Magma, Moonstar, Cannonball vs. Argent, Roy, Starfire
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Very nice match up! Both Teams are so close power wise, it's not a stomp in either direction.
The big questions are :
a) How powerful are Argent's constructs?
b) How strong is Kori?
As of now I see a split 5/10 until I get answers for those two questions. Because if Kori isn't strong enough to affect Sam and Argent's constructs can't stand up to Magma's offense, Team 1 takes the majority then.
Any psychic resistance feats for Team 2?
If not, then what's stopping Dani from just trapping them in an illusion of their worst nightmares?
My votes for the mutants 6/10. Dani can match Roy in H2H. I'm giving her illusion abilities only (recently re-powered by Hela).
Originally posted by zopzop
a) How powerful are Argent's constructs?
b) How strong is Kori?
Argents plasma energy failed to destroy Kyle construct, but she was able to make it slanted. I read JLA, her future self can control constructs like GL, but they were destroyed by the Parademon gunfire. The 2nd image, Argent was able to hold up a small ship. 3rd image, she tried to stun Deathstroke (to faint), but failed, maybe because of DS suit or super human body, but I can assume she can kill him. Thats all I know of Argent, no access to Titans (1999).
Starfire strength fluctuated so much, maybe someone can fill me in.
Originally posted by Glorificus
Any psychic resistance feats for Team 2?
If not, then what's stopping Dani from just trapping them in an illusion of their worst nightmares? Resistance to TP? Not that I know of, but w/ SF history in comics, maybe one rare one, but it will be kind of inconsistent.
Moonstar has powers again? She hasn't used them at all so far in Unfinished Business.
I'm fairly certain Hela's upgrade was lost after Siege when Moonstar disobeyed Hela's orders.
As for Starfire's strength, she's mid level 100 class or so. Strong enough to steam roll Wonder Girl and Superboy types, but not strong enough to really contend with an all out Wonder Woman or Superman or other top tier. I think it was well established in Supergirl v5 that Supergirl was the stronger of the two, though Kara admired Starfire's ability to get a hole punched through her shoulder and have Kara cauterize it without flinching, a tribute to her warrior's spirit.
As it stands, I don't think anyone on team Marvel can brush off a high end starbolt. =/
Starfire is a low end 100 class, going by consistency. Her durability compared to her strength is low.
What has she done with her high end star-bolt? What her maneuverability in the air and speed?
Cannonball is invulnerable during flight, because of his thermo-kinetic coming out from his body. Cannonball has redirected Gladiator strongest punch and redirected back at him for a KO, he can do the same to SF. There also CB standard way of attacking her, his straight forward tackle, plus his excellent maneuverability/speed in the air.
There also Mamga, she can manipulate Earth and Molten Lava and recently she can now fly.
I reread the New Mutant#11, Dani powers w/ Hela are on/off relationship. Its my fault for not listing it on the OP, but she gets her original powers again, I think the best it does an opponent for these battles.
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