Worldbreaker Hulk vs Superman
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Superman can't fly or use superspeed.
Who wins?
If Superman isn't holding back his punches, he wins. Unless you can show me WBH moving a planet 300 times the size of the earth, lifting infinite weight, or surviving an explosion equal to 52 superovas while weakened.
Naija boy
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Originally posted by keiththegreat
Superman can't fly or use superspeed.
Hulk 10/10 then.
Hulk, but only because of superior damage soak. He's not stronger, or near as durable as Superman.
This is also the bare minimum stipulation in which Hulk can win.
He cannot beat a normal Superman, at all.
He was barely using those powers anyway when he fought Doomsday....AND he held back the whole fight until the end. Doomsday > than any Hulk. Superman wins.
If Hulk took ONE SUPERNOVA...he'd be DEAD. Hulk's healing factor can be overwhelmed. Superman took 52 while weakened. He has superior damage soak.
psycho gundam
lol @ the perversion of superman here
c'mon sons
nobody even said new-earth superman yet you used his best ever feats right off that bat.....
Originally posted by psycho gundam
nobody even said new-earth superman
Fair enough.
Originally posted by keiththegreat
Superman can't fly or use superspeed.
Who wins?
No BFR LOL spite
Originally posted by iceman24567
LOL spite
Only if you can prove WBH is stronger or more durable than Superman, neither of which can be all. People see "Hulk" in a thread, and automatically assume he's the strongest one on the field. Or, "if it comes down to a brawl, Hulk wins". Yeah, against Thor, or the SS maybe....not Superman.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Only if you can prove WBH is stronger or more durable than Superman, neither of which can be all. People see "Hulk" in a thread, and automatically assume he's the strongest one on the field. Or, "if it comes down to a brawl, Hulk wins". Yeah, against Thor, or the SS maybe....not Superman.
Probably has something to do with his ever increasing strength, durability, and general power to punch ratio. If speed equals mass (as we all know it does), a Superman without super speed to enhance the mass of his punch would likely take him down a few notches in terms of how powerful he could lay into an opponent. Simply put the Hulk would break his ass.
lol @ nerfing Superman.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Only if you can prove WBH is stronger or more durable than Superman, neither of which can be all. People see "Hulk" in a thread, and automatically assume he's the strongest one on the field. Or, "if it comes down to a brawl, Hulk wins". Yeah, against Thor, or the SS maybe....not Superman. You serious bro? This is Hulks fight to lose
IIRC there is a comic in which states that Superman regulates his strength with locks or something like it.
Otherwise If He truly let go, He will cause continental plates to shift just by flexing his muscles.
I'm looking for the scan but I don't remember where it was stated.
Though for the sake of this argument and to quote Pr
"lol @ nerfing Superman"
We should even this more and since Superman does not have access to flight and Speed how about We take Hulk's healing factor out of the equation?
psycho gundam
how about the thread gets locked for bait?
Originally posted by psycho gundam
how about the thread gets locked for bait?
How powerful is wbh compared to savage hulk? 5 to 10x? 100 or 10000x?
Superman wins.
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