Current Hulk vs Classic Juggernaut
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i must be retarded, but i couldn't find a straight hulk/juggs thread (lots of teams and twists though). anyway, maybe this will be merged, but i'm wondering what might happen if this version of hulk met classic or fully repowered juggs. could hulk actually ko him?? would be simply have to bfr? could he HALT juggs?
inquiring minds want to know.

These kinds of threads will never go anywhere. Unstoppable force vs immovable object.
Classic Juggs wins...
Current Hulk couldnt harm a non-jobbing Juggernaut (as in Juggs with his Force Field up at all times), and unlike The Hulk, Classic Juggs never tires...
Despite all of his rage, The Hulk would eventually grow tired of the nonstop, endless, battle and self BFR himself...
So once again, Juggs wins 10/10...
This battle would never end, the Hulks healing factor would repair the damage that muscular acids did to him due to fatigue. This battle would resemble an endless pinball game. The Hulk would be the flippers, and Cain would be the ball.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Classic Juggs wins...
Current Hulk couldnt harm a non-jobbing Juggernaut (as in Juggs with his Force Field up at all times), and unlike The Hulk, Classic Juggs never tires...
Despite all of his rage, The Hulk would eventually grow tired of the nonstop, endless, battle and self BFR himself...
So once again, Juggs wins 10/10... If you read 634, this incarnation of Hulk, loves to fight for sake of fighting, I bet they can either be butt buddies forever or Hulk smashes through Juggernaut, how I came up w/ this conclusion that he's actually not invulnerable, because he was damage before by WWH.
psycho gundam
yup, hulk literally wished for an endless fight where he could cut loose forever
Stalemate, with Juggernaut kicking his ass the whole time.
Without bfr Juggs wins, Hulk is to 1 dimensional to beat Juggs.
Originally posted by Nihilist
Without bfr Juggs wins, Hulk is to 1 dimensional to beat Juggs.
As of this moment (IH's 634), I'm betting that the Hulk could rip the Juggernaut in half, and wipe Betty's @$$ with him.
If Juggernaut doesn't have his force field up -which he probably wont- this will just be one huge ass kicking similar to his fight with War Hulk.
Black bolt z
Assuming juggs has his force fields up and no BFR its a stalemate.
With BFR or no forcefield hulk.
Juggernaut does not even remember he has that damn force field.
Originally posted by SuperiorTech
Juggernaut does not even remember he has that damn force field.
He remembers he has it everytime he encounters Thor; and wont shut up bragging about it
Whenever Juggs faces off with someone (especially an opponent like The Hulk) and doesnt use his FF, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that "the fix" is in...
And the writter is going to make Juggs job like a SOB...
It will be a Cain win or a stalemate- if this is WBH
I STILL don't see Hulk doing anything to Juggernaut with his shield up. But Juggernaut wouldn't be able to do any permanent damage to the Hulk either, with his HF erasing anything done to him. Endless stalemate unless one of them BFR's the other.
Originally posted by Stoic
As of this moment (IH's 634), I'm betting that the Hulk could rip the Juggernaut in half, and wipe Betty's @$$ with him. "Rip in half", dont be so stupid..god Hulk fans easily get caught up in the hype.
IH#626: Hulk crush a Door Mystically shelded by tyrannus with zero effort,
IH#633:Hulk cut the heads and killed numerous of these near invulnerable Mystical creature the mindless ones and in Umar dark dimension
IH#634:killed/incinerated the vastly amped Armagedon,Bi-Beast,Tyrannus,etc.... and the Mystical in nature Wendigo all these character later brought back to life by Umar
alson in WWH X-men mini,a double Hold Back Hulk still stalemeted Juggernaut.......
assumed Juggernaut never used consciously his Forcefield in 25+ of continuity,assumed he can't replicate consciously the Trion possession,
Juggernaut is stopped and koed by bypass of his portion of mystical power in nano-seconds before he understand how to draw more power from Cyttorak(Hulk can pass in WBH mode in no times) Juggernaut can match strenght but not in the exponential/explosive way of hulk+limitless factor based on mental+he love to fight,add insane healing factor,never tired in a fight,banner intelligence.........
Cyttorak offer a contract for his new engine of destruction Hulk...oh wait a second colossus is already in the business in september.........
Hulk wins. Jobbernaut does just that
psycho gundam
Originally posted by Devron87
alson in WWH X-men mini,a double Hold Back Hulk still stalemeted Juggernaut....... i told them so many times
hulk didn't give half a rat shit about juggernaut
Hulk would stomp Cain so hard that Cytorrak will begging to become Hulk's avatar.
Juggs beat Hulk unconscious awhile back, want to say like 15years or so ago. Red Skull or someone hired Juggs to take out the hulk. Juggs ambushed the hulk and the Hulk thought it was just some construction guy. but then juggs grabbed the hulk in headlock and just kept punching him. hulk thought to himself that he wasnt being given a chance to heal/regen and eventually was KO'd. Red Skull had to step in and tell Juggs to stop it before he killed the hulk.
anyone else remember this?
^IIRC it was Prof. Hulk who was choked out by Juggs
Colossus-Big C
no matter how strong hulk gets, juggs is still invunerable....
and the only thing that can hurt him is current colossus as the second juggernaut
OK found a pic in some other threat after googling it hope copy/pasting the link is ok.
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Hulk would stomp Cain so hard that Cytorrak will begging to become Hulk's avatar.

psycho gundam
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Hulk would stomp Cain so hard that Cytorrak will begging to become Hulk's avatar. he should, cain marko is useless
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Hulk would stomp Cain so hard that Cytorrak will begging to become Hulk's avatar. Why would Hulk accept a downgrade?
Classic Juggernaut was fighting Nightmare evenly in his realm.
Don't nut over this version of Hulk too much guys.
Juggernaut needs CIS.. Making him smart is like giving Batman a GL ring, it'd make him totally overpowered.
He still stalemates current Hulk, at the least. Just like he did to World War Hulk, only without much chance of being outsmarted as current Hulk doesn't have the brains of WWH..
Originally posted by cdtm
Juggernaut needs CIS.. Making him smart is like giving Batman a GL ring, it'd make him totally overpowered.
He still stalemates current Hulk, at the least. Just like he did to World War Hulk, only without much chance of being outsmarted as current Hulk doesn't have the brains of WWH.. Current Hulk is stronger than WWH and has the same personality/mind
This Hulk figure out how to make use of the wishing well..
Originally posted by vansonbee
Current Hulk is stronger than WWH and has the same personality/mind
This Hulk figure out how to make use of the wishing well..
He wasn't so strong Thor couldn't withstand an assault between him and Thing, and fight back.
If Thor can do it, Juggernaut can do it, only he won't take any damage from the attacks.
So, stalemate.
Originally posted by cdtm
He wasn't so strong Thor couldn't withstand an assault between him and Thing, and fight back.
If Thor can do it, Juggernaut can do it, only he won't take any damage from the attacks.
So, stalemate. We're talking about 634 comic version of Hulk, Nul is crap.
Originally posted by Aakla
OK found a pic in some other threat after googling it hope copy/pasting the link is ok.
I have that comic!
A non-jobbing Classic Juggernaut beats The Hulk 10/10...

Worldbreaker Hulk wins and make Juggernaut eat his gamma sh*t
He probably won't be able to KO him, stopping him isn't likely, and BFRing him is basically how he loses all his fights that aren't against telepaths.
So Hulk uppercuts him to the moon or something.
Hulk could only bfr Juggs, otherwise Hulk gets his head smashed in.
Originally posted by Nihilist
Hulk could only bfr Juggs, otherwise Hulk gets his head smashed in.

Originally posted by Colossus-Big C
no matter how strong hulk gets, juggs is still invunerable....
and the only thing that can hurt him is current colossus as the second juggernaut War Hulk should did a number on Juggs.
Juggernaut's only real hope is his force field.
Either Juggs wins or it is a stalemate. This is common sense. Why open a thread on this?
Juggs beats Hulkie Boy. Again.
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Juggernaut's only real hope is his force field.
And what hope does Hulk have if Juggs does use his forcefield??
Originally posted by h1a8
Either Juggs wins or it is a stalemate. This is common sense. Why open a thread on this?
Leonidas is such a newb.
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Juggernaut's only real hope is his force field. Has anyone ever thought if the writers recton the shield w/o us knowing? XD
As for the thread, its either stalemate or Hulk tossing Jugg out of space, Hulk is quicker than Juggernaut in maneuverability.
When Hulk is greater than a elder god, I way say Hulk beats Jugg easily :P
The Sorrow
Juggernaut can at best stalemate, he isn't knockng Hulk out.
"Classic" Juggernaut was mostly depicted as having his forcefield on all the time which is why he seemed invulnerable.
Side Note: Based on the above fact, his forcefield/invulnerability has either been written down in the last decade or it has been written out of his powerset altogether.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Juggernaut's only real hope is his force field. what force field? he was "classic" level when he was fully re-powered by cytorrak during WWH
diet worldbreaker would be enough to break any hope for a stalemate let alone full powered hulk.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by psycho gundam
Captain Universe took Juggernaut by surprise because he knew once Juggernaut charged forward there was no stopping him (or at least Cap U didn't think he could). Then it was a "mental probe through the openings of his helmet" that did him in. Then he flung him unconscious back to Earth.
I don't see Current Hulk doing any sort of mental shenanigans through the holes in Classic Jugz's helmet.
Black bolt z
No BFR and juggs wins.
BFR and juggs loses.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by zopzop
Captain Universe took Juggernaut by surprise because he knew once Juggernaut charged forward there was no stopping him (or at least Cap U didn't think he could). Then it was a "mental probe through the openings of his helmet" that did him in. Then he flung him unconscious back to Earth. my bad. i had the scans mis-labeled
Originally posted by Bentley
Leonidas is such a newb.
Stalemate but Juggs gets tossed around a lot.
psycho gundam
^ he scores no points on hulk till the latter dies of old age
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