Arioch vs Agamotto
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Arioch , the chaos lord and Shuma-Gorath's lieutenant who confronted Doctor Strange has decided to challenge the member of the Vishanti known as Agamotto in order to prove his worth to Shuma-Gorath.
They will fight in a neutral dimension at full power. Both are bloodlusted.
Who takes it?
A) We got NO feats for Arioch and ONE fight that he LOST.
B) Agamotto has at least gone up vs Galactus and held his own.
Agamotto wins.
Originally posted by zopzop
A) We got NO feats for Arioch and ONE fight that he LOST.
B) Agamotto has at least gone up vs Galactus and held his own.
Agamotto wins.
We have indirect feats from Arioch that speak quite well for him:
1) Being a resident of a realm that had such powerful energy that Kaluu was dying and could not even enter it.
2) Gave Dr. Strange a fighting chance against Shuma-Gorath within its realm.
Those are definitely noteworthy.
Originally posted by CortSether
We have indirect feats from Arioch that speak quite well for him:
1) Being a resident of a realm that had such powerful energy that Kaluu was dying and could not even enter it.
2) Gave Dr. Strange a fighting chance against Shuma-Gorath within its realm.
Those are definitely noteworthy.
Originally posted by zopzop
Facepalm all you want buddy. Doesn't make what I typed any less true.
Originally posted by CortSether
Facepalm all you want buddy. Doesn't make what I typed any less true.
What you typed is meaningless because the "feats" are unquantifiable.

Originally posted by zopzop
What you typed is meaningless because the "feats" are unquantifiable.
It's quantifiable enough. Arioch's power combined with Strange's power enabled Strange/Arioch to go toe to toe with Shuma-Gorath. Additionally it was too much for Kaluu, who was more or less equal to the Ancient One in power. This same Ancient One who granted Strange his power and let him stalemate Zom for a time being.
Says a lot right there. But maybe that's too complicated for you?

Originally posted by CortSether
It's quantifiable enough. Arioch's power combined with Strange's power enabled Strange/Arioch to go toe to toe with Shuma-Gorath. Additionally it was too much for Kaluu, who was more or less equal to the Ancient One in power. This same Ancient One who granted Strange his power and let him stalemate Zom for a time being.
Says a lot right there. But maybe that's too complicated for you?
Not complicated at all. Arioch got beaten in 6 or so panels and was never seen again. He has zero on panel feats.
Off topic but Strange was about to be killed by Zom till the LT approached and Zom halted his attack in a panic (mentioned on panel). Strange never beat even a shackled Zom, but he destroyed Arioch and owned Gorath.
Don't try to divert attention away from the fact that Arioch is nothing but hyperbole and FAIL.
Originally posted by zopzop
Not complicated at all. Arioch got beaten in 6 or so panels and was never seen again. He has zero on panel feats.
Off topic but Strange was about to be killed by Zom till the LT approached and Zom halted his attack in a panic (mentioned on panel). Strange never beat even a shackled Zom, but he destroyed Arioch and owned Gorath.
Don't try to divert attention away from the fact that Arioch is nothing but hyperbole and FAIL.
Arioch is not hyperbole. He would only be hyperbole if there was nothing that let us measure his power to some degree, but there was - which I already mentioned. You know who is nothing but hyperbole? Zom. Don't try to divert attention away from the fact that Zom is nothing but hyperbole and FAIL.
And yet again you continuously ignore the circumstances and the sacrifices that Strange had to make in order to overcome Shuma-Gorath. Why do you pretend like Strange was equal in power in both circumstances?
Originally posted by CortSether
Arioch is not hyperbole. He would only be hyperbole if there was nothing that let us measure his power to some degree, but there was - which I already mentioned. You know who is nothing but hyperbole? Zom. Don't try to divert attention away from the fact that Zom is nothing but hyperbole and FAIL.
And yet again you continuously ignore the circumstances and the sacrifices that Strange had to make in order to overcome Shuma-Gorath. Why do you pretend like Strange was equal in power in both circumstances?
Zom was mostly hyperbole. But at least he didn't get his ass kicked by Strange. In fact, UNLIKE Arioch OR Gorath, Zom could have killed Strange but stopped his attack in panic of the LT's arrival!
So back on topic. Agamotto isn't losing to a guy that got killed by Strange in 6 panels. Next...
Originally posted by zopzop
Zom was mostly hyperbole. But at least he didn't get his ass kicked by Strange. In fact, UNLIKE Arioch OR Gorath, Zom could have killed Strange but stopped his attack in panic of the LT's arrival!
So back on topic. Agamotto isn't losing to a guy that got killed by Strange in 6 panels. Next...
Uhm, Shuma-Gorath was about to murder Strange in their first encounter within the Ancient One's mind until Strange murdered AO's ego to seal Shuma-Gorath back in his dimension. And Arioch was not killed by Doctor Strange - he was merged with him and they became one. There's a big difference.
Considering Shuma-Gorath stalemated the combined Vishanti off-panel yet Arioch combined with Strange was able to fight Shuma head-on, it suggests that Arioch would have more power than Agamotto alone. Agamotto has the decent feat of holding his own against a normal-fed Galactus within his realm which is why I'm considering the fight would be decent.
Arioch lost to Strange because he underestimated him and got arrogant. He wouldn't do so against a member of the Vishanti.
Originally posted by CortSether
Uhm, Shuma-Gorath was about to murder Strange in their first encounter within the Ancient One's mind until Strange murdered AO's ego to seal Shuma-Gorath back in his dimension. And Arioch was not killed by Doctor Strange - he was merged with him and they became one. There's a big difference.
Considering Shuma-Gorath stalemated the combined Vishanti off-panel yet Arioch combined with Strange was able to fight Shuma head-on, it suggests that Arioch would have more power than Agamotto alone. Agamotto has the decent feat of holding his own against a normal-fed Galactus within his realm which is why I'm considering the fight would be decent.
Arioch lost to Strange because he underestimated him and got arrogant. He wouldn't do so against a member of the Vishanti.
Quick question : Where is Arioch now, if he's not dead? We've seen Gorath reform after Strange pwned his ass (but this is not a big deal seeing as how other demons like Mephisto and Satannish have reformed after being destroyed). But Arioch is AWOL.
Oooooh, he stalemated the Vishanti off panel?

Such a joke.
Arioch lost because Arioch SUCKS. In six measly panels, he was wiped from comics and never seen again.
Agamotto wins. At least Agamotto has never lost to Strange.

Originally posted by zopzop
Quick question : Where is Arioch now, if he's not dead? We've seen Gorath reform after Strange pwned his ass (but this is not a big deal seeing as how other demons like Mephisto and Satannish have reformed after being destroyed). But Arioch is AWOL.
Oooooh, he stalemated the Vishanti off panel?

Such a joke.
Arioch lost because Arioch SUCKS. In six measly panels, he was wiped from comics and never seen again.
Agamotto wins. At least Agamotto has never lost to Strange.
Arioch's power was released along with Shuma-Gorath's when Strange bled it all out and returned to normal with the help of Enitharmon the Weaver. He hasn't been shown again because Strange has never had the need to venture back into Arioch's realm. Hell lords have reformed from death so a demon like Arioch who's far greater in power than the likes of Mephisto and Satannish would have no problem doing so as well. Arioch itself is just power, the body was just the form it took, so when it was released it would reform.
And stalemating the Vishanti is a very good feat for a non-cosmic entity. It's only a joke to you because you're filled with this weird anti-Shuma thing. Maybe you ate bad squid one day and never forgot it?
And why the hell would Agamotto fight the Sorcerer Supreme? That would make absolutely no sense.
Originally posted by CortSether
Arioch's power was released along with Shuma-Gorath's when Strange bled it all out and returned to normal with the help of Enitharmon the Weaver. He hasn't been shown again because Strange has never had the need to venture back into Arioch's realm. Hell lords have reformed from death so a demon like Arioch who's far greater in power than the likes of Mephisto and Satannish would have no problem doing so as well. Arioch itself is just power, the body was just the form it took, so when it was released it would reform.
And stalemating the Vishanti is a very good feat for a non-cosmic entity. It's only a joke to you because you're filled with this weird anti-Shuma thing. Maybe you ate bad squid one day and never forgot it?
And why the hell would Agamotto fight the Sorcerer Supreme? That would make absolutely no sense.
I'm not anti-Shuma, I'm anti-Hyperbole. Because I'm sick of people using statements as if they were feats or fights, at least if those statements were backed up by something on panel, then it would be acceptable.
You got proof Arioch is more powerful than Satannish or Mephisto?
He hasn't been shown because there's a good chance he's DEAD. Even Shuma has made an appearance here and there but sadly no Arioch.
Agamotto destroys him like Strange did 10/10.
Originally posted by zopzop
You got proof Arioch is more powerful than Satannish or Mephisto?
He hasn't been shown because there's a good chance he's DEAD. Even Shuma has made an appearance here and there but sadly no Arioch.
Agamotto destroys him like Strange did 10/10.
The proof is that Kaluu couldn't even make it to Arioch's realm and was dying. The same guy who said that the power of the realm dwarfed the powers of Mephisto and Satannish. And this is said by a guy who uses all forms of black magic, even those out of Chthon's Darkhold.
And Agamotto has never shown himself to forcefully merge with another god so don't even act like that's a possibility for him.
Originally posted by CortSether
The proof is that Kaluu couldn't even make it to Arioch's realm and was dying. The same guy who said that the power of the realm dwarfed the powers of Mephisto and Satannish. And this is said by a guy who uses all forms of black magic, even those out of Chthon's Darkhold.
And Agamotto has never shown himself to forcefully merge with another god so don't even act like that's a possibility for him.
See? More hyperbole! That's all you have. We're supposed to believe that Satannish and Mephisto, two established Demon Lords, are less than Arioch, who got OWNED by Strange in six panels and is never seen again? GTFO of here with that nonsense.
So unless you got something more than just talk, Agamotto wins 10/10.
Originally posted by zopzop
See? More hyperbole! That's all you have. We're supposed to believe that Satannish and Mephisto, two established Demon Lords, are less than Arioch, who got OWNED by Strange in six panels and is never seen again? GTFO of here with that nonsense.
So unless you got something more than just talk, Agamotto wins 10/10.
And here you are thinking that Strange in Arioch's realm was anywhere near the same scope of power that he was in normally. And if Kaluu is dying before getting to Arioch's realm, and it's shown that he's dying, yet he's able to deal with all lower forms of black magic and established to be near equals with the Ancient One, then yes, he'd know what he's talking about. It was ESTABLISHED that Arioch was of a greater tier than Mephisto and Satannish. Get over it already.
Originally posted by CortSether
And here you are thinking that Strange in Arioch's realm was anywhere near the same scope of power that he was in normally. And if Kaluu is dying before getting to Arioch's realm, and it's shown that he's dying, yet he's able to deal with all lower forms of black magic and established to be near equals with the Ancient One, then yes, he'd know what he's talking about. It was ESTABLISHED that Arioch was of a greater tier than Mephisto and Satannish. Get over it already.
It was not all. Just Kaluu's words with nothing to back it up. Face it, Mephisto and Satannish were never beaten in such a humiliating fashion......................EVER, let alone in their own realm of power.
We have Strange on panel saying that no one, not even Dormammu at the height of his power, made him feel so helpless, when referring to Satannish. And this fight took place AFTER the Arioch/Gorath one. So according to you, since all we need is characters spouting off nonsense, Satannish >>>>>>>>>>>Gorath or Arioch. Thanks for proving my point!

Originally posted by zopzop
It was not all. Just Kaluu's words with nothing to back it up. Face it, Mephisto and Satannish were never beaten in such a humiliating fashion......................EVER, let alone in their own realm of power.
We have Strange on panel saying that no one, not even Dormammu at the height of his power, made him feel so helpless, when referring to Satannish. And this fight took place AFTER the Arioch/Gorath one. So according to you, since all we need is characters spouting off nonsense, Satannish >>>>>>>>>>>Gorath or Arioch. Thanks for proving my point!
Nothing to back it up except Kaluu being in the process of dying of course. Oh but Kaluu was just faking it in order to exaggerate to Strange, right?
Yet again you fail to grasp that Mephisto and Satannish were fought under different circumstances than Shuma-Gorath.
And Strange saying that nobody else made him feel so helpless doesn't refer to sheer power output. You have to take into account the options under Strange's disposal in the current situation. Strange felt more helpless against Satannish than Gorath because of the fact that, hm, let's see, Strange had no upgrades like he did when he confronted Arioch/Shuma. Strange would have collapsed into a coma before approaching Arioch's realm along with Kaluu had he not been upgraded.

Hell lords don't have that kind of power.
Originally posted by CortSether
Nothing to back it up except Kaluu being in the process of dying of course. Oh but Kaluu was just faking it in order to exaggerate to Strange, right?
Yet again you fail to grasp that Mephisto and Satannish were fought under different circumstances than Shuma-Gorath.
And Strange saying that nobody else made him feel so helpless doesn't refer to sheer power output. You have to take into account the options under Strange's disposal in the current situation. Strange felt more helpless against Satannish than Gorath because of the fact that, hm, let's see, Strange had no upgrades like he did when he confronted Arioch/Shuma. Strange would have collapsed into a coma before approaching Arioch's realm along with Kaluu had he not been upgraded.

Hell lords don't have that kind of power.
Again, conjecture and hyperbole on your part. Fact is, there is NOTHING on panel to suggest that Arioch or Gorath are >>>>>>>>Mephisto or Satannish.
You have Strange, ON PANEL, stating that NO ONE ever made him feel so helpless (this AFTER he fought Arioch and Gorath), but you conveniently overlook statements like this and focus on ones favorable to your view.
Agamotto wins 10/10.
Originally posted by zopzop
Again, conjecture and hyperbole on your part. Fact is, there is NOTHING on panel to suggest that Arioch or Gorath are >>>>>>>>Mephisto or Satannish.
You have Strange, ON PANEL, stating that NO ONE ever made him feel so helpless (this AFTER he fought Arioch and Gorath), but you conveniently overlook statements like this and focus on ones favorable to your view.
Agamotto wins 10/10.
You're in denial.

Originally posted by CortSether
You're in denial.
Ok, let's do this your way. Show me some on panel feats by Arioch or any worthwhile fights. I'll wait.
Originally posted by zopzop
Ok, let's do this your way. Show me some on panel feats by Arioch or any worthwhile fights. I'll wait.
See Strange/Arioch vs Shuma-Gorath and there's your answer.

Originally posted by CortSether
See Strange/Arioch vs Shuma-Gorath and there's your answer.
Eye H8 ewe.
Originally posted by zopzop
Eye H8 ewe.
Someone who had their power upsurped by Steven is not beating any member of the Vishanti.
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