Black Racer vs. Runner (w/SG)
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CPT Space Bomb
Runner hands down. BR has been seen before, whereas when Runner is "running" he's too fast. His manipulation of the space gem makes it so that he can arrive before he leaves....
Lord Feron
Runner doesn't need a gem and Black racer aint ****ing killing him because runner can't ****ing die. Also Runner would beat the ever loving shit out of Black racer.
^ This is a battle, not a foot race.
BR wins.
CPT Space Bomb
Ah, I thought this was a race. Anyway, what kind of combat feats does BR have that put him over Runner in that case?
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
Ah, I thought this was a race. Anyway, what kind of combat feats does BR have that put him over Runner in that case?
A) Good question, I don't follow DC much but his recent costume change is totally bad@$$ and I'm interested in the character
B) Even if it was a race, sans the Space Gem, I think BR can take the Runner. Makkari beat the Runner and Buried Alien (aka Flash pastiche) was ahead of him in the race too until he dropped out to save Makkari from a cheater.
In Final Crisis, didn't BR almost catch Flash and kill him till he encountered a dying Darkseid and then tried to claim him?
In a fight, I don't think the Space Gem adds much except for mobility. The Gems aren't really that impressive without the Power Gem backing them.
CPT Space Bomb
Except that he can arrive before he leaves with it. If speed is king here, I don't see how BR can beat Runner while he has the gem. Even subconsciously tapping into it made him the "fastest" character in the universe at the time.
Even if the Runner can run away, I don't see how he wins

Originally posted by quanchi112
Runner wins.
CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by Cogito
Even if the Runner can run away, I don't see how he wins

He has combat feats. He trashed Thanos' ship with ease using the Space Gem. That's more than Surfer's ever done to Thanos and/or his ship. I dunno if either can kill the other, but I'd bet Runner can get the ko first. BR won't even be able to defend himself.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
He has combat feats. He trashed Thanos' ship with ease using the Space Gem. That's more than Surfer's ever done to Thanos and/or his ship. I dunno if either can kill the other, but I'd bet Runner can get the ko first. BR won't even be able to defend himself.
Ship? Don't you mean Chair?
Originally posted by zopzop
B) Even if it was a race, sans the Space Gem, I think BR can take the Runner. Makkari beat the Runner and Buried Alien (aka Flash pastiche) was ahead of him in the race too until he dropped out to save Makkari from a cheater.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
Except that he can arrive before he leaves with it. If speed is king here, I don't see how BR can beat Runner while he has the gem. Even subconsciously tapping into it made him the "fastest" character in the universe at the time.

Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
He has combat feats. He trashed Thanos' ship with ease using the Space Gem. That's more than Surfer's ever done to Thanos and/or his ship. I dunno if either can kill the other, but I'd bet Runner can get the ko first. BR won't even be able to defend himself.
I'm well aware of the Runner's combat feats. I'm just not sure how he's going to hurt the Black Racer...
Originally posted by Cogito
How? Beating him up and avoiding him with his speed.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
Ah, I thought this was a race. Anyway, what kind of combat feats does BR have that put him over Runner in that case? He is the personification of death, for starters.
And just for the lulz... He also owned Superman with a literal twitch of his eye.
Originally posted by Galan007
And just for the lulz... He also owned Superman with a literal twitch of his eye.
What issue did this take place in? I'll buy it right now!

Superman: TMOS #116.
Could the Runner with the SG beat Lady Death (Marvel)?
CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by Galan007
He is the personification of death, for starters.
And just for the lulz... He also owned Superman with a literal twitch of his eye. He's the personification of death in the DC universe only. And that means nothing in and of itself anyway. And how did he "own" superman?
Look at the pics.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
He's the personification of death in the DC universe only. Neutral universe.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
And how did he "own" superman? Originally posted by Galan007
Superman: TMOS #116.
CPT Space Bomb
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Could the Runner with the SG beat Lady Death (Marvel)? That has nothing to do with anything. BR's feats are not based off of Lady Death's feats.
CPT Space Bomb
That superman feat is impressive, I'll give you that. I'd say, footrace goes to Runner, the fight most likely goes to BR.
Originally posted by CPT Space Bomb
That superman feat is impressive, I'll give you that. I'd say, footrace goes to Runner, the fight most likely goes to BR. Agreed.
Black Racer/Black Flash (they're one in the same) cannot exceed the speed of light. Depending on which comic you read, Runner can. So the foot race does go to him. I see BR as significantly more powerful, though.
Originally posted by Galan007
Superman: TMOS #116.
Thanks for that! Issue ordered and avatar changed

Black Racer's touch causes death. I imagine that's why he just blew Superman away right before Superman's punch made contact...? I haven't read that issue, so I'm just guessing here.
Anyways, there's no way for Runner to win. You could call it a draw if you want to say that he can run away forever.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
BR wins.
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