HOTM Hulk Runs The Gauntlet

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No Breaks,No BFR And No Prep.

1)Pineapple Thing
2)Super Skrull
3)Hydrated Namor
4)HulkBuster Iron Man
8)Leob Force Rulk
9)Odinforce Thor
10)All Star Superman

Does He Clear It? Or Stops At Where?

Rulk kills him with a few punches. That is if Hulkie Boy makes it that far in the gauntlet without blowing himself up at some point.

Originally posted by Mshinu
Rulk kills him with a few punches. That is if Hulkie Boy makes it that far in the gauntlet without blowing himself up at some point. Yep Kust Like How Spider Man Beats The Crap Out Of Galactus

Originally posted by TheHulk
Yep Kust Like How Spider Man Beats The Crap Out Of Galactus

Learn to type some day son.

Originally posted by Mshinu
Learn to type some day son. Lol Sorry For The Typo.....

Naija boy
Hulk clears it

Stops at Tony

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Stops at Tony Based On?

hulk clears

During WWH, one character was consistently shown to have the ability/potential to put him down.


Using no PIS, he COULD do it.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
During WWH, one character was consistently shown to have the ability/potential to put him down.


Using no PIS, he COULD do it. Zom/Strange Almost Took him Down,Juggernaut Was Clearly Getting To Him......

Yes, plus Stark had two options, his nanites, and the satellites. The nanites were sabotaged for the sake of plot, and his satellites actually took out Hulk when he was shaking the Eastern seaboard.

Naija boy
^Those were prepped solutions though and Hulk in HOTM, is much stronger than both WWH and the WBH that appeared at th end of WWh. In a straight fight, the Hulkbuster armour would get wrecked.

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