Super Boy Prime vs King Thor
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Battle to the death. Who takes it?
Eyebeams of doom ftw. Or the Desak-dropper.
This is a really good battle. With Prime's magic invulnerability, as well as some other considerations, I think Prime would just barely edge out Thor here. I think even Odin would have a tough time with Prime, but Odin would put him down.
Hyperion Prime
SBP is just too much and way to fast. Thor will give him a battle, but eventually he buckles under the SBP barage.
KT wins
lol at the fallacy Prime was immune to magic
Originally posted by Nihilist
KT wins
lol at the fallacy Prime was immune to magic
Have you ever read a Prime comic? How is it him being immune to magic a fallacy?
So I guess getting hit by Adam, and saying those magical hit tickled him a fallacy, or getting it from an Angel magic a fallacy right?
So please, enlight us mere mortal on this so called fallacy.
Originally posted by SquallX
Have you ever read a Prime comic? How is it him being immune to magic a fallacy?
So I guess getting hit by Adam, and saying those magical hit tickled him a fallacy, or getting it from an Angel magic a fallacy right?
So please, enlight us mere mortal on this so called fallacy. LOL at comparing a punch from black adam to the power KT showed. if he was totally immune he wouldnt have felt ANYTHING but he did as it tickled him.
And as for the half assed blast he took from Mordu, that was a piss poor blast that was akin to a firework show.
Zack Fair
Prove the Mordru blast was half assed.
Fight would be epic, but I'm rooting for King Thor. The badassery was off the charts.
Originally posted by Zack Fair
Fight would be epic, but I'm rooting for King Thor. The badassery was off the charts.
As far as badassery, KT ANNIHILATES SBP
Originally posted by Zack Fair
Prove the Mordru blast was half assed.
Fight would be epic, but I'm rooting for King Thor. The badassery was off the charts. You now what Mordru can do with his firepower, it looked he blasted him with a god damn firecracker.
Originally posted by Nihilist
LOL at comparing a punch from black adam to the power KT showed. if he was totally immune he wouldnt have felt ANYTHING but he did as it tickled him.
And as for the half assed blast he took from Mordu, that was a piss poor blast that was akin to a firework show.
You're bullshiting truly knows no limit. Forgive me, but you have to be the biggest piece of shit to claim such a thing.
Prime is an *******, he said they tickled, he met the magic tickled him, doesnt mean that Adam a peer to the likes Superman couldn't hurt Prime.
Calling Modru, one of Dc's most powerful magical blast nothing but piss poor blast akin to fireworks just proves youre idiocy, and from that sentence alone, you shouldnt be taken seriously in any discussion.
Originally posted by SquallX
You're bullshiting truly knows no limit. Forgive me, but you have to be the biggest piece of shit to claim such a thing.
Prime is an *******, he said they tickled, he met the magic tickled him, doesnt mean that Adam a peer to the likes Superman couldn't hurt Prime.
Calling Modru, one of Dc's most powerful magical blast nothing but piss poor blast akin to fireworks just proves youre idiocy, and from that sentence alone, you shouldnt be taken seriously in any discussion. When you finished crying chump, Comeback with a point.
Fact is you have nothing to show that Prime is immune to getting smashed in the face by Thors hammer that can one shot the Destroyer
Originally posted by Nihilist
You now what Mordru can do with his firepower, it looked he blasted him with a god damn firecracker. Sorry bud but Mordru wasn't playing around he was pissed
Originally posted by iceman24567
Sorry bud but Mordru wasn't playing around he was pissed lol yeah sure just like Odin vs Thanos eh.
You well know Mordru didnt do anything like he is capable of against Prime.
Originally posted by Nihilist
When you finished crying chump, Comeback with a point.
Fact is you have nothing to show that Prime is immune to getting smashed in the face by Thors hammer that can one shot the Destroyer
He's survived worse than a hit from a hammer blow from a low end skyfather. And you'll have to do better to prove he isn't immune to magic than saying the magical blast that he shrugged off didn't look like much. How about showing an example of magic hurting him? That would convince me. Hell, I'd even settle for hearing Prime or someone reliable saying magic COULD hurt him.
Originally posted by Nihilist
When you finished crying chump, Comeback with a point.
Fact is you have nothing to show that Prime is immune to getting smashed in the face by Thors hammer that can one shot the Destroyer
Who's crying, am just calling you on you're bullshit, that's all.
Speed + magic immunity gives Prime the edge.
KT can win at night but not in the daytime.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
He's survived worse than a hit from a hammer blow from a low end skyfather. And you'll have to do better to prove he isn't immune to magic than saying the magical blast that he shrugged off didn't look like much. How about showing an example of magic hurting him? That would convince me. Hell, I'd even settle for hearing Prime or someone reliable saying magic COULD hurt him. The hammer shot took down a skyfather+weapon with Desak in it.
So Prime shrugging of magic punches by BA and a single blast from Mordru means he's totally immune now

, only a idiot would think what KT did/does works the same way as Adam punches/Mordru blasts work.
Do you honestly believe KT's blast that slagged the Adamantium wasnt superior to Mordru blasts he hit Prime with?
Originally posted by SquallX
Who's crying, am just calling you on you're bullshit, that's all. Keep crying, and trying forming a point aswell.
Board Walker
SBP utterly wrecks King Thor, king thor would not even be able to react.
King Thor by hammer to KO.
Wolverine was able to cut him, imagine what sbp's heat vision will do.
Originally posted by Diesldude
Wolverine was able to cut him, imagine what sbp's heat vision will do. Probably give him a sun tan
I don't know, it was easily able to cut thru superman. Do you think KT is millions of times stronger than regular Thor? I don't think so, the only reason regular Thor can win against regular superman is because of his magical weakness. SBP doesn't have this and he is THAT strong. So sbp for the easy win.
Originally posted by Diesldude
I don't know it was easily able to cut thru superman. D Maybe he was tan enough at the time

Hyperion Prime
LOL SBP saying Black Adams punch tickeld him was just talking shyte. I doubt he he even felt it. He just wanted Adam to feel stupid. The more I think about it I think Prime would wreck King Thor.
Originally posted by Board Walker
SBP utterly wrecks King Thor, king thor would not even be able to react. That's not how Prime fights in character.
Prime isn't "wrecking" or having an easy time with King Thor. At all.
Prime wouldn't "wreck him", but he would win.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Prime wouldn't "wreck him", but he would win. King Thor would behead him. Far less than King Thor has caused Prime to bleed or pushed him to the brink. The Odinpower is simply too much for Prime.
Originally posted by abhilegend
SBP. You think Prime is more powerful than the Odinpower ?
King Thor didn't have full mastery of the Odinpower.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
King Thor didn't have full mastery of the Odinpower. Based on what ?
Originally posted by quanchi112
That's not how Prime fights in character.
but this if a forum fight ,no?
Originally posted by ankur29
but this if a forum fight ,no? They still fight in character. Have you ever read the rules ?
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
LOL SBP saying Black Adams punch tickeld him was just talking shyte. I doubt he he even felt it. He just wanted Adam to feel stupid. The more I think about it I think Prime would wreck King Thor.
what makes you a better judge of what prime felt than prime himself
It works both ways. he may of felt it more than he let on.
It tickled him,leave it at that .He bearely felt it but he felt it

Originally posted by quanchi112
You think Prime is more powerful than the Odinpower ?
Yeah, Thor fatigued himself repairing the moon.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, Thor fatigued himself repairing the moon. What happened in that issue was vague on purpose. It was told via storybook fashion. The writer even addresses that in an interview.
I'd rather fatigue myself even if that were true repairing the moon then being flat out dominated by the teen titans in combat. Quit picking and choosing. This is a combat thread.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on what ?
Based on him saying it. Did you even read the comic?
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Based on him saying it. Did you even read the comic? Yes. I did. You do realize a lot transpired after that scene. That wasn't King Thor at the end of the run. At the end he slagged the Destroyer. King Thor had over a hundred years to fine tune the Odin power. It's like using Legacy feats to argue against Genis. Blatant dishonesty. If I hadn't read it and was a gullible person maybe be more inclined to fall for your lies.
King thor no contest bfr him inside a red sun or destroys the sun with king godblast making prime instantly lose his powers become a mortal and die in space.
Originally posted by Hulkbuster1
King thor no contest bfr him inside a red sun or destroys the sun with king godblast making prime instantly lose his powers become a mortal and die in space.
I saw someone named "Hulkbuster" had commented on this thread and immediately knew who they said was going to win before I opened it. By and large Hulk fans who have no knowledge of DC are always going to say the Marvel character will win in any cross-company fight.
The fact that you think that destroying the sun, or bfr-ing him into a red sun would "instantly" depower him shows you have no knowledge of the character whatsoever.
Also funny is that you assume Thor would know Prime's "weaknesses" before the fight. And even if he did somehow have the unfair advantage of fore-knowledge of Prime, you have no faith in Thor to win without resorting to weakness-exploitation. Something which is doubtful he would do anyway, considering the history of the character.
Originally posted by quanchi112
What happened in that issue was vague on purpose. It was told via storybook fashion. The writer even addresses that in an interview.
I'd rather fatigue myself even if that were true repairing the moon then being flat out dominated by the teen titans in combat. Quit picking and choosing. This is a combat thread.
He was exhausted repairing moon and that's it. even someone like kyle rayner has better feats. PIS.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
I saw someone named "Hulkbuster" had commented on this thread and immediately knew who they said was going to win before I opened it. By and large Hulk fans who have no knowledge of DC are always going to say the Marvel character will win in any cross-company fight.
The fact that you think that destroying the sun, or bfr-ing him into a red sun would "instantly" depower him shows you have no knowledge of the character whatsoever.
Also funny is that you assume Thor would know Prime's "weaknesses" before the fight. And even if he did somehow have the unfair advantage of fore-knowledge of Prime, you have no faith in Thor to win without resorting to weakness-exploitation. Something which is doubtful he would do anyway, considering the history of the character.
okay you have a point about explotable weakness. But superboy prime is weak to red sun(thats why they imprisoned him near a red sun) and instantly loses his powers without a sun, reason he needed anti monitor armor to keep yellow sunlight at all time charging his cells. Thor can destroy planets...example when he fought pheniox. And thor has been known to bfr. plus I think through battling superboy he would eventually figure out his weakness since thor is an excellent tactical warrior , especially considering superboy prime babbles eerything and whines. example when he was complaining on the dc forums as a troll.
Originally posted by Hulkbuster1
okay you have a point about explotable weakness. But superboy prime is weak to red sun(thats why they imprisoned him near a red sun) and instantly loses his powers without a sun, reason he needed anti monitor armor to keep yellow sunlight at all time charging his cells. Thor can destroy planets...example when he fought pheniox. And thor has been known to bfr. plus I think through battling superboy he would eventually figure out his weakness since thor is an excellent tactical warrior , especially considering superboy prime babbles eerything and whines. example when he was complaining on the dc forums as a troll.
Do you realize he needed that suit because he had been imprisoned under red sunlight for a long period of time. He doesn't INSTANTLY lose his powers without a yellow sun. He's completely owned numerous heralds in deep space, nowhere near a yellow sun.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Do you realize he needed that suit because he had been imprisoned under red sunlight for a long period of time. He doesn't INSTANTLY lose his powers without a yellow sun. He's completely owned numerous heralds in deep space, nowhere near a yellow sun.
he owned the guardians of the lanterns and anyother high hera was throughthe boost he got by killing the eldest one. The antimonitor suit has been worn twice one being after he escaped. but both reasons being that it kept his power at prime levels since without the constant flow of yellow sun he is powerless. The red sun weakens him but he did fight both supermen and outpowering them only because the red sun weaken them as well. superboy prime is highly weak to bfr. flas has beaten him using through the sppedforce which is essentialy bfr. And thor has been known to bfr opponents. he is also tactile and quickly learns the ropes in battle. He has defeated foes without foreknowledge of weakness like rulk,juggernuat and he even blasted galactus. superboy prime would give him a fight but through bfr thor would eventually win regardless since superboy has no way of counter such a manuver not even using speed blitz since thor hammer is the source of the bfr technique and is just as fast when he spins it or throws it.
Originally posted by abhilegend
He was exhausted repairing moon and that's it. even someone like kyle rayner has better feats. PIS. I just told you the writer was vague and said he purposely wrote it that way. You then repost yourself while I just rebutted your point.
That King Thor was also far less experienced than the King Thor shown in the picture, who I assume is the one we're using (mid-late game Reigning). That Thor later had a vision with the Odin Force explaining to him that repairing celestial bodies was nothing compared to the full power of the OF, which then proceeded to create a pocket universe.
Yes this is peak King Thor. At the end of the reigning. Not Nooby king Thor when he had just received the OF.
Peak King Thor w/Mjolnir?
Does not look good for Prime at all.
Zack Fair
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Peak King Thor w/Mjolnir?
Does not look good for Prime at all.
Shut up uhuh
Board Walker
Superman prime was trapped in the speed force dimension fighting the flashes, without a yellow sun for multiple years.
In the end due to his high intellect he built a suit to supply him yellow sun energy in a yellow sunless dimension.
The fact that he was able to fight for years on end without yellow sunlight goes to show how long his energy reserves can last.
Additionally, King Thor isn't even going to be able to react let alone process that SBP is attacking him. Speed really is one of the greatest factors in a fight, and Prime is moving and reacting millions upon millions of times faster than Thor.
Originally posted by Zack Fair
Shut up uhuh
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Peak King Thor w/Mjolnir?
Does not look good for Prime at all.
Mjolnir included yes.
Not at all.
Board Walker
I think this quote sums its up nicely, on how Thor even if operating on picto second level speeds (which he has never shown anywhere close to being able to do so), would still be motionless compared to Flash.
Originally posted by biensalsa
If this is a fight in which you take into account reaction capabilities of microseconds, nanoseconds and such. It means a character can react at microseconds but the other guy at nanoseconds is effectively 1,000 times faster than the microseconds guy, with the same strength packing punch or above.
I don't think I can defeat a guy who moves 1000 times faster than myself who hits as hard as me but if anyone does, feel free to do so.
millisecond Human speed of thought 300 milliseconds
femtosecond Flash reaction time is 1 trillion times faster than average humans at his highest showing IIRC
So make your own calculations and come to what ever conclusion you might want.
far as prime, it's crazy, one minute he can appear to be a blithering idiot, the next a scientific genius, the guy has a rather high intellect
far as the winner? i'm undecided
Originally posted by Mr.SunKing
far as prime, it's crazy, one minute he can appear to be a blithering idiot, the next a scientific genius, the guy has a rather high intellect
far as the winner? i'm undecided
It all depends on the writer. For instance we know Superman is a genius, yet he hardly uses his brilliance in a fight.
Zack Fair
Prime is smart as long as he isn't throwing a sissy fit--which he does in every fkn fight.
this is a one sided fight, prime is being given a immunity to his oponents main arsenal. drop the immunity and prime gets his everlasting ass handed to him. with out the immunity he is fodder.
Immunities in comics are gey at best.
Can anyone clarify this?
Is prime IMMUNE to magic? Or is he not vulnerable to it like superman? There is a difference. Don't see it really mattering though since Desak was also immune and he got beheaded.
Zack Fair
LoL What? Stop whinning about the immunity. King Thor can defeat Prime without having to use magic directly on him.
Originally posted by Damborgson
Can anyone clarify this?
Is prime IMMUNE to magic? Or is he not vulnerable to it like superman? There is a difference. Don't see it really mattering though since Desak was also immune and he got beheaded.
he took hits from mordru, if hes not immune hes so highly resistant that it aint funny. The only thing i hate about prime is that immunity, its a cop out. 90% of most skyfathers are magical in nature so a high herald is given a immunity against them. Yep only in dc comics and yup only to superman do they do retarded shit like this.
Originally posted by Damborgson
Can anyone clarify this?
Is prime IMMUNE to magic? Or is he not vulnerable to it like superman? There is a difference. Don't see it really mattering though since Desak was also immune and he got beheaded. He's been shown to be completely immune to magic attacks up to Mordru's level.
Zack Fair
Well Prime may be immune to magic but he also drains a lot faster than Superman. I think its a fair trade.
Originally posted by Damborgson
Can anyone clarify this?
Is prime IMMUNE to magic? Or is he not vulnerable to it like superman? There is a difference. Don't see it really mattering though since Desak was also immune and he got beheaded.
Originally posted by Zack Fair
Well Prime may be immune to magic but he also drains a lot faster than Superman. I think its a fair trade. What is that second part based on?
Both were depowered at about the same time in IC when put through a Red Sun.
Originally posted by NemeBro
What is that second part based on?
Both were depowered at about the same time in IC when put through a Red Sun.
Superman had a planet worth of kryptonite affecting him too. In SCW he was shown as draining very fastly.
Even magical transmutation doesn't work on him.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Even magical transmutation doesn't work on him. I don't recall it being used on him honestly.
Originally posted by Damborgson
Can anyone clarify this?
Is prime IMMUNE to magic? Or is he not vulnerable to it like superman? There is a difference. Don't see it really mattering though since Desak was also immune and he got beheaded.
Desak was powered by Terene to be immune of godly energies. Thor overpowered her power and killed desak.
Originally posted by NemeBro
I don't recall it being used on him honestly.
Check the third scan I just posted.
Zack Fair
You mean the rings thing?
Edit Nevermind
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Even magical transmutation doesn't work on him.
Wait, what?
Originally posted by abhilegend
Wait, what?
Originally posted by abhilegend
Desak was powered by Terene to be immune of godly energies. Thor overpowered her power and killed desak.
Yes by the designate Tirene. Supposedly on par or superior to Odin. (supposedly)
ty all for asnwering btw
Even mainstream Superman has pretty impressive transmutation defense feats.
Zack Fair
Superman has bazillion showings though.
Originally posted by Damborgson
Yes by the designate Tirene. Supposedly on par or superior to Odin. (supposedly)
Yeah, the same gal. I never thought she was anywhere near allfather except lip talk.
Her importance to the universe was/is greater than Odin's. Basically an example of status versus power.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Yeah, I forgot about kinetix. Previously she was owning Mordru. LO3W was such a shitty showing for the dark lord.
She had super hype thats for sure. On panel feats? Not so much...
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Her importance to the universe was/is greater than Odin's. Basically an example of status versus power.
So is superman's role though.
Originally posted by Damborgson
She had super hype thats for sure. On panel feats? Not so much...
Yeah, her "Odin level" blast as goldilocks exclaimed didn't even ko a ****ed up gladiator.

Originally posted by Mr.SunKing
far as prime, it's crazy, one minute he can appear to be a blithering idiot, the next a scientific genius, the guy has a rather high intellect
far as the winner? i'm undecided Don't fool yourself King Thor wins.
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by ankur29
what makes you a better judge of what prime felt than prime himself
It works both ways. he may of felt it more than he let on.
It tickled him,leave it at that .He bearely felt it but he felt it
He told me. He said I's just talking shyte. I didn't feel anything at all. Then we went over She Hulks house for a barbeque.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, her "Odin level" blast as goldilocks exclaimed didn't even ko a ****ed up gladiator.
She was trying to punish Glads, not kill him, though.
And a portion of her power was enough to amp a weakened Odin to have enough strength to defeat Surtur.
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