Hourman 1M & Extant Vs ZH Parallax & Ion
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Team two, fairly easily.
How so? Hourman w/Worlogog could match Parallax, IMO.
I have my doubts.
And then there's Kyle.
the Darkone
Kyles as Ion is above parallax who is above extant. So it 2 against on 1
What did Ion do that makes you believe this?
This fight is actually fairly even
the Darkone
If my memory serves me right did ZH Parallax punk Extant in Zero Hour arc, or am I wrong!?
Originally posted by the Darkone
If my memory serves me right did ZH Parallax punk Extant in Zero Hour arc, or am I wrong!?
Yes. Utterly, lol. Just got through reading that the other day actually haha. I like his quote as he blasted The Time Trapper into oblivion.
"Shut up Trapper. All you omnipotent types like to do is babble."
Team 2 with ease.
Did Extant have the Worlogog?
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Did Extant have the Worlogog?
No, looks like he does here so it's a totally different story.
I haven't read up on Extant w/ the Warlogog, so I don't know who would win here. Can someone tell me what arc/issues he appeared in with it?
I think Galan has a respect thread here, so check it out.
Originally posted by Cogito
No, looks like he does here so it's a totally different story.
I haven't read up on Extant w/ the Warlogog, so I don't know who would win here. Can someone tell me what arc/issues he appeared in with it? With an incomplete Worlogog, Extant created an entire working universe (and everyone/thing in it) from scratch. Happened in JSA #13-15.
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