Jesse Quick Vs 90's Quicksilver
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Jesse has also Superstrength and limited invulnerability. I pick her.
My God, the way she dresses is so ****ing unattractive in a female Superhero.
^Though the costumes of the female Superheroes are kind of stupid to be honest. Her costume is at least more realistic. I mean, if the girl would wear that stuff in RL and fight light they do. The whole world be full of naked boobs and asses.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
^Though the costumes of the female Superheroes are kind of stupid to be honest. Her costume is at least more realistic. I mean, if the girl would wear that stuff in RL and fight light they do. The whole world be full of naked boobs and asses.
Fiction, when shits make no sense. Gotta love it.


Jesse is half light speed, like Johnny Quick, isn't she?
How fast was 90's Quicksilver?
And does she start the fight with the speed equation pre activated? It's a stomp against her if it's not.
Originally posted by SquallX
My God, the way she dresses is so ****ing unattractive in a female Superhero. Her old uniform, plus it seem she use to able to fly super fast lol
Mini Bennett
I thought Quicksilver ranged anywhere from 175 mph to Mach 10 until recently...
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