Current Hulk vs Current Thor
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Yes I was lazy to bump the old thread....
Who wins?
Current Thor via BFR.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Current Thor via BFR.
That sig is lookin tight!!

I like his Sig as well. As for the fight, Thor is 2 paneled.
Originally posted by carver9
I like his Sig as well. As for the fight, Thor is 2 paneled.
First panel is thor hitting hulk
2nd panel is hulk floating in space unconscioue
Epilogue reads as follows *Thor then unleashes his "Mighty hammer" all over hulk's wide. Over and over and over again*
So Thor bfrs at the beginning of the fight? Is this what you are telling me?
Zack Fair
He probably will because current Thor has no problem accepting Hulk will win a brawl. Current Hulk is a crazy overpowered mother ****er right do the math.
Thor dumps him someplace else to get rid of Hulk's tantrum.
Typo I meant to say "All over hulks WIFE"
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
That sig is lookin tight!!
Thank you
The idea is from JLA btw.
Zack Fair
Indeed it is.
Still miss Psycho Dimension Breaker Prime though.
Without bfr, Hulk wins
Originally posted by Zack Fair
He probably will because current Thor has no problem accepting Hulk will win a brawl. Current Hulk is a crazy overpowered mother ****er right do the math.
Thor dumps him someplace else to get rid of Hulk's tantrum.
Just like Mangog is a powerful sonava and Thor went h2h with him and got exotic during the end. Thor pride never allow him 2 go h2h with anyone, especially Hulk.
Zack Fair
Don't care about Mangog. Hulk gets BFRed.
Originally posted by Estacado
Yes I was lazy to bump the old thread....
Who wins? Don't be next time. It's bad enough when new posters make repeat threads. We don't need it from posters who know better...and admit they knew about making a duplicate thread.
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