Bor, amped up on Venom, vs World Breaker Hulk...
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Bor takes a huge syringe filled with Banes Venom...holds it in his right hand...drives the needle through the base of his own skull with as much force as he can, and then takes on World Breaker Hulk.
Battle to the Death or BFR...who wins?
There's nothing to suggest Venom would effect an Asgardian, let alone Bor...
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
There's nothing to suggest Venom would effect an Asgardian, let alone Bor...
Lets assume for the moment it does and has the same effect on an Asgardian that it does on a normal human...
So it gives Bor Bane-level strength?
Bor FTW, then!
The syringe breaks, Bor`s skull is harder than adamantium.
Odin`s old man headbutts Hulkie Boy even without a fix.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
There's nothing to suggest Venom would effect an Asgardian, let alone Bor...
Considering the fact that a symbiote has affected a power cosmic imbued character , I don't think its out of their reach to do so .
Now whether a symbiote can control(let alone even amp) a SKYFATHER , that's up for debate .
I think he meant Venom, the synthetic drug that amps Banes strength, aggression, and now, intelligence.
Well , then its useless here .
Bor don't need any amp to beat Hulk..
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
There's nothing to suggest Venom would effect an Asgardian, let alone Bor... Exactly. This thread idea is absurd.
Bor breaks hulk.
Naija boy
From what Bor showed, Hulk
Originally posted by Naija boy
From what Bor showed, Hulk
Don't forget, his strength has now been boosted to Bane's levels.

Originally posted by Mshinu
The syringe breaks, Bor`s skull is harder than adamantium.
Odin`s old man headbutts Hulkie Boy even without a fix.
The syringe is made from the left over material that the Destroyer is made from...
Also, lets assume that the Venom amps Bor to the same degree (as in how many times stronger it makes you) that Venom amps Bane...
Originally posted by quanchi112
Exactly. This thread idea is absurd.
You're just jealous you didnt think of it 1st...

Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
The syringe is made from the left over material that the Destroyer is made from...
Also, lets assume that the Venom amps Bor to the same degree (as in how many times stronger it makes you) that Venom amps Bane...
How much is Bane`s venom amp again, peak human to two tons.. about five times?
Bor oneshots Hulkie Boy.
Bane is pretty tough even without venom one shoting steel gates and punching through walls also beating a guy who can easily rip out trees and use them as a baseball bat.I think venom should put him atleast class 5-6 or above.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
You're just jealous you didnt think of it 1st...

Thoughts like these don't enter my superior brain.
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Slaanesh
Bor don't need any amp to beat Hulk..
Exactly. Bor wins.
WBH,Based On Showings
I think Bor would win without the Venom injection. Him almost killing RK Thor (it was RK right?) with one blow is above what Hulk has done to skyfather level characters, as far as i know...
Naija boy
^ it was not RK thor....
It was Thor with the Odin Force, not Rune King or King Thor. That blow would have one shot killed classic/current Thor, though.
Ah, ok. Thank you both for that correction. : )
I think Bor, if you can one shot kill Classic Thor you're clearly playing on another level.
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