Kubik runs the gauntlet...
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(Inspired by my other thread on DP Tyrant)
Kubik believes that there is a major universal imbalance that will wreck havok on all of reality if left unchecked; the only way to fix the problem is to destroy the following teams...how far does he get?
1) The entire High Meta Tier...
2) The entire Low Herald Tier...
3) The entire Mid Herald Tier...
4) The entire High Herald Tier...
5) The entire Trans Tier...
6) The entire Herald Tier combined...
7) The entire Herald and Trans Tier combined...
8) The entire Skyfather Tier...
9) The entire Elder God Tier...
All fights are to the Death or KO; no BFR...
This is insane.
The only foe he's ever fought was HALF a cube being. He's admitted on panel that the Celestials are "many orders of power above us" and we all saw what Thor by himself did to Exitar. The Celestials and Teneberous ran and Aegis died fighting the Galactus Engine, Galactus was stalemating it, yet look what one skyfather is doing to Galactus.
As for universe level feats (like his warping Beyonder's pocket universe), even a high herald like Thor has them. Two Mjolnirs clanging together set off shockwaves that reached across the entire universe in an instant and it's power/force was comparable to the Big Bang. Thor and three of his clones held up the entire MULTIVERSE with the power of their Godblasts.
Thor has been drop by a Celestial with one shot. Most of Skyfather could not stop the Celestials.
Originally posted by golem370
Thor has been drop by a Celestial with one shot. Most of Skyfather could not stop the Celestials.
Thor has also withstood multiple blasts from Celestials and not died. This was just after they got through melting the Destroyer to slag. The Skyfathers fought the Celestials exactly ONE time a lot has changed since then. Sue has killed Exitar and Thor has broken holes in both his inner and outer shell.
Thor is not a threat and I don't know why that Crazy stuff happened with Sue it was an alternate Marvel.
The inconsistencies are why we use average showings; in Kubiks case we only have one real demostration of his power...
And the average of that one showing is that one showing; more showings/feats would give us a more accurate measure of just how powerful he truly is, but for now all we can judge by is his universal reality warp feat...
I wonder who voted that Kubik doesnt get past the High Herald Tier btw...
I would really like to hear the reasoning behind that selection...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
The inconsistencies are why we use average showings; in Kubiks case we only have one real demostration of his power...
And the average of that one showing is that one showing; more showings/feats would give us a more accurate measure of just how powerful he truly is, but for now all we can judge by is his universal reality warp feat...
Actually we have statements from him that Cube Beings are many orders of power below Celestials (I think this was even admitted by him on two or three separate occasions). We also have him and Kosmos in fear of their lives at being judged unworthy by some un-named Celestial.
Yet going by "feats", Cube Beings destroy Celestials.
Going by fights, we have Kubik beating half a Cube Being. Seriously, that's it.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
I wonder who voted that Kubik doesnt get past the High Herald Tier btw...
I would really like to hear the reasoning behind that selection...
That was me. Thor took the fight to Exitar, yet Kubik and Kosmos were in fear of their lives at being judged by a no name Celestial.
Originally posted by zopzop
That was me. Thor took the fight to Exitar, yet Kubik and Kosmos were in fear of their lives at being judged by a no name Celestial.
Thor did that, but you know that was PIS...
Or at the very least, the Celestials had a "writter induced" off panel retcon...
Again, thats why we use average showings...Thor isnt that powerful (or rather, he shouldnt be)...99% of the time he isnt at any rate.
Exitar did not even pay attenion to Thor until he used his best shot which in the process destroyed is hammer and belt once Exitar noticed Thor he was exspelled like a snot rocket lol
Thor>Exitar>Arishem>average Celestial>Kubik
Thor>Exitar>4th host> skyfathers in destroyer>Odin=Galactus
Thor = LT
Scathan > Thor
Originally posted by zopzop
Actually we have statements from him that Cube Beings are many orders of power below Celestials (I think this was even admitted by him on two or three separate occasions). We also have him and Kosmos in fear of their lives at being judged unworthy by some un-named Celestial.
Yet going by "feats", Cube Beings destroy Celestials.
Going by fights, we have Kubik beating half a Cube Being. Seriously, that's it.
Statements dont equal feats though; characters say and do contradictory things from time to time...sometimes the statements are indeed true...sometimes they are blantantly false.
The true measure is the average showing; you typically are going to have really high ones and really low ones, so you try (and its 100% individual interpretation) to come up with an average...
Unfortunately for Kubik (or fortunately if you are a Kubik fan) the only demostation of its power is a universal level reality warp...
Originally posted by zopzop
This is insane.
The only foe he's ever fought was HALF a cube being. He's admitted on panel that the Celestials are "many orders of power above us" and we all saw what Thor by himself did to Exitar. The Celestials and Teneberous ran and Aegis died fighting the Galactus Engine, Galactus was stalemating it, yet look what one skyfather is doing to Galactus.
As for universe level feats (like his warping Beyonder's pocket universe), even a high herald like Thor has them. Two Mjolnirs clanging together set off shockwaves that reached across the entire universe in an instant and it's power/force was comparable to the Big Bang. Thor and three of his clones held up the entire MULTIVERSE with the power of their Godblasts.
People have trouble with heroes or villains that are suppose to be below them in power is kinda a staple of Marvel and comics in general.Your dealing with a medium where story most of the time trumps everything else power-levels included.I am not saying this happens all the time but it can and does happen more than it should.
The Watchers, Galactus, The Stranger, Zeus, Eternity, Thor he is on there as well from street level up to the Tribunal.Whatever Hierarchy Marvel has in place they have for years ignored it when it suits them to make a story work.Marvel is completely and utterly inconsistent hell the only consistent thing about it is it's inconsistencies
One sort of feat I like from a Celestial is when Adam Warlock and LT are facing off and Adam starts building power causing every abstract to get hurled backwards but the Celestials stands up to it. By the way if Kubik is so powerful where was he when the IG was being used everybody else seemed to be there even a watcher
Originally posted by golem370
One sort of feat I like from a Celestial is when Adam Warlock and LT are facing off and Adam starts building power causing every abstract to get hurled backwards but the Celestials stands up to it. By the way if Kubik is so powerful where was he when the IG was being used everybody else seemed to be there even a watcher
Thats more of the contradictory stuff; Skyfathers have feats/showings that dwarf that of The Stranger (who was present during the Infinity Gauntlet arc), but they were helplessly land-locked in Asgard during that event...
Based on feats, Kubik should have been there...
Of course, there is every possibility that it simply didnt care to show up...
Originally posted by golem370
One sort of feat I like from a Celestial is when Adam Warlock and LT are facing off and Adam starts building power causing every abstract to get hurled backwards but the Celestials stands up to it. By the way if Kubik is so powerful where was he when the IG was being used everybody else seemed to be there even a watcher
Hell where was he when the LT summoned all creation to fight off Thanos with the HotI? Skyfathers were right up there with Abstracts like Eternity on the front lines. Where was Kubik?
Originally posted by Simbon
Thor>Exitar>Arishem>average Celestial>Kubik
Thor>Exitar>4th host> skyfathers in destroyer>Odin=Galactus
Thor = LT
Scathan > Thor
Sounds about right whistling
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Statements dont equal feats though; characters say and do contradictory things from time to time...sometimes the statements are indeed true...sometimes they are blantantly false.
Even when the statement is repeated by the same individual on multiple occasions?
Actually the true measure of average showings would be the fights no? Since even High Herald level beings have universe level feats attributed to them where beings like Celestials or Abstracts like Love/Hate/Eon/Kronos/etc.. don't.
And his only fight/victory was over half a Cube Being. That's it.
Originally posted by zopzop
Hell where was he when the LT summoned all creation to fight off Thanos with the HotI? Skyfathers were right up there with Abstracts like Eternity on the front lines. Where was Kubik?
Where was The Pheonix Force?
Its just Marvel-based inconsistencies...
Kubik not being there is not at all an indication of his power level...
One of my points was the durability of the Celestials even Eternity got knocked back by Adam but the Celestial stood point blank and was only covering his face from the blast. Galactus during HOTU seemed suprised that the Celestials were being comsumed at the end.
And what is the average of Kubiks lone demostration of power?
Yeah he beat half a cube, but that half a cube created its own universe...and Kubik warped it.
It is what it is; based on available data, Kubik gets quite far in this gauntlet...
Originally posted by golem370
One of my points was the durability of the Celestials even Eternity got knocked back by Adam but the Celestial stood point blank and was only covering his face from the blast. Galactus during HOTU seemed suprised that the Celestials were being comsumed at the end.
Exactly. Despite showings like this and the fact that Kubik himself admitted that Celestials are many orders of power ABOVE Cube Beings, Celestials don't have the "feats" that Cube Beings do.
Feats mean little unless they going into a Respect Thread.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
And what is the average of Kubiks lone demostration of power?
Yeah he beat half a cube, but that half a cube created its own universe...and Kubik warped it.
It is what it is; based on available data, Kubik gets quite far in this gauntlet...
Yeah and two skyfathers rocked the entire multiverse and this was before Odin regained his full power (he was amnesiac).
Two Mjolnirs rocked the universe and the impact/force was comparable to the Big Bang.
Thor and three of his fellow Hammer Wielders held up the entire MULTIVERSE with their Godblast.
Satannish/Mephisto have done that "reality will be destroyed" fight on two occasions.
Mephiso/Galactus fight was wrecking 616 reality.
Shuma Gorath/Arioch Strange fight was wrecking havoc through out the various dimensions.
It's meaningless.
Kubik only fought half a cube being and won.
Originally posted by zopzop
Yeah and two skyfathers rocked the entire multiverse and this was before Odin regained his full power (he was amnesiac).
Two Mjolnirs rocked the universe and the impact/force was comparable to the Big Bang.
Thor and three of his fellow Hammer Wielders held up the entire MULTIVERSE with their Godblast.
Satannish/Mephisto have done that "reality will be destroyed" fight on two occasions.
Mephiso/Galactus fight was wrecking 616 reality.
Shuma Gorath/Arioch Strange fight was wrecking havoc through out the various dimensions.
It's meaningless.
Kubik only fought half a cube being and won.
Most of the characters you mentioned have low feats that counter balance those really high ones; those characters are not typically as powerful as those high end feats suggest...
Kubik is the exception here...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Most of the characters you mentioned have low feats that counter balance those really high ones; those characters are not typically as powerful as those high end feats suggest...
Kubik is the exception here...
The point is, feats are meaningless, since even High Heralds have universe rocking feats. It's fights that count. Aside from beating half a Cube Being, what has Kubik done? Nothing.
We KNOW he's weaker than a Celestial because he's said so on panel (more than once) and was in fear of his life while undergoing judgement by one.
That statement doesnt mean much...
Thor just "admitted" he couldnt beat the Hulk, then proceeded to beat him via BFR...knocked him into space to be precise.
And yeah, we need more showings from Kubik, but based on its win against half a cube (especially considering the consistently high on panel feats that half-cube has), Kubik is very powerful and should do very well in this gauntlet...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
That statement doesnt mean much...
By itself, you'd have a point. But when person making it is later shown on panel in FEAR OF HIS CONTINUED EXISTENCE, then it means a lot.
But BFR is just that, BFR.
Again, feats are meaningless in a vs fight. Eternity has NO worthwhile feats to speak of, but who would win in a fight : Eternity or Thor? If you say Eternity, why? He has zero feats worth mentioning and low showing after low showing after low showing.
Didnt Eternity destroy Dormmy?
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Didnt Eternity destroy Dormmy?
Temporarily but yes I'll give you that.
But if Thor used the same level Godblast he did vs Exitar on Dormammu, what do you think would happen to Dormammu?
Undoubtably disrupt his physical form, but I really dont expect Dormmy to just stand there...let Thor go through the motions of powering it up...then let Thor hit him with it.
Dormmy could just teleport behind him and own him to death...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Undoubtably disrupt his physical form, but I really dont expect Dormmy to just stand there...let Thor go through the motions of powering it up...then let Thor hit him with it.
Dormmy coudl just teleport behind him and own him to death...
You are right again, but the point is Thor, if given the opportunity, can wreck havoc on Dormammu.
Even in that Dormammu/Eternity fight, Eternity's form was being wrecked too with planets and suns exploding. Dr. Strange thought they both died or something.
See my point? Eternity has ZERO feats and one iffy fight to his credit. Why would people choose him over Thor in a versus fight? I mean Thor has the better feats no? And you admitted Thor's "Exitar level" Godblast would do damage to Dormammu and Thor is only a high herald.
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