Ok, everyone said the last one like this wasn't fair, so this time I beefed up the Marvel hero. Each hero has all the feats that back up the corresponding powers. (i.e. strength of Thor would mean hero has done the world engine feat). No BFR. Fight to the DEATH. Who wins?
Marvel Hero:
Strength of Worldbreaker Hulk
Invulnerability of Classic Juggernaut with shields up
Healing factor of Wolveirne
Flight/Travel speed of Silver Surfer
Combat Speed of Gladiator
eye beams of cyclops at their max
telepathy of professor X
DC Hero:
Strength of PC Superman
Flight Speed of Superman
Invulnerability of GA Superboy Prime
Combat/Running Speed of Bart Allen Flash
Energy Projection power of Infinity Man
Heroes don't have the weaknesses associated with each power. i.e., invulnerability of Juggernaut can't have the enchantment negated. Or strength of Superman doesn't depend on yellow sunlight.
Marvel Hero:
Strength of Worldbreaker Hulk
Invulnerability of Classic Juggernaut with shields up
Healing factor of Wolveirne
Flight/Travel speed of Silver Surfer
Combat Speed of Gladiator
eye beams of cyclops at their max
telepathy of professor X
DC Hero:
Strength of PC Superman
Flight Speed of Superman
Invulnerability of GA Superboy Prime
Combat/Running Speed of Bart Allen Flash
Energy Projection power of Infinity Man
Heroes don't have the weaknesses associated with each power. i.e., invulnerability of Juggernaut can't have the enchantment negated. Or strength of Superman doesn't depend on yellow sunlight.