Superboy Prime runs Gauntlet
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He gets no rest between each battle. Battles occur on the surface of Mercury on the sunny side. Both sides are going all out in each battle. They both use their powers to their full potential. No BFR in any battle. NOTE: CHARACTERS ARE NOT listed in order of how powerful they are. Can Prime clear this gauntlet? Again, keep in mind he gets no rest between each fight.
1. World War Hulk
2. Thor
3. Worldbreaker Hulk
4. Silver Surfer
5. Juggernaut
6. Terrax
7. Sentry (WWH Version)
8. Thor with Belt of Strength and Magic Gauntlets
9. Odin Force Thor (JMS run)
10. Beta Ray Bill
11. Iron Man in Hulkbuster Armor
12. War Hulk
13. Sasquatch
14. Maestro Hulk
15. Warrior's Madness Thor
Uh....order is way off
Uh....order is way off
Could clear though
Originally posted by DickBlazer
Uh....order is way off
Originally posted by keiththegreat
NOTE: CHARACTERS ARE NOT listed in order of how powerful they are.
red sabre
actually Prime doesnt need rest because the sun empowers him constantly, so unless you take out the sun he is fully recharged for each fight
as for the list he clears it
Prime clears this with ease. And if he's using his powers to their potential, as the OP says, it's debatable whether any of these guys even hit him once before they are KO'ed.
Prime one shots the guantlet.
Originally posted by red sabre
actually Prime doesnt need rest because the sun empowers him constantly, so unless you take out the sun he is fully recharged for each fight
as for the list he clears it

Originally posted by red sabre
actually Prime doesnt need rest because the sun empowers him constantly, so unless you take out the sun he is fully recharged for each fight
as for the list he clears it
Oh, and I just noticed...this fight is ON MERCURY..much closer to the sun. This is a massacre
Prime never gets to use all his whiny anecdotes because he clears it too quickly.
I think he stalemates at 5. How is Prime Killing or KOing Juggernaut since BFR is not an option and Juggernaut's shielding is on since both sides are going all out.
Originally posted by BullwinkleMoose
I think he stalemates at 5. How is Prime Killing or KOing Juggernaut since BFR is not an option and Juggernaut's shielding is on since both sides are going all out. By punching him really hard.
Jugger stalemate
Originally posted by BullwinkleMoose
I think he stalemates at 5. How is Prime Killing or KOing Juggernaut since BFR is not an option and Juggernaut's shielding is on since both sides are going all out.
He punches him so hard he retcons his entire history until he no longer has the gem.
Unless of course its Pitor Juggernaut then SBP one shots him while he is dreaming dandylions
SBP doesnt have the strength to physically beat Juggernaut with shields
SBP IN SPACE, broke through a 300 mile thick wall of pure GL willpower. He punched his way out of the Phantom Zone. He's punched so hard he's shattered time, space, and reality. Are you really claiming he can't punch through Juggernaut's shields while they are standing on MERCURY, where he would be insanely amped?
Superman staggered Juggs with a "warning punch" during a crossover.
Surely SBP ON MERCURY could give Juggs the beating of his life.
Originally posted by ColossusGrundy
Superman staggered Juggs with a "warning punch" during a crossover.
Surely SBP ON MERCURY could give Juggs the beating of his life.
Yeah and since op says going all out, these will not be warning shots.
Originally posted by Sundipped
Yeah and since op says going all out, these will not be warning shots. of course if juggs were to prove to tough an egg to crack prime could drag him into the sun and fight him there.
I found an image of how big the sun would be on the surface of Mercury:
Endless Mike
Stops at 5 due to the no BFR rule
Clears it, the sun won't amp SBP like it does superman but it will keep him at full power at all times and that is enough to clear this.
Originally posted by Diesldude
Clears it, the sun won't amp SBP like it does superman but it will keep him at full power at all times and that is enough to clear this.
What? If anything it amps him more.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
What? If anything it amps him more. I think that shows that it instantly recharge him to full strength. He drains much faster than regular supes, this is why I think the heros were trying to beat him before dawn because he wasn't at full strength. once a single ray hit him he was at 100% and proceeds to have his way with them.
He definitely drains faster than Superman. No question about that.
There is definitive evidence that SBP drains faster than Superman.
There is zero evidence that closer proximity to the sun amps SBP as it does Superman. That would be a logical conclusion though, if not for the other clear differences in solar absorption.
Zack Fair
Like he needs to get amped.
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Stops at 5 due to the no BFR rule
Originally posted by quanchi112
Stops at 3.

Originally posted by PillarofOsiris

If Superboy and Krytpo can make him bleed this Hulk will beat him down.
Originally posted by quanchi112
If Superboy and Krytpo can make him bleed this Hulk will beat him down.
Way to lowball. Maybe Prime goes and grabs a boa constrictor to take to the fight with him. Did you even read the OP? WBH won't even have time to throw one punch.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Way to lowball. Maybe Prime goes and grabs a boa constrictor to take to the fight with him. Did you even read the OP? WBH won't even have time to throw one punch. The snake isn't relevant to WB Hulk. LOL. I didn't use the teen titans showing. Prime is consistently shown to bleed and be affected by the likes of Superboy. That's not a low showing that's the average. Prime doesn't fight in this manner. Sorry.
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