Worthy Hulk Vs Silver Surfer
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Not enough fts for worthy Hulk to make a judgement. We do know that Worthy Hulk is>>Thor minus bfring though.
Zack Fair
Surfer rips Hulk a new *******.
Colossus-Big C
Worthy Hulk>Thor>>Silver Surfer
Worthy Hulk>>>>Surfer
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
Worthy Hulk>Thor>>Silver Surfer
Worthy Hulk>>>>Surfer
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer
Good point.
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer
That never happened.
Zack Fair
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
Worthy Hulk>Thor>>Silver Surfer
Worthy Hulk>>>>Surfer
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
Worthy Hulk>Thor>>Silver Surfer
Worthy Hulk>>>>Surfer
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer The fight isn't even close to being over thor/surfer. Are you ever even close to being right ?
Silver Surfer, there nothing impressive from Worthy Hulk.
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
Worthy Hulk>Thor>>Silver Surfer
Worthy Hulk>>>>Surfer
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer Where does these logic comes from?
Silver Surfer beats any Hulk unless he fights like a stupid ass.
Originally posted by vansonbee
Silver Surfer, there nothing impressive from Worthy Hulk.
Where does these logic comes from?
I would love to know considering the different powersets and tools that made Thor a might better fight for the Surfer than Hulk.
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
Worthy Hulk>Thor>>Silver Surfer
Worthy Hulk>>>>Surfer
an injured thor beat the shit out of surfer
Don't you think it's a bit too early to be drunk?? Lol's
Originally posted by vansonbee
Where does these logic come from?
Right outta his ass is where it comes from.
CPT Space Bomb
Considering the whooping Thor just gave Worthy Hulk, Surfer will be more willing to use his powers than Thor (i.e. he's not gonna sit there and brick). Surfer Wins.
Power Cosmic II
Thor basically 2 shotted worthy thing and hit worthy hulk so hard he went into the atmosphere then back down.
Worthy aren't doing much right now.
Originally posted by Power Cosmic II
Thor basically 2 shotted worthy thing and hit worthy hulk so hard he went into the atmosphere then back down.
Worthy aren't doing much right now.
Didn't Thor also drop unconscious from the effort? Wasn't Hulk still conscious? All he did was BFR Worthy Hulk then got KOed himself.
doesnt gamma drain mean it would just be bruce with the hammer? or does it not work that way? i believe surfer would beat worthy hulk anyhow. other than being 'killed' by thor worthy thing seemed alot more impressive to me.. eh.. either way silver surfer proves himself as the victor.
i'd take hulk here pretty confidently. without proof, admittedly, i'd say the hammer would work to prevent gamma drain and the magic+hulk's own power (increased) would be enough to deal with ss pretty handily imo. could say speed blitz and all that, but i really don't see that happening here. his blasts would also be useless against the hammer and hulk's own durability.
we'll have a better idea of things when the defenders square off against worthy attuma in the deep at some point.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Tear the comic apart -> come out of it into our World -> go to Carvers house -> beat Carver up -> go back and show some Photos of him doing it.
He would be my number 1 then.

Zack Fair
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Tear the comic apart -> come out of it into our World -> go to Carvers house -> beat Carver up -> go back and show some Photos of him doing it.
He would be my number 1 then.
Only con is that Carv will love every second of it. Then when Hulk shows us Carv's decapitated head he will wink and say to us "HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS" http://m.blog.hu/ez/eztnevesd/image/MINI-troll-face%20m%C3%A1solata.png Carv will then become Hulk's new sidekick...kindda like Loki during RKT but with a carver twist.
Originally posted by Zack Fair
Only con is that Carv will love every second of it. Then when Hulk shows us Carv's decapitated head he will wink and say to us "HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS" http://m.blog.hu/ez/eztnevesd/image/MINI-troll-face%20m%C3%A1solata.png Carv will then become Hulk's new sidekick...kindda like Loki during RKT but with a carver twist.
Yeah, even then he will claim that since Hulk could tear the 4th wall and beat an Inhuman being he has to be beyond LT now...
the Darkone
Thor, Silver Surfer > Worthy Hulk who just got busted into outter space by Thor.
Damn Thor have perfect record when he bust people into space, this makes him 5/5!
Originally posted by SuperiorTech
That is a lot of assumptions to be so confident about the outcome.
meh, really just the one--that the hammer could prevent gamma drain. just can't see that being a possibility in this fight, not with a hammer that could act as a pis machine handy.
Hulk heals from all of Surfers attacks.
So, Surfer just vaporizes Hulks entire body. Lets see him heal from that.

I'd take the Worthy Hulk for a good majority. Surfer's biggest advantage which is flight and long distance energy projection has been nullified here.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by guy222
great day being a hulk fan

Power Cosmic II
Originally posted by zopzop
Didn't Thor also drop unconscious from the effort? Wasn't Hulk still conscious? All he did was BFR Worthy Hulk then got KOed himself.
Didn't worthy thing and worthy hulk have a numerical advantage over Thor?
Didn't worthy thing get incapacitated in a few panels?
Didn't worthy hulk and thor rush head to head with both their hammers poised in striking distance? Didn't worthy hulk lose that particular encounter?
So it's supposed to be a good feat for Worthy hulk that he was bfr'd and made thor over-exert himself in the process? Oh, when he just happened to have worthy thing along as well?
Zack Fair
I don't see how Hulk will be using the hammer to handle Surfer's versatility/energy blasts. He hasn't done shit with it besides using it like club uhuh
wait wait...so people see thor as winning vs worthy hulk?...he admitted he couldnt win so he bfred him...he is just delaying his defeat at the hand of worthy hulk
thors attacks hurt himself more then they hurt hulk
dont see what surfer can do here
Originally posted by Zack Fair
I don't see how Hulk will be using the hammer to handle Surfer's versatility/energy blasts. He hasn't done shit with it besides using it like club uhuh
true he hasnt done anything yet...but i would assume he would handle surfer similar to how thor does...we will have to wait and see tho
Originally posted by bbrem123
wait wait...so people see thor as winning vs worthy hulk?...he admitted he couldnt win so he bfred him...he is just delaying his defeat at the hand of worthy hulk
thors attacks hurt himself more then they hurt hulk
dont see what surfer can do here
This would be out of character for Hulk or Surfer, but for the sake of argument:
He was bloodying Hulk up. You don't think if he pulled out his big guns, like the anti force/godblast, he could outright vape him?
Or that Surfer couldn't do the same with his strongest attack?
His regens insane, but his durability against damage has always been on a lower tier than guys like Captain Marvel or Surfer. His flesh gets damages all the time in fights.. He simply recovered quickly from it.
hulk bleeds all of the time...doesnt mean much...from what i have seen with the hulk...the more blood showing the stronger he is haha...
and with the hammer dont think energy attack are going to work as well anymore
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Silver Surfer beats any Hulk unless he fights like a stupid ass.
maybe any hulk NOT holding an asgardian hammer....
The only way Surfer usually gets the lead over Hulk is by draining him. Surfer isn't draining current Hulk at all and I can't see that working on WorthyHulk either.
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