J2 vs Skaar
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As long as they are fighting J won't change back.
Skaar- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skaar
We know who skaar is
who the hell is J2?
J2 is Juggernaut's son who manifested his mutant ability as the power to become a Juggernaut like his dad. Although he's not near full power yet because he's still a teenager. Still he went toe to toe with A much amped version of Professor Hulk for a few hours I think, and Hulk gave him props.
J2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u3EtO3HB_s
I'd say Skaar, mostly due to:
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
We know who skaar is
who the hell is J2?
Lack of feats.
He simply hasnt had the exposure for most anyone here to give him a majority win, i dont think.
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