Quintessential Avenger
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Sin I AM
Not your typical versus thread but I was wondering who would you label as the essence of the Avengers team?
Excluding the big 3
The big three being Cap, Thor and Tony?
Pym or Hawkeye.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -Pr-
The big three being Cap, Thor and Tony?
Pym or Hawkeye.
Yea those three are kinda obvious picks..IMO its Vision.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Iron man.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Excluding the big 3
Black Panther.
psycho gundam
vision, janet, pym, hawkeye, or wonder man
Hank Pym
Scarlet Witch
Wonder Man
jalek moye
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Ms Marvel .
I love her, but no.
Originally posted by jalek moye
I love her, but no.
Why not ?
Originally posted by Uriel005
Originally posted by psycho gundam
vision, janet, pym, hawkeye, or wonder man
This, and Clint gets my vote.
jalek moye
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Why not ?
While awesome, nothing is really missing without her. I don't see an avengers team and think Ms Marvel like i would think hawkeye or Pym.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by jalek moye
While awesome, nothing is really missing without her. I don't see an avengers team and think Ms Marvel like i would think hawkeye or Pym.
I feel the same way about wasp, but as far as heroines go Wanda is the only one I look for. Carol lacks personality
Originally posted by jalek moye
While awesome, nothing is really missing without her. I don't see an avengers team and think Ms Marvel like i would think hawkeye or Pym.
I don't see her that way . But to each , their own .
Sin I AM
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
I don't see her that way . But to each , their own .
What does she add?
Originally posted by jalek moye
While awesome, nothing is really missing without her. I don't see an avengers team and think Ms Marvel like i would think hawkeye or Pym.
I don't see her that way . But to each , their own .
Answers obvious, fools.
Jarvis the selfless servant of the people.
If you want an actual costumed hero, though, I'd pick Vision.
Yeah, I know he's one of the big three, but it's blasphemy to say anyone but Captain America is the Quintessential Avenger.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Yeah, I know he's one of the big three, but it's blasphemy to say anyone but Captain America is the Quintessential Avenger.
Anyone but Captain America is the Quintessential Avenger . There it is , I blasphemed .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Anyone but Captain America is the Quintessential Avenger . There it is , I blasphemed .
Sin I AM
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Yeah, I know he's one of the big three, but it's blasphemy to say anyone but Captain America is the Quintessential Avenger.
Captain A true he represent the Avengers. But, this isn't about him or Tony, or Thor. This is about that fourth man that you look for when you think of an Avengers line-up.
To me its Vision. He is the ultimate team player. Providing great defensive and offensive powers for the team. Although lacking personality he is however intricately weaved in their history. Especially his relationship with Wanda..
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I feel the same way about wasp, but as far as heroines go Wanda is the only one I look for. Carol lacks personality
Wasp is Avengers Royalty. That isn't good enough?
Sin I AM
Wasp is great and all id just rather see Wanda. Personally I never cared for her or pym
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Wasp is great and all id just rather see Wanda. Personally I never cared for her or pym
Well, you're dead to me now, so okay...
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -Pr-
Well, you're dead to me now, so okay...
Lol what is so great about pym
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Lol what is so great about pym
He's the best there is at beating women.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
He's the best there is at beating women.
Recent study linked spousal abuse to pent up rage from suppressed closet homosexuality but ummm whatevers floating your boat
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Lol what is so great about pym
You're kidding, right?
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Recent study linked spousal abuse to pent up rage from suppressed closet homosexuality but ummm whatevers floating your boat
He hit Janet once. While suffering a nervous breakdown.
Not quite the same thing.
You just want every man to want to take it in the ass, don't you...
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
He's the best there is at beating women.
Actually I think Reed Richards still holds that title.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Haterz gunna hate .
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -Pr-
You're kidding, right?
He hit Janet once. While suffering a nervous breakdown.
Not quite the same thing.
You just want every man to want to take it in the ass, don't you...
Hmmm is that your way of validAting it?
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Hmmm is that your way of validAting it?
I'm not validating anything; just saying how off base the guess is.
As for why he's so important: He's one of the founding members. He was indirectly responsible for Vision even existing. He's a genius on par with Stark and Banner. He's been in more than a few of their biggest battles. He's even led the team at times.
Outside of "big 3" it has to be the Wasp. Founder and constant member, and the one who came up with the name Avengers.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
IMO its Vision. Works for me. But then, I'm biased: I was a big Vision fan years ago.
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