Deathstroke vs NuDeathstroke

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Omega Vision
Probably still too early to call since he's only had one issue, but where do people think DCnU Slade stacks up compared to older Slade?

I think its important because the main (indeed only) selling point of reboot Slade is that he's supposed to be more badass and intimidating than pre-reboot Slade.

He's much more brutal, that's for sure. In terms of everything else, it's too early. Wait until he fights his first villain. What was his name? Legacy? I think the NuDeathstroke will be more formidable, though. Just a feeling. Could be wrong.

Omega Vision
I'm uncertain as to how we're supposed to get a feel of Slade as an impressive character if he isn't fighting people who we know and care about.

I mean, Wolfman established original Slade by having him trounce the Teen Titans and wreck the Goddamn Batman.

A DS and Nightwing crossover is going to come. Not anytime soon, but Higgens said when it does, it will be huge.

Omega Vision
I'm dreading it actually.

I have a feeling that either we're not going to see them fight or Higgins will stand by his "the villain must always lose" stance and have Slade...well...lose.

I'm looking forward to it, simply because he promises it will be good. I liked both NW and DS, so I think it will be good. Just wait and see. As for now, he's building up his rogue gallery, which is what I like.

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