstroke in Flashpoint, he lopped off two or three heads in a row. That's how he fights, same thing could happen to logan. Not every fiber of his spine is adamantium you know.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
'Fraid so.
Fastest Wolverine has ever been is nearly superhuman. Slade has outright stated that he is superhumanly fast.
Originally posted by Aries_04
You're acting like Slades sword wouldn't do the same thing as Wolverines claws. Most recent issue of Deathstroke in Flashpoint, he lopped off two or three heads in a row. That's how he fights, same thing could happen to logan. Not every fiber of his spine is adamantium you know.
Wolverine has an Adamantium skeleton, that has been shown to remain in one solid piece independent of his muscles and tendons, and has been stated repeatedly as being impossible to pull part. His skeleton is interconnect in a way that allows for full mobility and yet prevents separation. Read comics.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Wolverine has an Adamantium skeleton, that has been shown to remain in one solid piece independent of his muscles and tendons, and has been stated repeatedly as being impossible to pull part. His skeleton is interconnect in a way that allows for full mobility and yet prevents separation. Read comics.
I do. But not most of the bullshit he's in.
A sword in the heart between the ribs might be hurtful and hinder Wolverine, doing enough Damage will ko him.
Originally posted by Aries_04
Fastest Wolverine has ever been is nearly superhuman. Slade has outright stated that he is superhumanly fast.
Wolverine has been stated to have super human speed several times, once he was even misidentified as a vampire directly because of that super speed. His combat speed reflexes, being the time it takes for him to chamber and throw a full extended punch, was even recorded on panel as being .038 seconds. Dude is faster then Slade.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
A sword in the heart between the ribs might be hurtful and hinder Wolverine, doing enough Damage will ko him.
Wolverine has had his heart blow up and wasn't even koed, had his heart ribbed out and eaten and still fought and killed the guy who did, and fought through being stabbed in the heart several times.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Wolverine has been stated to have super human speed several times, once he was even misidentified as a vampire directly because of that super speed. His combat speed reflexes, being the time it takes for him to chamber and throw a full extended punch, was even recorded on panel as being .038 seconds. Dude is faster then Slade.
And yet I've seen Wolverine get knocked the **** out by people slower than that.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Wolverine has had his heart blow up and wasn't even koed, had his heart ribbed out and eaten and still fought and killed the guy who did, and fought through being stabbed in the heart several times.
Well then Wolverine shouldn't be taken seriously. How the f*ck can you function without a heart? I'd be embarrassed to admit that if I were you.
Originally posted by Aries_04
And yet I've seen Wolverine get knocked the **** out by people slower than that.
I've seen Deathstroke been beat up by nameless joker henchmen, and redneck bar flies after trying to pick up under-aged girls.
Originally posted by Aries_04
Well then Wolverine shouldn't be taken seriously. How the f*ck can you function without a heart? I'd be embarrassed to admit that if I were you.
By regrowing it in seconds. Obviously.
Originally posted by Aries_04
I do. But not most of the bullshit he's in.
It's a common fact his head can't be cut off.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
By regrowing it in seconds. Obviously.
How can you regrow something from nothing?
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
DD with nerve strikes.
Originally posted by Aries_04
How can you regrow something from nothing?
Cellular memory.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Cellular memory.
Originally posted by Aries_04
DD with nerve strikes.
DD has better speed feats then Deathstroke, and that was Garth Ennis PIS anyway.
Originally posted by Aries_04
Welcome to comic books. How do people fly? dur
Originally posted by Aries_04
Well then Wolverine shouldn't be taken seriously. How the f*ck can you function without a heart? I'd be embarrassed to admit that if I were you.
It's comics dude. There are far more retarded things happening in this medium.
Originally posted by StyleTime
It's comics dude. There are far more retarded things happening in this medium.
Not more retarded than that.
Originally posted by Aries_04
Not more retarded than that.
You don't have to look very far Deadpool puts that shit to shame pretty easy.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Welcome to comic books. How do people fly? dur How does Slade react instanteneously? Its impossible. It doesnt make any sense and is therefore void although stated several times and supported with numerous insane speed feats. Welcome to comics.....
face it. Hes flat out faster than logan.
Originally posted by SuperiorTech
You don't have to look very far Deadpool puts that shit to shame pretty easy.
True......but I've never liked Deadpool. I've eliminated him from even comic reality. He's a joke.
Originally posted by namorsubby
How does Slade react instanteneously? Its impossible. It doesnt make any sense and is therefore void although stated several times and supported with numerous insane speed feats. Welcome to comics.....
Slade reacts instantly because there is no lag between his thought process and physical reaction time. Thought and action are one and the same for Wolverine too, only his thought and action happens faster than Slades.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Slade reacts instantly because there is no lag between his thought process and physical reaction time. Thought and action are one and the same for Wolverine too, only his thought and action happens faster than Slades. changing your tune are you?
Still wrong. Slades thought process is faster obviously. Why? Because his brainpower is superior.
they are roughly in the same tier of killing machines. DS aint destroying logan permanently, however. Logan wins by outlasting DS
people act as if logan cannot be koed by concussive force. In a few instances(like with wwh) it seems to be so, but what people need to realize is that logans durability is completely seperate from his hf. Hes not even bulletproof level durability. Whatever force,weapon, etc has to actually do its damage before he can heal. Some writers need to take that into consideration so that extremists can stop running around saying it takes no less than 100+ class opponents to ko him. Tell that to that grizzly
Originally posted by namorsubby
changing your tune are you?
Still wrong. Slades thought process is faster obviously. Why? Because his brainpower is superior.
Changing my tune? That is the same thing I brought up the last time you mentioned "instantaneous reaction"...
Berserker rage Wolverine's mind is the equivalent of a gold medal Olympic gymnast beating three super computers at chess simultaneously during their routine. His mind his enhanced as well, and his speed feats are better.
Originally posted by namorsubby
people act as if logan cannot be koed by concussive force. In a few instances(like with wwh) it seems to be so, but what people need to realize is that logans durability is completely seperate from his hf. Hes not even bulletproof level durability. Whatever force,weapon, etc has to actually do its damage before he can heal. Some writers need to take that into consideration so that extremists can stop running around saying it takes no less than 100+ class opponents to ko him. Tell that to that grizzly
We know Wolverine's durability is completely exclusive from his healing factor. It's why we have on panel narration where Wolverine says that a single hit from the Hulk liquifies all his internal organs, he just heals before the next punch lands. Wolverine's healing factor affords him damage soak on par with the durability of the top tier bricks, and in some cases higher. It's pretty well established.
Wolverine's never been koed by a grizzly bear.
^I think he means the Deer.
Originally posted by Aries_04
How can you regrow something from nothing? you cant, but wolverine can. his hf violates conservation of mass
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
^I think he means the Deer.
You mean, the deer that didn't ko him? Cool.

Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Changing my tune? That is the same thing I brought up the last time you mentioned "instantaneous reaction"...
Berserker rage Wolverine's mind is the equivalent of a gold medal Olympic gymnast beating three super computers at chess simultaneously during their routine. His mind his enhanced as well, and his speed feats are better. no you didnt. You said it didnt make sense, several times.
What happened to him reacting in .038 seconds or whatever? Remember that? Youre very forgetful
you either show me something that puts his processing power above slades or concede. Slades enhanced brain function is well known. Also, you know good and damn well he doesnt have better speed
Originally posted by namorsubby
people act as if logan cannot be koed by concussive force. In a few instances(like with wwh) it seems to be so, but what people need to realize is that logans durability is completely seperate from his hf. Hes not even bulletproof level durability. Whatever force,weapon, etc has to actually do its damage before he can heal. Some writers need to take that into consideration so that extremists can stop running around saying it takes no less than 100+ class opponents to ko him. Tell that to that grizzly if we average his showings out, logan can still soak more damage than DS would dish out in able time IMO. regardless, the op said this is to the death, hence logan wins
Originally posted by Aries_04
Not more retarded than that.
There are characters that alter reality itself by thinking about it. Wolverine isn't all that high on the wtf meter.
Originally posted by SuperiorTech
You don't have to look very far Deadpool puts that shit to shame pretty easy.
Wolverine himself has done more retarded things than the exploded heart.
Originally posted by namorsubby
people act as if logan cannot be koed by concussive force.
Who is acting like that?
Originally posted by namorsubby
no you didnt. You said it didnt make sense, several times.
What happened to him reacting in .038 seconds or whatever? Remember that? Youre very forgetful
you either show me something that puts his processing power above slades or concede. Slades enhanced brain function is well known. Also, you know good and damn well he doesnt have better speed
What I said the last time was that "instant" is a relative term. Slade has no lag between his reaction time and his thought process, so his reaction time is instant. Wolverine has no lag between his thought process and reaction time, so his reaction time is instant as well. Wolverine's instant reaction time is just faster then Slade's. Wolverine .038 second reaction time is instantaneous relative to his own speed and thought process, if he was the Flash who process the world at c, it would no longer appear to be instant.
Show me something that quantifies how fast Slade's brain works? Because so far all you have is the fact that he has "instantaneous reaction time." Well, so does Wolverine... and his speed feats are superior, ergo his mind works faster than Slade's.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
We know Wolverine's durability is completely exclusive from his healing factor. It's why we have on panel narration where Wolverine says that a single hit from the Hulk liquifies all his internal organs, he just heals before the next punch lands. Wolverine's healing factor affords him damage soak on par with the durability of the top tier bricks, and in some cases higher. It's pretty well established.
Wolverine's never been koed by a grizzly bear. your brain(an organ) gets liquified or damaged, you pass out, simple.
His skins not even bulletproof but he has the durability of a top teir brick? Yeah right.
Inconsistent writers error. Thats all it is
Originally posted by namorsubby
no you didnt. You said it didnt make sense, several times.
What happened to him reacting in .038 seconds or whatever? Remember that? Youre very forgetful
you either show me something that puts his processing power above slades or concede. Slades enhanced brain function is well known. Also, you know good and damn well he doesnt have better speed I feel like butting in on this debate. I'll accept that slade's reactions are instaneous or so fast they might as well be. still, some of his feats againdt speedsters are pis because his body movement is not instantaneous and should still be extremely slow compared to the better feats of reaction and motion the flash family and superman have. actually he should be standing still as far as theya re concerned.
now, DS might very well have faster reaction times than logan, but we cant really use him beating flash to the draw as evidence he'll blitz logan and DS still gets tagged by elite streets and low metas after all. all and all, he probably is faster but not enough for it to become the deciding factor IMO
Originally posted by StyleTime
There are characters that alter reality itself by thinking about it. Wolverine isn't all that high on the wtf meter.
Wolverine himself has done more retarded things than the exploded heart.
There are characters who can alter reality by flexing muscles.
Originally posted by namorsubby
your brain(an organ) gets liquified or damaged, you pass out, simple.
His skins not even bulletproof but he has the durability of a top teir brick? Yeah right.
Inconsistent writers error. Thats all it is
Unless said brain is regrown nigh instantly.
He doesn't have equal durability, he has equal damage soak afforded to him by his healing factor. It would take as much damage to put out Wolverine as it would to put down a top tier brick.
Originally posted by StyleTime
Wolverine himself has done more retarded things than the exploded heart.
I know he has a pretty comprehensive respect thread I find it ridiculous that anyone can look at Marvel as a whole and think that this shit even charts compared to what goes on.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
You mean, the deer that didn't ko him? Cool.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
What I said the last time was that "instant" is a relative term. Slade has no lag between his reaction time and his thought process, so his reaction time is instant. Wolverine has no lag between his thought process and reaction time, so his reaction time is instant as well. Wolverine's instant reaction time is just faster then Slade's. Wolverine .038 second reaction time is instantaneous relative to his own speed and thought process, if he was the Flash who process the world at c, it would no longer appear to be instant.
Show me something that quantifies how fast Slade's brain works? Because so far all you have is the fact that he has "instantaneous reaction time." Well, so does Wolverine... and his speed feats are superior, ergo his mind works faster than Slade's. lol you think you can slick talk your way out of everything. Either its .038 seconds or instantaneous. Not both.
Several statements saying he reacts instantaneously isnt quatifying how fast his brain works? So what, if they dont give you some number its not good enough to be valid? Wolverine doesnt even have instantaneous reflexes. Theres nothing to suggest he does besides you.
His speed feats are certainly not superior and you know it. You sure as hell couldnt prove it(because its not true)
Originally posted by 753
I feel like butting in on this debate. I'll accept that slade's reactions are instaneous or so fast they might as well be. still, some of his feats againdt speedsters are pis because his body movement is not instantaneous and should still be extremely slow compared to the better feats of reaction and motion the flash family and superman have. actually he should be standing still as far as theya re concerned.
now, DS might very well have faster reaction times than logan, but we cant really use him beating flash to the draw as evidence he'll blitz logan and DS still gets tagged by elite streets and low metas after all. all and all, he probably is faster but not enough for it to become the deciding factor IMO
Slade doesn't hit the Flash because of speed though, he hits him because he is able to accurately predict where Flash will be, and focus his attack there. Wolverine's done the same thing to Speed Demon. Midnighter has down it to several speedsters. It has more to do with speedsters jobbingly have a predictable pattern and running into shit, then the innate speed of any of those characters.
Unlike Slade, Wolverine has legitimate speed blitzes under his belt, several of them, and his actually speed feats, are far more numerous and impressive than most of what Slade has to offer.
My favorite posters are Carver, Quan and Srank.
Originally posted by namorsubby
lol you think you can slick talk your way out of everything. Either its .038 seconds or instantaneous. Not both.
Several statements saying he reacts instantaneously isnt quatifying how fast his brain works? So what, if they dont give you some number its not good enough to be valid? Wolverine doesnt even have instantaneous reflexes. Theres nothing to suggest he does besides you.
His speed feats are certainly not superior and you know it. You sure as hell couldnt prove it(because its not true)
Instant is not a unit of measure. It isn't quantifiable. It is relative. Not sure why that is difficult to understand. An instant for Flash, is not an instant for Nick Fury. .038 seconds is a quantifiable measurement of how fast Wolverine is able to throw a punch, which we know is happens instantly relative to his thought process. How fast is an instant for Slade? You don't know.
Wolverine has stated on panel that Psylock was unable to effectively read his mind because for him thought and action were one. She wasn't able to step in between the gab of thought and action, because Wolverine had relatively instantaneous reaction time. He said the same thing to one of the Cuckoos as well.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Unless said brain is regrown nigh instantly.
He doesn't have equal durability, he has equal damage soak afforded to him by his healing factor. It would take as much damage to put out Wolverine as it would to put down a top tier brick. lies....lies unsupported by feats.
differentiate damage soak and durability by definition for me, srank.
the instant his brain sustains the damage is the instant he is incapaciated. simple. A top teir brick wouldnt be incapacitated because he can take much more damage. Also simple.
inconsitent writer i said.
My favorite posters are Carver, Quan and Srank.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Slade doesn't hit the Flash because of speed though, he hits him because he is able to accurately predict where Flash will be, and focus his attack there. Wolverine's done the same thing to Speed Demon. Midnighter has down it to several speedsters. It has more to do with speedsters jobbingly have a predictable pattern and running into shit, then the innate speed of any of those characters.
Unlike Slade, Wolverine has legitimate speed blitzes under his belt, several of them, and his actually speed feats, are far more numerous and impressive than most of what Slade has to offer. well, some comics do imply or state he is "faster where it counts"
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Instant is not a unit of measure. It isn't quantifiable. It is relative. Not sure why that is difficult to understand. An instant for Flash, is not an instant for Nick Fury. .038 seconds is a quantifiable measurement of how fast Wolverine is able to throw a punch, which we know is happens instantly relative to his thought process. How fast is an instant for Slade? You don't know.
Wolverine has stated on panel that Psylock was unable to effectively read his mind because for him thought and action were one. She wasn't able to step in between the gab of thought and action, because Wolverine had relatively instantaneous reaction time. He said the same thing to one of the Cuckoos as well. his "instantaneous" is obviously faster as supported by superior feats.
Youre "flash just runs into stuff" arguement is really dumb. Slade just puts those things in his path fast enough....sometimes its his staff....sometimes his fist. Theyre all obvious reaction/speed feats. You and your over-analytical, supremely skeptical garbage. Theyre feats....just get over it, srank
Originally posted by namorsubby
lies....lies unsupported by feats.
differentiate damage soak and durability by definition for me, srank.
the instant his brain sustains the damage is the instant he is incapaciated. simple. A top teir brick wouldnt be incapacitated because he can take much more damage. Also simple.
inconsitent writer i said.
What do you think happens to brain of a man with relatively baseline human durability when he is punched by a character who one shots asteroids twice the size of the earth?
Durability measures resistance to injury before damage starts to stack, damage soak is how much damage you can take before death / incapacitation. Wolverine doesn't have much durability, but he has lots of damage soak. Alternatively a lot of bricks have relatively baseline human damage soak once their durability has been by passed. Punisher fighting after eating a shot gun to the chest and having a rib blown out of his body is damage soak, if he was durable enough for the blast to be ineffective, it would have been durability.
My favorite posters are Carver, Quan and Srank.
Originally posted by 753
well, some comics do imply or state he is "faster where it counts" dont mind him.....he just overcomplicates and effectively twists whats plainly obvious on panel. We all know theyre feats......and deep down, so does
My favorite posters are Carver, Quan and Srank.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
There are characters who can alter reality by flexing muscles.
snipped image

Originally posted by SuperiorTech
I know he has a pretty comprehensive respect thread I find it ridiculous that anyone can look at Marvel as a whole and think that this shit even charts compared to what goes on.
My favorite posters are Carver, Quan and Srank.
Originally posted by namorsubby
his "instantaneous" is obviously faster as supported by superior feats.
Youre "flash just runs into stuff" arguement is really dumb. Slade just puts those things in his path fast enough....sometimes its his staff....sometimes his fist. Theyre all obvious reaction/speed feats. You and your over-analytical, supremely skeptical garbage. Theyre feats....just get over it, srank
Show me a speed feat, that you feel is better then Wolverine's. Slade's best speed feat is jumping through a fan blade. Him hitting the Flash is not a speed feat. He predicts where Flash will be, and he hits him because Flash jobbingly runs into shit. Batman has done the same thing. Does Batman have light speed reflexes? No, he doesn't. It's not an over-analytical assessment, but it is an analytical one. I don't make references without look at the context in which they happened, and I will put the examples you cite under the same scrutiny. Slade throwing his staff out and Flash tripping on it is not a speed feat. Slade holding his sword behind his back and Flash running into it is not a speed feat. It has nothing to do with speed. He has a hard enough time compensating for Batman's speed.
Originally posted by Nihilus88
Slade has tagged Flashes a few times through sheer reflex. In the second major fight he had with the Titans, Wally Kid Flash tried blitzing him and got smacked aside. In the third issue of the currernt Teen Titans Bart Allen Kid Flash blitzed Slade and Stroke kicked him away.
The aforementioned "once or twice" that I cited originally.
Originally posted by Nihilus88
Like I said before, Srank is a double standardizing fangirl. He wants to overblow feats for characters he likes and downplay other characters. This is exactly why he got the hell kicked of him on Comicvine and came to this shithole.
Do yourselves a favor and ignore this douche., He couldn't tell his head from his ass to be perfectly honest.
Hey my troll is back! I missed you Dobby.
Are you worried someone might actually go to comicvine, read the horrendous excuse for a debates those two guys mustered, see how I owned them and notice that it took the days to respond, by which time I had stopped posting? Or no?
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
What do you think happens to brain of a man with relatively baseline human durability when he is punched by a character who one shots asteroids twice the size of the earth?
Durability measures resistance to injury before damage starts to stack, damage soak is how much damage you can take before death / incapacitation. Wolverine doesn't have much durability, but he has lots of damage soak. Alternatively a lot of bricks have relatively baseline human damage soak once their durability has been by passed. Punisher fighting after eating a shot gun to the chest and having a rib blown out of his body is damage soak, if he was durable enough for the blast to be ineffective, it would have been durability. durability is how much damage you can take, and so is damage soak. These are called synonyms. Top teir brick damage soak/durability is superior to logans. That is called a fact.
Stop splitting hairs for logans sake. Hes not anyawhere near top teir. Concussive force can, will, and has koed him.....yay or nay?
Originally posted by namorsubby
dont mind him.....he just overcomplicates and effectively twists whats plainly obvious on panel. We all know theyre feats......and deep down, so does well... I actually do think those are a manner of pis, but they are implied or stated to be speed bursts and superagility. take the one with DS suprising SM. he bounces off the wall and lands in front of an incoming truck, so what? how could movement at that speed opssibly baffle SM into actually fearing for slade's life? SM could have circled the planet and come back in time to get him out of the way.
Originally posted by namorsubby
durability is how much damage you can take, and so is damage soak. These are called synonyms. Top teir brick damage soak/durability is superior to logans. That is called a fact.
Stop splitting hairs for logans sake. Hes not anyawhere near top teir. Concussive force can, will, and has koed him.....yay or nay?
Durability is not how much damage you can take, it's how much damage you resist, it's not synonymous with damage soak. Durability is a one inch sheet of plate metal, damage soak is a sponge. If you hit a shit of metal with a hammer enough you will eventually damage or puncture it, a sponge will just go back to it's original forum. They are different. Wolverine doesn't resist any damage with his durability, he just repairs from it an bounces back to 100%.
Wolverine can be koed with concussive force, but his healing factor needs to be over loaded first. This is done through diminishing returns. A character needs to damage him enough that diminish returns starts to kick in, and he heals slower and slower from each subsequent attack, eventually being unable to recover faster enough to continue fighting.
Originally posted by namorsubby
durability is how much damage you can take, and so is damage soak. These are called synonyms. Top teir brick damage soak/durability is superior to logans. That is called a fact.
Stop splitting hairs for logans sake. Hes not anyawhere near top teir. Concussive force can, will, and has koed him.....yay or nay?
Damage soak is a broader term.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Show me a speed feat, that you feel is better then Wolverine's. Slade's best speed feat is jumping through a fan blade. Him hitting the Flash is not a speed feat. He predicts where Flash will be, and he hits him because Flash jobbingly runs into shit. Batman has done the same thing. Does Batman have light speed reflexes? No, he doesn't. It's not an over-analytical assessment, but it is an analytical one. I don't make references without look at the context in which they happened, and I will put the examples you cite under the same scrutiny. Slade throwing his staff out and Flash tripping on it is not a speed feat. Slade holding his sword behind his back and Flash running into it is not a speed feat. It has nothing to do with speed. He has a hard enough time compensating for Batman's speed. like i said, that arguement is dumb. Slades outmanuevering them plain and simple. Not only that, but slade has punched a flash running right at him. Go ahead, try some nonsensical overanalysis on that. Slades reacting to their movement.
Batman pis has nothing to do with slade. Forget it..
You can take the fan scan that says slades only enhanced 10 fold speedwise as his norm, but youd just be lowballing(as usual) and wrong(also as usual). Its a contradiction to the majority of his speed statements.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Durability is not how much damage you can take, it's how much damage you resist, it's not synonymous with damage soak. Durability is a one inch sheet of plate metal, damage soak is a sponge. If you hit a shit of metal with a hammer enough you will eventually damage or puncture it, a sponge will just go back to it's original forum. They are different. Wolverine doesn't resist any damage with his durability, he just repairs from it an bounces back to 100%.
Wolverine can be koed with concussive force, but his healing factor needs to be over loaded first. This is done through diminishing returns. A character needs to damage him enough that diminish returns starts to kick in, and he heals slower and slower from each subsequent attack, eventually being unable to recover faster enough to continue fighting. how does logan avoid incapacitation if he has to sustain the damage first, huh? Dont act as if you dont know exactly what im saying. Logan is hit, logans brain is substatially damaged, therefore logans passes out. How does healing after the fact negate that? It cant.
Originally posted by namorsubby
like i said, that arguement is dumb. Slades outmanuevering them plain and simple. Not only that, but slade has punched a flash running right at him. Go ahead, try some nonsensical overanalysis on that. Slades reacting to their movement.
Batman pis has nothing to do with slade. Forget it..
You can take the fan scan that says slades only enhanced 10 fold speedwise as his norm, but youd just be lowballing(as usual) and wrong(also as usual). Its a contradiction to the majority of his speed statements.
I already acknowledge that he had legitimately hit the Flash once or twice. The instance you are talking about is the time when he turned around he back handed Kid Flash, that one isn't that extreme being as Kid Flash was much slower then then he is now, so it's not inconceivable Slade could tag him, just unlikely. The other example when he slashes and kicks Impulse is the questionable one that could be considered PIS, but I think he was stated as only having mach 1 speed in that issue (but also spent a year reading in a library in 35 minutes or something wtf writer inconstancy). The rest simply aren't speed feats.
Originally posted by namorsubby
how does logan avoid incapacitation if he has to sustain the damage first, huh? Dont act as if you dont know exactly what im saying. Logan is hit, logans brain is substatially damaged, therefore logans passes out. How does healing after the fact negate that? It cant.
He doesn't. Technically speaking Wolverine gets knocked out, and even dies with extreme frequency. He just heals.
so your saying every time logan is hit with substantial force, hes incapacitated for so short a time that the reader cant visibly notice, and he wakes up due to his nigh instantaneous hf? Sounds highly unlikely. Inconsistent writer error is much more probable seeing as its a constant in comics generally.
What about when namor crushed his organs? He didnt heal completely in a nanosecond. What about that deer that one poster was talking about? Lol
look, about this speed thing. Youre theory is completely unfounded. Its painfully clear that slade is reacting to their movement in every feat. Flash didnt just run into his staff, he threw it directly in front of him at exactly the right time. Its an obvious speed feat. Flash didnt just run into his staff blast either, he put it right in front of him at exactly the right time, which is also an obvious speed feat. Its a prediction as well sometimes, but it in no way whatsoever negates the fact that he has to have the speed to place whatever obstacle in front of a moving flash at an exact and precise moment in time.
Originally posted by namorsubby
so your saying every time logan is hit with substantial force, hes incapacitated for so short a time that the reader cant visibly notice, and he wakes up due to his nigh instantaneous hf? Sounds highly unlikely. Inconsistent writer error is much more probable seeing as its a constant in comics generally.
What about when namor crushed his organs? He didnt heal completely in a nanosecond. What about that deer that one poster was talking about? Lol
look, about this speed thing. Youre theory is completely unfounded. Its painfully clear that slade is reacting to their movement in every feat. Flash didnt just run into his staff, he threw it directly in front of him at exactly the right time. Its an obvious speed feat. Flash didnt just run into his staff blast either, he put it right in front of him at exactly the right time, which is also an obvious speed feat. Its a prediction as well sometimes, but it in no way whatsoever negates the fact that he has to have the speed to place whatever obstacle in front of a moving flash at an exact and precise moment in time.
Once the X-Men were monitoring Wolverine's vitals when he was hit ran over by a car. He was completely mangled, flat-lined, all his bones broken, and all his organs ruptured... and he was 100% by the time the car drove off of him. That's how is healing factor works. Do you think the Hulk does less damage then a car? That's what happens to Wolverine every time someone class 10 or higher hits him.
Wolverine was already getting to his feet when Namor crushed all his organs, before Professor X showed up; and the deer didn't ko him, he was faking it and then beat his student back to the car.
They aren't speed feats, Slade predicted their movement's and anticipated where they would end up, and they ran ran into his attacks. No speed required. What you are concerning yourself with now is wondering how - if they aren't speed feats - it make any sense for the Flash, someone who perceives the world at c, to possibly run into bo-staff in front of him, or some debris from a blast fire or a stationary sword. The answer is it doesn't. Flash was jobbing, the examples are PIS and don't mater. Just like when Wolverine anticipated Speed Demon's movements and elbowed him the throat... except even more ridiculously Wolverine kept pace with Speed Demon's foot pace on panel.
ive seen the scans, srank. You cant talk your way around it. Logan was on the floor. He never got up in the scene. They were having a conversation while he was lying there unable to get up and immobile. Please stop grasping for wolverine.
He doesnt heal that fast consistently, not even close. Of course the writers had to think of some bullshit reason why wolverine could last a seconds with hulk. Inconsistent writer error. It doesnt take the hulk to ko logan. Just enough force to ko someonhe with his level of durability.....which isnt much....seeing as knives can cut him and bullets penetrate him.
Theyre all obvious speed feats....get over it. Its pathetic.
They didnt just run into these things. THEY WERE PLACED THERE AT THE EXACT MOMENT IN TIME BY SLADE. That doesnt take any speed? Please, srank. If youre not gonna be serious, whats the point? Youre excuses are unlimited and completed unsupported by comics.
pay close attention to this scan, srank. Logan said himself that his hf wasnt done healing. He did not get up the entire scene. He crushed all his organs.........and he didnt heal in a nanosecond.
Originally posted by namorsubby
ive seen the scans, srank. You cant talk your way around it. Logan was on the floor. He never got up in the scene. They were having a conversation while he was lying there unable to get up and immobile. Please stop grasping for wolverine.
He doesnt heal that fast consistently, not even close. Of course the writers had to think of some bullshit reason why wolverine could last a seconds with hulk. Inconsistent writer error. It doesnt take the hulk to ko logan. Just enough force to ko someonhe with his level of durability.....which isnt much....seeing as knives can cut him and bullets penetrate him.
Theyre all obvious speed feats....get over it. Its pathetic.
They didnt just run into these things. THEY WERE PLACED THERE AT THE EXACT MOMENT IN TIME BY SLADE. That doesnt take any speed? Please, srank. If youre not gonna be serious, whats the point? Youre excuses are unlimited and completed unsupported by comics.
He never got up in the scene because the scene ended, but he was shown on panel supporting his weight with his arms, pushing himself up. The fact that the narrative jumped forward doesn't change the fact that he was starting to get up prior to the POV change. Wolverine wasn't "unable to get up and immobile," he was starting to get up when Professor X arrived, we just didn't get to see the panel that it would have happened in.
He does heal that fast consistently. He consistently fights top tier bricks, he consistently eats their punches, and that is how he does it. That is the speed at which his healing factor functions (actually it is faster now, but you get the point). It take a lot of damage to over load Wolverine's healing factor, if all it took was someone strong enough to "over load his durability," he would get koed and one shotted all the time... which obviously isn't the case. Wolverine has damage soak on par with top tier bricks. He has even - on several occasions - take the same attack, from the same character, in the same issue as Hulk, Thor and Hercules and fared better then they did. It takes a hell of a lot to put Wolverine down.
They aren't speed feats. It's been explained to you why they aren't. I'm sorry Deathstroke doesn't have any real speed feats and you are forced to role around in the gutters grasping at straws, but hey just be glade you aren't trying to find strength feats, because he has even less of those.
The last paragraph made me lol. So true.
good lord....
You saw that damn scan srank. They had an entire conversation and profeesor x came and started another.....AND WOLVERINE STILL HADNT HEALED OR GOTTEN UP. Youre just plain unable to own up to anything. The proof is right in front of your face. He didnt heal from all that in a nanosecond because he doesnt heal that fast. HE SAID HIMSELF THAT HE HADNT YET HEALED. What more could you possibly want?
Slades outreacted marvel boy. It was once said he may be faster than wonder woman. Hes had the combat speed to engage two wonderwomans in combat more than once. He has the combat speed to engage several opponents(some with superhuman speed). Hes done this many, many times. Jla,outsiders,titans, and many other groups. His lowest stated speed level is 10 times faster than humanly possible. Hes obviously faster than wolverine.
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
The last paragraph made me lol. So true. its true that slade has no speed feats? Are you guys braindead?
Originally posted by namorsubby
good lord....
You saw that damn scan srank. They had an entire conversation and profeesor x came and started another.....AND WOLVERINE STILL HADNT HEALED OR GOTTEN UP. Youre just plain unable to own up to anything. The proof is right in front of your face. He didnt heal from all that in a nanosecond because he doesnt heal that fast. HE SAID HIMSELF THAT HE HADNT YET HEALED. What more could you possibly want?
Slades outreacted marvel boy. It was once said he may be faster than wonder woman. Hes had the combat speed to engage two wonderwomans in combat more than once. He has the combat speed to engage several opponents(some with superhuman speed). Hes done this many, many times. Jla,outsiders,titans, and many other groups. His lowest stated speed level is 10 times faster than humanly possible. Hes obviously faster than wolverine.
Seriously buddy, you are going to use the narrative bubbles to try and establish a time frame? Sad. Flash has spouted entire paragraphs of exposition in one panel while throwing a single punch, I guess it takes him as long to through a punch as it does for him to say a sentence? Please. Oh, and I guess Flash wasn't running faster then the speed of sound when Deathstroke hit him, because Slade had time to say several sentences worth of dialogue! dur
Come on bro, at least put some effort into this.
Wolverine got smashed in to the ground, he started getting up the instant he landed, Professor X showed up and narrative flashed ahead a few minutes.
You mean Captain Marvel Jr, there is no Marvel Boy in DC? Slade fought Wonder Woman. Awesome. General Elling fought Superman, so has Grundy, Konvickt and many other sup-sonic speed brutes... and they don't have super speed because they hit Superman, they hit Superman because Superman jobbed. A fight is not in and off itself a speed feat, Wonder Woman might cable of light speed combat when written correctly, but she didn't uses it against Slade. The fight was even witnessed by human onlookers, who had no trouble witnessing the fight. Wolverine is faster than Slade. You haven't cited a single impressive speed feat yet, which I don't hold against you as being familiar with Deathstroke I know he doesn't have any, but if you are going to say he is faster then Wolverine you need to at least try abd bring something to the table.
you cant be serious right now just cant. Please address the fact that wolverine said HIMSELF that he hadnt yet healed. How the hell can you negate that? You cant.
Please show me something that even puts wolverine on slades level speed wise. I dont get how you think bringing up instances that have nothing to dont with slade can somehow discredit his own speed feats. Then you turn around and say he doesnt even have any? Then stilt agrees? What in the name of comics have you guys been smoking?
Originally posted by namorsubby
you cant be serious right now just cant. Please address the fact that wolverine said HIMSELF that he hadnt yet healed. How the hell can you negate that? You cant.
Please show me something that even puts wolverine on slades level speed wise. I dont get how you think bringing up instances that have nothing to dont with slade can somehow discredit his own speed feats. Then you turn around and say he doesnt even have any? Then stilt agrees? What in the name of comics have you guys been smoking?
Wolverine said his organs were crushed, his healing factor was healing them, when he was healed he would kick Namors ass, and was shown starting to get to his feet. Obviously his healing factor had already healed the majority of the damage... or is it an unmentioned power that Wolverine is able to carry on coherent conversions while his lungs, heart and brain are all "crushed"?
Go to the Wolverine respect thread. Press Ctrl F. Type in "speed" in the box. Press enter. View the image links to the speed feats. Click next at the bottom of the page to bring you to the next page of the respect thread. Repeat the process until you get to the most current page. After you are finished you will have a concept of what speed feats look like.
He hadnt yet healed srank.....point blank period. He said so. He doesnt heal so fast that you cant even notice it.....all proven in that scan. They had a conversation, then x came and started another. And he hadnt even gotten up yet.
Stop runnin your mouth and show me something srank. Then ill show you something. Youll just run ur mouth about how its invalid or how youre feat was still better, but ill be content with knowing that slades superior speed was visibly evident when we compared scans.
oh yeah.....can we go one at a time. Because i already tried copying, pasting, and posting multiple feats to this thread several phone will just freeze. I need a smartphone.
Originally posted by Aries_04
I do. But not most of the bullshit he's in.
I'm sorry, but then why are you commenting on what the character can and can't do if you don't even read his comics? Isn't that just putting one's foot in one's mouth? From what you just said, you really can't debate Srank on anything Wolverine related because you seemingly don't have a leg to stand on. At least Srank has knowledge of the other guys that get pitted against Wolverine. I really haven't seen to many things where Srank was lying, I mean most of the things he says can be looked up on the respect thread. Does nobody look at those? I've learned alot about characters from those.
Originally posted by socool8520
I'm sorry, but then why are you commenting on what the character can and can't do if you don't even read his comics? Isn't that just putting one's foot in one's mouth? From what you just said, you really can't debate Srank on anything Wolverine related because you seemingly don't have a leg to stand on. At least Srank has knowledge of the other guys that get pitted against Wolverine. I really haven't seen to many things where Srank was lying, I mean most of the things he says can be looked up on the respect thread. Does nobody look at those? I've learned alot about characters from those.
I'm sorry but, did you misread what I wrote. I said I don't read MOST of the bullshit he's in. Which means I do have SOME knowledge of the character. And in fact, was once a fan of the character.
f*ck outta here
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by Aries_04
I'm sorry but, did you misread what I wrote. I said I don't read MOST of the bullshit he's in. Which means I do have SOME knowledge of the character. And in fact, was once a fan of the character.
f*ck outta here
this does not make you sound any better, in fact it makes you sound much more pathetic.
Originally posted by Dum Dum Dugan
this does not make you sound any better, in fact it makes you sound much more pathetic.
I think your screen name is pathetic.
Way back when Wolverine was credible, that's when I liked him. It makes me sound tenured if anything idiot.
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by Aries_04
I think your screen name is pathetic.
Way back when Wolverine was credible, that's when I liked him. It makes me sound tenured if anything idiot.
You don't like Dugan? what he ever do to you?
No it makes you sound like a moron. Haft the shit you whine about he been doing for decades. Fact you try and pretend you use to like him as if it some how brings credability to your ignorance is laughable to say the least.
Originally posted by Dum Dum Dugan
You don't like Dugan? what he ever do to you?
No it makes you sound like a moron. Haft the shit you whine about he been doing for decades. Fact you try and pretend you use to like him as if it some how brings credability to your ignorance is laughable to say the least.
I was a faithful watcher of the 1990's X-Men animated got no better than Wolverine back in the day. Now, I despise him.
In the cartoon he barely had any healing feats. On the beginning of his comic career he survived getting punched into orbit and Firelord's blasts.
He has one of the best metahuman regeneration abilities in comics, growing a new heart ain't even in his top10 best feats.
It was established very early in X-Men books that his bones cannot be separated.
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
He has one of the best metahuman regeneration abilities in comics, growing a new heart ain't even in his top10 best feats.
Thats nice. You have your opinion, and I have mine.
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by Aries_04
I was a faithful watcher of the 1990's X-Men animated got no better than Wolverine back in the day. Now, I despise him.
your basing your knowledge of the character based off cartoon.........
your either a moron or a troll. Not sure which, either pathetic.
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by Aries_04
Thats nice. You have your opinion, and I have mine.
your opinion = crap.
Im sorry but how on earth can you even pretend, that your opinion amounts to anything more then dog shit. Sorry but were debatign a comic character, not a shitty cartoon from the 90s.
you make me

Originally posted by Dum Dum Dugan
your opinion = crap.
Im sorry but how on earth can you even pretend, that your opinion amounts to anything more then dog shit. Sorry but were debatign a comic character, not a shitty cartoon from the 90s.
you make me
Put away your flamethrower Mary Poppins. Are we just a little sensitive? I based my fanboyism off the animated series along with most of his early appearances. My knowledge of the character comes from the printed page.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
I'm sorry Deathstroke doesn't have any real speed feats...
Off the top of my head, I can think of one...
A young Jericho's throat at the edge of a knife, several gunmen aimed on Slade, and being told if his would die if he didn't cave in to their demands. So, Slade flatly tells them his word is his bond to the people he has a contract with, springs into action, takes out the gunmen who fail to shoot him, takes out the guy with the knife at Jerichos throat. The scene makes it clear that while Slade was doing this, the knifeman was trying to slit Jericho's throat, but all he managed to do was damage his vocal cords. The scene also made clear Slades superior speed wasn't up to the task of stopping his son from being hurt, which means it WAS up to the task of stopping him from being killed..
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by Aries_04
Put away your flamethrower Mary Poppins. Are we just a little sensitive? I based my fanboyism off the animated series along with most of his early appearances. My knowledge of the character comes from the printed page.
no it doesent at all, because the crap you complaining about has been happing for decades. And you show complete ignorance of the character.
^Just like a fanboy. Crying ignorance instead of just providing the neccessary comic proof to support their claims.
Slade wins.
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by namorsubby
^Just like a fanboy. Crying ignorance instead of just providing the neccessary comic proof to support their claims.
Slade wins.
prove slade wins, please I would love for you to debate me. But sadly you wont.
^Just like a fanboy. Always asking for proof while sidestepping any requests for proof themselves. Look at the last page. I already disproved the notion that Logan heals from extensive damage in a nanosecond. Im willing to prove slade is faster and has a superior mind. I just need a loganite to entirely discredit. The last one hightailed it outta here and never came back. Smart
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by namorsubby
^Just like a fanboy. Always asking for proof while sidestepping any requests for proof themselves.
What would you like me to prove?
seems like ur dodging.
And place, we all know ur sad misconception that DS is legitimately fast enough to fight a non jobbing flash it laughable.
Originally posted by namorsubby
at the last page. I already disproved the notion that Logan heals from extensive damage in a nanosecond.
For starters when did I ever say he heals from extensive damage in a nanosecond?
also I highly doubt you disprove anyone wrong, I bet you did your classic ignore you opponents request and dodge dodge dodge.
Originally posted by namorsubby
Im willing to prove slade is faster and has a superior mind.
You welcome to try, but I already know what ur gunna pull and no one buying what ur gunna try and sell.
Originally posted by namorsubby
I just need a loganite to entirely discredit. The last one hightailed it outta here and never came back. Smart
Your lucky that Srank does not come back and spank you.
I will enjoy this.
Also love to see you try and prove DS wins.
Id like you to prove what you say, BH. And since i first requested proof.......whos dodging who? Lol, what a hypocrite.
Never once said that. I did say slade has much better speed feats than logan though.....which is obvious.
Never said you said that. I said i disproved it. Look back one page.
And no i didnt dodge. No reason to when you actually have comic proof isntead of written statements based on what youve claimed to observe. Dodging is what youre doing now.
Lol, im not gonna be "pullling" anything.....exceptt feats out of my arsenal that thoroughly prove my claims.
Youd enjoy watching srank spank me? Hints of homosexuality much? I dont judge though......
Ive already challenged you. So what are you waiting for. For srank to come riding in on horseback to rescue you like a damsel is distress?
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by namorsubby
Id like you to prove what you say, BH. And since i first requested proof.......whos dodging who? Lol, what a hypocrite.
You are. I directly stated I was more then willing to prove what you wanted. I simply asked what did you want me to prove?
Originally posted by namorsubby
Never once said that. I did say slade has much better speed feats than logan though.....which is obvious.
He doesent. Wolverine consistently easily on DS level in speed. Lets see you prove other wise.
Originally posted by namorsubby
Never said you said that. I said i disproved it. Look back one page.
I dont care, about you redd herring.
Originally posted by namorsubby
And no i didnt dodge. No reason to when you actually have comic proof isntead of written statements based on what youve claimed to observe. Dodging is what youre doing now.
You dodge all day every day, your doing it right now.
Originally posted by namorsubby
Lol, im not gonna be "pullling" anything.....exceptt feats out of my arsenal that thoroughly prove my claims.
WIll see.
Originally posted by namorsubby
Ive already challenged you. So what are you waiting for. For srank to come riding in on horseback to rescue you like a damsel is distress?
For you to tell me what you want me to prove?
If you recall, BH, not even a full page ago you were having a bit of a quarrel with a poster and were simply crying ignorance instead of proving your point(as usual). I then came in and asked you to nprove it instead of crying ignorance. Look up and have a convienently short memory.
Dum Dum Dugan
Originally posted by namorsubby
If you recall, BH, not even a full page ago you were having a bit of a quarrel with a poster and were simply crying ignorance instead of proving your point(as usual). I then came in and asked you to nprove it instead of crying ignorance. Look up and have a convienently short memory.
So wait, you can't even tell me what you want me to prove? Prove which and what point? Are you really pretending to act like I am dodging something when you can't havent even read what I was responding to? This is just pathetic. If you can tell me what exactly you wish me to prove, I will, but telling me to prove something you did not read, is not going to happen.
It not short at all, I simply not going to prove something you havent read. You can't even tell me what it is you want me to prove, which is utterly rediculous.
Regenerating his heart would be an impressive feat for classic Wolverine. Nowadays it's a daily bread for him.
Originally posted by namorsubby
I did say slade has much better speed feats than logan though.....which is obvious.
Good one! thumb_avatar2
The guy was complaining about all the ridiculous pis crap wolvie does, particularly the more extreme hf feats. You claimed what he was complaining about has been going on for years. Now i wouldnt exactly disagree that is has.......just not consistently. Prove otherwise.
I have to explain to you what you need to prove, and spoonfeed you back YOUR own argument specifically before i can get a response thats not pure idoicy? BH, your baffonery astounds me.
im officially disregarding any post not filled with some comic displayed, panel proof. I will however, begin proving slades superior speed now. One scan(or two) at a time(all i can do).
outreacts a marvel who attacks from behind with his self-proclaimed metahuman speed.
may be faster than wonder woman
kid flash blitzes him, but slade is fast enough to land a blow
Spider-man / Namor / Thor saying Wolverine is faster then them = exposition
Wolverine being surrounded on all sides by four men and then simultaneously punching them all at once = speed feat¤t=Wolverine_FtaS_025.jpg
Do you have any Deathstroke speed feats?
look up^ dipsh!t. Lol
Originally posted by namorsubby
look up^ dipsh!t. Lol
With the exception of the Kid Flash one those aren't speed feats, they are exposition, and the Kid Flash example takes place in an issue, or directly after an issue, where he was stated as being speed of sound.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
With the exception of the Kid Flash one those aren't speed feats, they are exposition, and the Kid Flash example takes place in an issue, or directly after an issue, where he was stated as being speed of sound. slade outreacts a marvel who attacks from behind. Speed feat.
Slade has the combat speed to land hits on ww, and may be faster. Speed feat
show proof for that speed of sound crap or be quiet. And show better feats instead of using that retard denial thing youve been doing. Its bullshit.
In the 1st scan spidey doesnt even say hes faster. He questions it(hes not). Hes also dodging all his attacks here. Bad scan srank....really.
So because the artist shows 4 logans hitting those guys that means he was so fast that he did it at the same time? You know artists use those replicant figures to illustrate moment over time right? I cant believe you came at me with this crap. Dismissed...
Originally posted by namorsubby
slade outreacts a marvel who attacks from behind. Speed feat.
Slade has the combat speed to land hits on ww, and may be faster. Speed feat
show proof for that speed of sound crap or be quiet. And show better feats instead of using that retard denial thing youve been doing. Its bullshit.
In the 1st scan spidey doesnt even say hes faster. He questions it(hes not). Hes also dodging all his attacks here. Bad scan srank....really.
So because the artist shows 4 logans hitting those guys that means he was so fast that he did it at the same time? You know artists use those replicant figures to illustrate moment over time right? I cant believe you came at me with this crap. Dismissed...
It's not a speed feat, it's exposition. Shadow Dragon fought Superman, Superman said he was faster, but Shadow Dragon got effortlessly blitzed by Shiva. Is Shiva faster than Superman? No. Why? Because exposition doesn't matter unless it is backed by concrete evidence. Just like how Superman jobbed to Shadow Dragon, WW jobbed to Slade. Those aren't speed feats. They are words, what you are looking for is actions. Deathstroke jumping through a moving fan is a speed feat, that is the type of stuff you are looking for.
Read the issue, Slade says " can jump around at the speed of sound..." his speed was nerfed so Slade could hit him, because that is the only way it make sense.
The scan shows Wolverine simultaneously hitting four different characters in four different locations before any of them can react. That's what a speed feat looks like. You can try and equate it to a Nightwing-esq acrobatics feat if you'd like, but that isn't what is happening. It isn't illustrating a single fluid motion, it is Wolverine chambering a punching, throwing it, turning 45 degrees and repeating the process three more times before anyone can react.
Originally posted by namorsubby
may be faster than wonder woman
kid flash blitzes him, but slade is fast enough to land a blow
That Flash feat was crazy. DS FTW!
srank....youre so dense.
The marvel kid attacked slade from behind. Before he could actually attack, he was thrown. That was an action, not words. Speed feat.
Slade hit ww in melee combat(several times). That was an action. Speed feat
how do you figure that bringing up completely irrelevant and random instances of pis or jobbing will negate slades feats. Superman or whoever has nothing to do with this. What kinda twisted abc logic is that?
Speed of sound is still faster than any speed feat youve presented.
Originally posted by namorsubby
srank....youre so dense.
The marvel kid attacked slade from behind. Before he could actually attack, he was thrown. That was an action, not words. Speed feat.
Slade hit ww in melee combat(several times). That was an action. Speed feat
how do you figure that bringing up completely irrelevant and random instances of pis or jobbing will negate slades feats. Superman or whoever has nothing to do with this. What kinda twisted logic is that?
Speed of sound is still faster than any speed feat youve presented.
CAPTAIN MARVEL JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write that down, please.
It's not a speed feat, it's exposition. Just like in the case of Wolverine vs Thor, and Wolverine vs Namor, it isn't enough in an of itself for those characters to state "Wolverine is faster then me." Wolverine's speed feats outside of those fights need to match or exceed those characters' own feats of speed. Was Slade "faster" then Freddie example? Yes. Does that mean he is faster than Freddie? Not necessarily. Character's job, like the aforementioned Shadow Dragon / Superman example, if a character doesn't have the feats to back up the narrative statements, then those statements don't matter. Does Slade have speed feats that match the Flash? No. Does he have speed feats that match Wonder Woman? No.
We can't exactly quantify it but in order for Wolverine to simultaneously punch for separate people that surrounded him in the way that the did all before anyone could react, he would need to be moving insanely fast. Anyway, if you want something you can ball park then Wolverine has moved after a gun was fired, and got to the shooter before the bullet could leave the barrel of the gun, blocking it with his claw. This is a speed feat, that is what you need to start posting.
I have to admit those DS scans are pure win. truly awesome;
However, are you certain that slade is really that fast...or that he simply "predicts" through spatial intelligence, bodily kinesthetic intelligence, & evolved intuition where his opponent is going to be & when he/she is going to be there.....thanks in part to his uber brain power. therefore, he could set himself in position for various attacks (or carry them out in advance) in what amounts to immaculate timing (sort of like chess). In conjunction with his well beyond peak athlete reflexes/quickness he could pull these feats off & you couldn't tell the difference. this would be no less impressive than if slade truly was truly that fast/quick, but still very, very different. therein rests slade's potential weakness against logan; when logan goes into a berserker mode not even mild telepaths can predict or react effectively against wolverine. he just starts, well,....going berserk all over the place in a irrational, random, and chaotic but still incredibly dangerous way. slade, without prep, doesn't have the tools to permanently destroy logan. a berserker logan would heal, while slade's weaker HF would eventually break due to attrition.
I don't know the context of those scans, but WW looks like she was taken off guard & by surprise.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
CAPTAIN MARVEL JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write that down, please.
It's not a speed feat, it's exposition. Just like in the case of Wolverine vs Thor, and Wolverine vs Namor, it isn't enough in an of itself for those characters to state "Wolverine is faster then me." Wolverine's speed feats outside of those fights need to match or exceed those characters' own feats of speed. Was Slade "faster" then Freddie example? Yes. Does that mean he is faster than Freddie? Not necessarily. Character's job, like the aforementioned Shadow Dragon / Superman example, if a character doesn't have the feats to back up the narrative statements, then those statements don't matter. Does Slade have speed feats that match the Flash? No. Does he have speed feats that match Wonder Woman? No.
We can't exactly quantify it but in order for Wolverine to simultaneously punch for separate people that surrounded him in the way that the did all before anyone could react, he would need to be moving insanely fast. Anyway, if you want something you can ball park then Wolverine has moved after a gun was fired, and got to the shooter before the bullet could leave the barrel of the gun, blocking it with his claw. This is a speed feat, that is what you need to start posting. all these scans were actions, not just words. Slade has outreacted many diffrent opponents with a ton of superspeed on many many occassions. Thats not even the 1st time he hit a ww in melee combat. hes done it many times. he has the speed feats to back it.Please respond with actual feats instead of pathetic scans such as the ones you posted and weak ass excuses as to why you believe my speed feats should be invalid. Youre such a hypocrite srank. Post something better or shut up. Im not buying this nonsense. You just try to explain away anything placed in front of you instead of providing any concrete comic evidence against it. Im tired of your theories srank. Show me something.
Btw, You lost. Next category
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
We can't exactly quantify it but in order for Wolverine to simultaneously punch for separate people that surrounded him in the way that the did all before anyone could react, he would need to be moving insanely fast. Anyway, if you want something you can ball park then Wolverine has moved after a gun was fired, and got to the shooter before the bullet could leave the barrel of the gun, blocking it with his claw. This is a speed feat, that is what you need to start posting. Even Batman has feats like these. He's disarmed an entire group of people surrounding him and was off running across the rooftops while they were still holding their arms out like guns where in their hands, aiming their non-existant weapons at eachother.
Is Batman then, faster than Slade?
Originally posted by namorsubby
all these scans were actions, not just words. Slade has outreacted many diffrent opponents with a ton of superspeed on many many occassions. Thats not even the 1st time he hit a ww in melee combat. hes done it many times. he has the speed feats to back it.Please respond with actual feats instead of pathetic scans such as the ones you posted and weak ass excuses as to why you believe my speed feats should be invalid. Youre such a hypocrite srank. Post something better or shut up. Im not buying this nonsense. You just try to explain away anything placed in front of you instead of providing any concrete comic evidence against it. Im tired of your theories srank. Show me something.
Btw, You lost. Next category
Again: they aren't speed feats, they are exposition. Read my post, it details the difference for you.
What I post is an actual speed, I'm still waiting for you to post one. When you do, I will post more.
Originally posted by Juntai
Even Batman has feats like these. He's disarmed an entire group of people surrounding him and was off running across the rooftops while they were still holding their arms out like guns where in their hands, aiming their non-existant weapons at eachother.
Is Batman then, faster than Slade?
I know the specific feat you are talking about an it's not the same. There is a difference between spinning in a fluid motion and disarming a group of men and planting your feet, chambering and throwing a punch, turning 45 degrees, planting your feet, chambering and throwing a punch, turing 45 degrees, planting your feet, chambering and throwing a punch, turing 45 degrees, planting your feet, chambering and throwing a punch, turing 45 degrees, so fast that it happens simultaneously.
But if you are wondering, Batman has better speed feats then Slade. Slade is faster then Batman, for the same reason Sabretooth is faster then Wolverine, because we have been told he is faster. If we went purely off feats Bruce would easily be the faster of the two.
Originally posted by wildernesss
I have to admit those DS scans are pure win. truly awesome;
However, are you certain that slade is really that fast...or that he simply "predicts" through spatial intelligence, bodily kinesthetic intelligence, & evolved intuition where his opponent is going to be & when he/she is going to be there.....thanks in part to his uber brain power. therefore, he could set himself in position for various attacks (or carry them out in advance) in what amounts to immaculate timing (sort of like chess). In conjunction with his well beyond peak athlete reflexes/quickness he could pull these feats off & you couldn't tell the difference. this would be no less impressive than if slade truly was truly that fast/quick, but still very, very different. therein rests slade's potential weakness against logan; when logan goes into a berserker mode not even mild telepaths can predict or react effectively against wolverine. he just starts, well,....going berserk all over the place in a irrational, random, and chaotic but still incredibly dangerous way. slade, without prep, doesn't have the tools to permanently destroy logan. a berserker logan would heal, while slade's weaker HF would eventually break due to attrition.
I don't know the context of those scans, but WW looks like she was taken off guard & by surprise. i dont believe slade is faster than any of those characters. But since when does a character have to be faster than another to land hits consistently? Slade doesnt have to have better speed feats than ww,flash,and marvel jr to prove thats hes fast enough to tag them. Thats the incorrect logic that srank bases his beliefs on. Im not saying slade is faster. Im saying that almost every time slade goes up against characters like these he is shown to be fast enough to land hits....and its true. He doesnt have to do it every other issue for it to be an established norm. He just has to do it the majority of the time when he faces these types of opponents...and he does.
Originally posted by Juntai
Even Batman has feats like these. He's disarmed an entire group of people surrounding him and was off running across the rooftops while they were still holding their arms out like guns where in their hands, aiming their non-existant weapons at eachother.
Is Batman then, faster than Slade? it is already established on panel that he is not. So no
only an idiot who discounts all slades speed feats would say bruce has better speed feats. Why dont you try proving that with scans srank? You cant
Originally posted by namorsubby
i dont believe slade is faster than any of those characters. But since when does a character have to be faster than another to land hits consistently? Slade doesnt have to have better speed feats than ww,flash,and marvel jr to prove thats hes fast enough to tag them. Thats the incorrect logic that srank bases his beliefs on. Im not saying slade is faster. Im saying that almost every time slade goes up against characters like these he is shown to be fast enough to land hits....and its true. He doesnt have to do it every other issue for it to be an established norm. He just has to do it the majority of the time when he faces these types of opponents...and he does.
It's not "incorrect logic" it's the forum rules and it doesn't just apply to Slade it applies universally to all characters. Solomon Grundy has had slug fests with Superman, Batman has tagged the Flash, they will almost certainly do it again, but neither of them are fast enough to tag the Superman or the Flash in a forum fight. If you are trying to argue that in a comic Slade would hit the Flash then you are right... but so would Batman, so would Cap, so would Green Arrow, and none of it matters here. Stuff like that happens all the time and it is not in and of itself a speed feat. In a comic Superman would forget he has super speed and get into a slugfest with the Hulk... but is completely irrelevant here. We have rules her to establish a consistent base line for the characters, a street level hero who constantly goes shot for shot with street level heroes can't tag the Flash.
he consistently tags chracters with a ton of superspeed, srank. All different types of charaters. Almost every time he meets up with one. Since he was created. All those characters you are uusing as excuses which are irrelevant to what slade does anyway dont havenear the creditials. They may have done it before....but no where near on the same consistency level. You cant claim pis for something thats been going on from day one in almost every showing hes had with these superfast characters. You cant use irrelevant instances with other characters to negate it.
Btw, i know batman speed feats like the back of my hand(just like slades)....its plain dumb to suggest his are superior
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