Captain America vs. Red Hood
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Mini Bennett
Bucky battles Jason Todd.
- Everyone is in character but blood lust is on
- Battle takes place in Gotham at night
- Winner by knockout, TKO or death.
Who wins and why?
cap wins do to strength advantage
Red Hood gets a boot up his a$$.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Red Hood gets a boot up his a$$. caps boots are to valuable to go up Todd's ass
Mini Bennett
If Jason is a threat to Dick Grayson, he sure as hell is a threat to Bucky.
Originally posted by Mini Bennett
If Jason is a threat to Dick Grayson, he sure as hell is a threat to Bucky.
He would put a fight, but Bucky is incredibly dangerous when not holding back, in those conditions he'd give Bruce trouble.
I should read the op more often. lol. I thought it was Steve. I can see Jason pulling even.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
I should read the op more often. lol. I thought it was Steve. I can see Jason pulling even.
Nah. Bucky has handled Crossbones, Black Widow, Batroc, Ursa Major -without uber-arm- and Hawkeye, he can pull his weight.
CPT Space Bomb
Bucky wins. So does Steve. Hood's skilled, but he loses regardless here.
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