Which is more Useful: The Eye of Agamotto Vs. The Lasso of Truth
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In this scenario you have to choose one of these two mystical artifacts to use in:
A)Day to Day life
B)As a Hero
You will get no additional powers other than the abilities endowed in the artifact you choose. Which would you choose, and why?
The Eye. Too much stuff to list. But the fact that you can open portals and teleport vast distances or even to other dimensions seals the deal.
Eye of Agamotto for both.
Sin I AM
Eye...the lasso sucks imo
Without Diana's level of skill using it and the speed and strength required to hog tie foes, it's really difficult to use conventionally.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Without Diana's level of skill using it and the speed and strength required to hog tie foes, it's really difficult to use conventionally.
True story. That shit would get old real fast.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Without Diana's level of skill using it and the speed and strength required to hog tie foes, it's really difficult to use conventionally.
Even if I had Diana's skill I'd still chose the Eye.
CPT Space Bomb
Agree with everyone above...^^
Omega Vision
A. Eye no contest.
B. I think I might actually take the Lasso over the Eye assuming I'm a hero on Wonder Woman's level of power. It can bind skyfathers after all.
Edit: Nvm. Reread the OP. Eye for both.
Definitely the Eye.
People are underestimating the Lasso for Day to Day Life.
You could probably rent it to the US Government for $1 Billion+ per year since it would be invaluable for using against Terrorism Suspects
The Eye can do that too. I know Strange used it to peer into people's minds before.
Originally posted by MF DELPH
In this scenario you have to choose one of these two mystical artifacts to use in:
A)Day to Day life
B)As a Hero
You will get no additional powers other than the abilities endowed in the artifact you choose. Which would you choose, and why?
Discuss. All the answers you need for the low, low price of $3.50.
Pretty sure when protege was approaching TOAA power levels the living tribunal commented on how they would need the eye of agamotto to defeat him....
Eye would be my choicw
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