WB Hulk, Lobo (Pre DCnU) vs Thanos (Annihilation) . Drax (Annihilation)
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They fight on Nimroid, a planet like Earth only bigger, and that has a healing factor fashioned after the Nimrod unit.
Population 4
How does this work out?
I guess t-t-t-team 1 takes it.
Thanos was able to die. Doesnt Lobo have the ability to come back unlimited times?
Originally posted by TheMask
Thanos was able to die. Doesnt Lobo have the ability to come back unlimited times?
Yes but it takes time for him to come back. In this period or the period that it would take Lobo to revive, his ten secs may be up.
I honestly think that if World Breaker Hulk was on a collision course with Thanos, that he would be doing all of the pushing. Thanos would be able to effect him, but I truly believe that if WB Hulk got him down, and mounted him while raining down blow after megahit blow, that he would put Thanos' lights out.
Is this the Lobo that can crush entire citys?
Originally posted by TheMask
Is this the Lobo that can crush entire citys?
It's mainstream Lobo. As compared with the rest of the characters of DC continuity.
Originally posted by Stoic
I honestly think that if World Breaker Hulk was on a collision course with Thanos, that he would be doing all of the pushing. Thanos would be able to effect him, but I truly believe that if WB Hulk got him down, and mounted him while raining down blow after megahit blow, that he would put Thanos' lights out. Thats if Thanos chooses to collide with a big green train what happens if he just decide to blast Hulk whiles hes runny towards him?
Originally posted by TheMask
Thanos was able to die. Doesnt Lobo have the ability to come back unlimited times?
Team 1 especially if its Dumb Drax because he would for get Thanos is on his team and he would help dog pile on him.
That and LOBO's regen ability and speed varies as with most of LOBO's pre DCnu apps.
It took way less then 10 seconds for HIM to regen from being a blood puddle in the 52 story with Animal man/Adam Strange and Starfire,but in the Wierd Adventures story it took like 15 min to come back from being shot in the head.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Thats if Thanos chooses to collide with a big green train what happens if he just decide to blast Hulk whiles hes runny towards him?
Then the question would have to be this. Would Thanos be able to stop the Hulk's momentum by blasting him while on this level of power? Durability, which was addressed on panel. It was stated on panel that the Hulks durability increases with his ever increasing strength output. Now I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say that I believe that WB Hulk could wade through energy blasts from Thanos. Then again why wouldn't he just leap towards him? He would cut the ETA down dramatically in terms of reaching Thanos that is.
Nobody cares what you think quanchi.
debate on and ignore the fanboy.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos solos.
We may find out very soon. He may be taking on Thor and the Hulk.
Originally posted by Stoic
We may find out very soon. He may be taking on Thor and the Hulk. When the outcome is different than what you expect I assume your opinion on Lord Thanos will change.
Originally posted by quanchi112
When the outcome is different than what you expect I assume your opinion on Lord Thanos will change.
You know me Quan. I tell it like it is. If Thanos beats the Hulk while the Hulk is on a fairly high level, then I will always say that Thanos would be able to whip him. But if he doesn't, and it's the real Thanos, and not some clone.... I hope you bring some tissue.
Originally posted by Stoic
You know me Quan. I tell it like it is. If Thanos beats the Hulk while the Hulk is on a fairly high level, then I will always say that Thanos would be able to whip him. But if he doesn't, and it's the real Thanos, and not some clone.... I hope you bring some tissue. This isn't the first time Thanos has humiliated the Hulk. Stoic I will stand before you after the Hulk is most likely used as Thanos' personal slave. I will laugh at you and point. I am the kind of guy who will lick your tears up, Scott Tenorman.
Originally posted by quanchi112
This isn't the first time Thanos has humiliated the Hulk. Stoic I will stand before you after the Hulk is most likely used as Thanos' personal slave. I will laugh at you and point. I am the kind of guy who will lick your tears up, Scott Tenorman.
I have to admit, I chuckled. I'm nearly as excited about this possible battle as I am about NJ Devils possibly winning the Stanley Cup. All that I can say is that if Thanos wins, I will always admit that he is above the Hulk. But if he loses, it will be me that will laugh at you and point. I am the kind of guy who will lick your tears up, Scott Tenorman.
Well I have to work bright and early, so til later old friend.
Oh and I won't lick your tears, I'll mix gasoline with them, and set them ablaze.

Originally posted by Stoic
I have to admit, I chuckled. I'm nearly as excited about this possible battle as I am about NJ Devils possibly winning the Stanley Cup. All that I can say is that if Thanos wins, I will always admit that he is above the Hulk. But if he loses, it will be me that will laugh at you and point. I am the kind of guy who will lick your tears up, Scott Tenorman.
Well I have to work bright and early, so til later old friend. You can run but you can't hide from Thanos. Teleportation's a *****.
Quan, be afraid.
It's Bendis writing this is it not?
Originally posted by Stoic
I have to admit, I chuckled. I'm nearly as excited about this possible battle as I am about NJ Devils possibly winning the Stanley Cup. All that I can say is that if Thanos wins, I will always admit that he is above the Hulk. But if he loses, it will be me that will laugh at you and point. I am the kind of guy who will lick your tears up, Scott Tenorman.
Well I have to work bright and early, so til later old friend.
Oh and I won't lick your tears, I'll mix gasoline with them, and set them ablaze.

Originally posted by CosmicComet
Quan, be afraid.
It's Bendis writing this is it not? Bendis knows better. It seems like it will link into an even bigger story anyways. From what the preview hints at Hulk will become Thanos' personal slave fighting the Avengers.Originally posted by Stoic
You will run from the showings like you have in the past. Hulk has never looked good against Thanos directly. Sorry, you're wrong and when Thanos looks better again you will pretend it doesn't count.
I hope you're right.
From one Thanosi to another.
Originally posted by CosmicComet
I hope you're right.
From one Thanosi to another. I'm the real Thanos. I programmed you to believe you're real. But bad news is you're the Kazar Thanosi.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I'm the real Thanos. I programmed you to believe you're real. But bad news is you're the Kazar Thanosi.
the real Thanos wouldnt shit in your mouth quanchi.
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