DP Tyrant runs the gauntlet....
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DP Tyrant has divined that the following are all undercover agents of Galactus and has vowed to destroy ALL who follow him...how far does Tyrant get?
1) The entire High Meta Tier...
2) The entire Low Herald Tier...
3) The entire Mid Herald Tier...
4) The entire High Herald Tier...
5) The entire Trans Tier...
6) The entire Herald Tier combined...
7) The entire Herald and Trans Tier combined...
8) The entire Skyfather Tier...
9) The entire Elder God Tier...
All fights are to the Death or KO; no BFR...
Probably 2, damn sure doesn't get past 3.
Originally posted by Harbinger
Probably 2, damn sure doesn't get past 3.
Use the vote option!

Thank you very much!

Colossus-Big C
7, 8 , and 9 is definitely spite.
stops at 5
Most of the people in mid herald don't have any way of injuring Tyrant; even Terrax's axe (which can one-shot high heralds if it connects) only caused him superficial damage. Unless they really work together and stack their powers strategically, I think the high heralds are also going to have trouble; most of their attacks won't even scratch him, his technopathy may turn some of them to his side, and an area effect attack at the beginning can eliminate many of them at once. We don't know enough to speculate about telepathy. He dies against the trans tier, however.
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
7, 8 , and 9 is definitely spite.
stops at 5
You think he's taking the entire High Herald tier?
I'll go with 2 also. He'd last a while against 3, but would fall eventually. There's just too many of them.
With prep, he'd fall at 1.
Originally posted by Simbon
Most of the people in mid herald don't have any way of injuring Tyrant; even Terrax's axe (which can one-shot high heralds if it connects) only caused him superficial damage. Unless they really work together and stack their powers strategically, I think the high heralds are also going to have trouble; most of their attacks won't even scratch him, his technopathy may turn some of them to his side, and an area effect attack at the beginning can eliminate many of them at once. We don't know enough to speculate about telepathy. He dies against the trans tier, however.
Decent point. I don't really know how the mid-Herald tier will hurt him, they just will

Interesting answers so far; keep em comin!

Alexander Nero, Beta Ray Bill, Binary, Bizarro Superman, Black Adam, Black Bolt, Cable (Full Power), Captain Atom, Cpt. Comet, Captain Marvel (DC), Count Nefaria, Damien Hellstrom, Etrigan, Evinlea, The Fallen One, Firelord, Firestorm, The Flash II (Barry Allen), The Flash III (Wally West), The Flash IV (Bart Allen), The General (Shaggy Man), General Zod, Gladiator, Green Lantern (Guy, John, Katma, Kilowog), Hulk, Hyperion, Ikaris, Imperiex Probes, Juggernaut (Classic), Kid Omega, Kurse, Lobo, Loki, Magus (Post-IG), Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Metamorpho, Mon-El, Morg, Nate Grey, Orion, Rachel Summers (Phoenix II), Red Shift, Sersi, Shaman, Skreet, Solomon Grundy, Supergirl, Supreme, Terrax the Tamer, Void (Wildstorm, no Creation Engine power), Waverider, Wildfire, Witchfire (Demon Form), Wonder Woman
This is mid herald tier, people. Given some of the high end feats these characters have, Tyrant's just going to sit back and tank their attacks? Seriously?
Haha haven't taken a look at that list in a while. It's horribly inaccurate...
Yeah the tierings arent accurate, but for the purposes of this thread, they are the source material...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Yeah the tierings arent accurate, but for the purposes of this thread, they are the source material...
Right, and since that tier is even more stacked than I thought, they win for sure.
Originally posted by Harbinger
Alexander Nero, Beta Ray Bill, Binary, Bizarro Superman, Black Adam, Black Bolt, Cable (Full Power), Captain Atom, Cpt. Comet, Captain Marvel (DC), Count Nefaria, Damien Hellstrom, Etrigan, Evinlea, The Fallen One, Firelord, Firestorm, The Flash II (Barry Allen), The Flash III (Wally West), The Flash IV (Bart Allen), The General (Shaggy Man), General Zod, Gladiator, Green Lantern (Guy, John, Katma, Kilowog), Hulk, Hyperion, Ikaris, Imperiex Probes, Juggernaut (Classic), Kid Omega, Kurse, Lobo, Loki, Magus (Post-IG), Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Metamorpho, Mon-El, Morg, Nate Grey, Orion, Rachel Summers (Phoenix II), Red Shift, Sersi, Shaman, Skreet, Solomon Grundy, Supergirl, Supreme, Terrax the Tamer, Void (Wildstorm, no Creation Engine power), Waverider, Wildfire, Witchfire (Demon Form), Wonder Woman
This is mid herald tier, people. Given some of the high end feats these characters have, Tyrant's just going to sit back and tank their attacks? Seriously?
Like I said, most of these people have no means of injuring Tyrant. Stormbreaker bounced off of him harmlessly, and Terrax's axe (which has split a planet, decapitated Surfer, and bifurcated Randau the space parasite) only caused him superficial damage. Most of these people can be killed or knocked out by an initial nova. The only wins I see for them are if the more durable people in the tier (and who probably don't belong there) like Kurse grab the weapons dropped by their fallen comrades (like Morg and Terrax's axes), and even then, I wouldn't give them a majority; Tyrant is too durable, and his damage output is insane (even when playing around, he one-shotted BRB).
Dam...we got good arguments going both ways; I honestly thoulght Tyrant would get through the Heralds without much trouble...now my stance on that has changed considerably.
Kang and Doom are low heralds, he falls against the low-herald tier.
Originally posted by Bentley
Kang and Doom are low heralds, he falls against the low-herald tier.
He falls against them sans prep?
Neither side has prep in any of the fights...
Hilarious, people will ride that "Kubik universe warping" feat to the ground, while lowballing Tyrant.
Based on his powerset and energy sources I think he has a good chance against every Tier , with Tiers 5 and 7 being the major headaches and that's only because of the Trans Tier beings.
Regarding the Skyfathers and Elder Gods, Tyrant gets his power from the biosphere of every planet in the universe (let's just ignore his other source of power, his energy spheres for now). The Gods (both Skyfathers and Elders) were created by the Demiurge in the biosphere of the planet Earth. Tyrant will literally be empowered by their assaults. Even if the biospheric energy was metabolized into something else, Tyrant can still absorb it. As he showed vs Galactus when he stated that the Power Cosmic was nothing more than synthesized biospheric energy.
Proof :
a) The Gods were formed from the Biosphere and Demiurge is a part of it -
http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/4781/thor30015.th.jpg http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4870/godsm.th.jpg
b) Tyrant (even "DP" Tyrant) draws power from the biosphere of every planet in the universe (stated by both Galactus and Tyrant)-
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8215/silversurferv310510.th.jpg http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7974/silversurferv3106p10.th.jpg
c) Even biospheric energy that has been synthesized into other forms of power (like the Power Cosmic) can be absorbed by him -
So how far do you think DP Tyrant gets then?
KuRuPT Thanosi
I don't know how people are saying the Mid-Heralds would be him... They honestly don't have much of a shot. He can pretty much just omni blast or one shot pretty much every single one of them. Durability wise.. they have nothing for him that he can't take. The high herald tier.. now that gets a little tricky and they could win.... If made to choose though.. I still thing a High Skyfather or even above skyfather (which I believe DP Tyrant is) he can beat them. Notice how Odin one shot surfer and Drax with ease... While a low to trans level person in Thanos took shot after shot... Tyrant already pretty much one shot the best people in the high herald tier in Surfer, BRB and Glads.. he's already shown they are insects to him.. so adding 15 more bugs is supposed to make me believe they can certainly beat him... I think not. He will have to work and it would be a clean sweep but I think he makes it to the trans tier where he's taken care of.
Dont forget to vote peeps!

That answers my question!
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
So how far do you think DP Tyrant gets then?
The Trans Tier (both Versions of it) will be problematic. He clears every Tier except 5 and 7 BUT he can clear the other Tiers even Tiers 8 and 9 because of the nature of his abilities.
Since there was no option for every Tier except XXXX, I went with clears it. Although I admit Tiers 5 and 7 may spell the end of him and that's only because of the sheer number of Trans Tier characters, the Heralds add nothing.
Originally posted by zopzop
Hilarious, people will ride that "Kubik universe warping" feat to the ground, while lowballing Tyrant.
Based on his powerset and energy sources I think he has a good chance against every Tier , with Tiers 5 and 7 being the major headaches and that's only because of the Trans Tier beings.
Regarding the Skyfathers and Elder Gods, Tyrant gets his power from the biosphere of every planet in the universe (let's just ignore his other source of power, his energy spheres for now). The Gods (both Skyfathers and Elders) were created by the Demiurge in the biosphere of the planet Earth. Tyrant will literally be empowered by their assaults. Even if the biospheric energy was metabolized into something else, Tyrant can still absorb it. As he showed vs Galactus when he stated that the Power Cosmic was nothing more than synthesized biospheric energy.
Proof :
a) The Gods were formed from the Biosphere and Demiurge is a part of it -
http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/4781/thor30015.th.jpg http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4870/godsm.th.jpg
b) Tyrant (even "DP" Tyrant) draws power from the biosphere of every planet in the universe (stated by both Galactus and Tyrant)-
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8215/silversurferv310510.th.jpg http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7974/silversurferv3106p10.th.jpg
c) Even biospheric energy that has been synthesized into other forms of power (like the Power Cosmic) can be absorbed by him -
Clears tier 6, just not sure with 7 . If he can absorb enough energy to gain access to his fully powered level then he clears that level as well and the others..
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
He falls against them sans prep?
Neither side has prep in any of the fights...
Time-manipulation is all the prep they will need.
Colossus-Big C
if the biosphet thing is true then tyrant>>>>galactus since big g onle eats one planet at a time will tyrant simotanoisly absorbed the energy off all the planets in the universe
Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
if the biosphet thing is true then tyrant>>>>galactus since big g onle eats one planet at a time will tyrant simotanoisly absorbed the energy off all the planets in the universe
ding ding ding

That doesn't even take into account the power he can access from his Energy Spheres.
He is stopping at 3. Swamp Thing who is listed with the Mid Heralds could win by himself
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