Current Hulk vs Current Colossus
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The Gem Empowered Colossus vs The Current Hulk Not HOTM Hulk...I Mean The Hulk Which Lost To Dr Doom...Stalemated Red She Hulk(Maybe She Still kept The Wish) ...But Still Has Planetary Strength.....
Who Wins And Why??
The Sorrow
IIRC Dr Doom didn't defeat Hulk, at least not physically, seemed more like a verbal ownage. Hulk looks as though he's still at Green Scar levels, despite one or two lacklustre showings in his own book he's still got planetary level power.
Colossus just hasn't looked as strong or as invulnerable as Cain did, and Cain has never beat Hulk in a straight up fight.
Hulk ftw
Cain did beat Hulk when he fought him without his armor.
And every other fight they had, pretty sure Hulk had some form of assistance.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
IIRC Dr Doom didn't defeat Hulk, at least not physically, seemed more like a verbal ownage.
It was spiritual, mental, and emotional ownage as well.
Sticks and stones won't break Hulk's bones, but words will hurt forever.
not sure where the current hulks level is, I didnt see much feats that would make me believe that he can take a charging collosusnaut.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by KingD19
Cain did beat Hulk when he fought him without his armor.
And every other fight they had, pretty sure Hulk had some form of assistance.
He beat Hulk because he prepped and used trickery to get the win, Hulk didn't know it was Juggernaut. Two issues later he beat Juggernaut down who was fully armoured up.
The only time Hulk's had "assistance" was with Celestial tech to amp himself, but he needed it to take on Juggernaut because at the time he couldn't grow stronger with anger.
Tho Juggernaut has a KO victory over Hulk while Hulk has never beaten Juggernaut without BFR or help
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
It was spiritual, mental, and emotional ownage as well. I'm pretty sure in that scenario anything Doom could have owned on Hulk he did and then did it again for good measure.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by juggerman
Tho Juggernaut has a KO victory over Hulk while Hulk has never beaten Juggernaut without BFR or help
The reason Hulk doesn't have a KO victory is because of PIS, something that is removed on the forums and it was made clear that without Juggernaut tricking Hulk he wouldn't have won.
War and Merged Hulk have both beat Juggernaut down while besides the one above instance Juggs has never come close to winning.
Hulk is usually portrayed as the better fighter but he could never acutally hurt the Juggernaut due to the enchantments. Juggs cant be harmed unless its a mental or mystical attack so Hulk would have no way of winning outside of PIS which is why its always there
The Sorrow
Originally posted by juggerman
Hulk is usually portrayed as the better fighter but he could never acutally hurt the Juggernaut due to the enchantments. Juggs cant be harmed unless its a mental or mystical attack so Hulk would have no way of winning outside of PIS which is why its always there
War and Merged Hulk had Juggernaut on the ground in pain about to finish him so this a straight up lie. Even Thor has been a step away from putting his lights out but again Cain was saved by PIS.
Colossus at Juggernaut levels was losing against Rulk, has been KO'd by his own momentum and in the previews for the next AvX VS, is again having a hard time with Rulk. It was established by Jeff Parker (and of course Pak) that Green Scar is > Rulk.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
War and Merged Hulk had Juggernaut on the ground in pain about to finish him so this a straight up lie. Even Thor has been a step away from putting his lights out but again Cain was saved by PIS.
Colossus at Juggernaut levels was losing against Rulk, has been KO'd by his own momentum and in the previews for the next AvX VS, is again having a hard time with Rulk. It was established by Jeff Parker (and of course Pak) that Green Scar is > Rulk. War had Celestial Technology, Merged never beat Juggernaut a physic backlash beat him.
And Classic Juggernaut, depending on how you viewed the fight, either was beating WWH until WWH was forced to BFR him, or Cain was stalemating WWH until WWH BFRed him to get rid of him.
So nice try.
Also Cain's only prep and surprise consisted of him not wearing his armor and jumping Hulk then beating him down.
Edit: Also when did Colossus get beat by Rulk at standard Juggernaut levels?
Edit: Also when did Colossus get beat by Rulk at standard Juggernaut levels?
Actually from what i remember, Regular Colossus was stalemating Rulk in avx 2 then we just see him turn into juggernaut underwater in uncanny x-men. he gets poked in the eye and turns into his third form.
Colossus in his second form wasn't really seen tangling with Rulk too much. That might change this avx vs 3 since he is battling both Rulk and Thing.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by Newjak
War had Celestial Technology, Merged never beat Juggernaut a physic backlash beat him.
And Classic Juggernaut, depending on how you viewed the fight, either was beating WWH until WWH was forced to BFR him, or Cain was stalemating WWH until WWH BFRed him to get rid of him.
So nice try.
Also Cain's only prep and surprise consisted of him not wearing his armor and jumping Hulk then beating him down.
Edit: Also when did Colossus get beat by Rulk at standard Juggernaut levels?
Hulk had tech because his powers didn't work, it allowed him to boost his strength and he beat Juggs down with boosted strength. The same as any other powerful Hulk can. Never said Hulk KO'd him, Merged Hulk beat him down i.e. had him on his hands and knees about to deliver the final blow before plot device saved Juggernaut. The same thing happened when he fought Thor and War Hulk. This is indisputable it's all on panel.
WWH is Juggernauts best showing against a powerful Hulk but if you ignore the context and only look at the pictures yes it was an even fight and actually doesn't disprove what I said. Juggernaut, besides one instance of using prep and trickery has never come close to taking Hulk out.
Only? Hulk wasn't fighting back because he thought Cain was a civilian, he even tried to help Juggs when he thought he was in danger. It was a prepped ambush that gave Cain every possible advantage.
Uncanny X-Men #11. Rulk is easily just as strong if not stronger and is a better fighter. Green Hulk is stronger and tougher than Rulk plus he can amp.
The truth is Colossus doesn't have enough feats yet, he fights Red Hulk and Thing soon. Let's see how that turns out.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Hulk had tech because his powers didn't work, it allowed him to boost his strength and he beat Juggs down with boosted strength. The same as any other powerful Hulk can. Never said Hulk KO'd him, Merged Hulk beat him down i.e. had him on his hands and knees about to deliver the final blow before plot device saved Juggernaut. The same thing happened when he fought Thor and War Hulk. This is indisputable it's all on panel.
WWH is Juggernauts best showing against a powerful Hulk but if you ignore the context and only look at the pictures yes it was an even fight and actually doesn't disprove what I said. Juggernaut, besides one instance of using prep and trickery has never come close to taking Hulk out.
Only? Hulk wasn't fighting back because he thought Cain was a civilian, he even tried to help Juggs when he thought he was in danger. It was a prepped ambush.
Uncanny X-Men #11. Rulk is easily just as strong if not stronger and is a better fighter. Green Hulk is stronger and tougher than Rulk plus he can amp.
The truth is Colossus doesn't have enough feats yet, he fights Red Hulk and Thing soon. Let's see how that turns out. The point being Celestial Technology probably was effecting Cain's powers wouldn't be the first time, unless you trying to say War Hulk is that much stronger than Green Scar?
What are you basing this about to finish him off thing on. Do really believe a double fisted haymaker from Merged Hulk would have KOed the Juggernaut?
And you would think when Cain was holding Hulk's head under water and Merged Hulk had to throw something in Cain's eyes to get him to let go that Hulk would realize he was fighting against a super strong opponent he couldn't afford to hold back against.
And Hulk has never taken Cain out without some form of help, ie Celestial Technology or a physic backlash.
I do agree we should wait and see how Colossus does.
Since when is being on the ground= being in pain? Captain America flipped Hulk over so i guess Hulk was in tremendous pain from that huh? Cain was knocked down but both times he was uninjured. And as far as Hulk being "about to finish him" is you assuming.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by Newjak
The point being Celestial Technology probably was effecting Cain's powers wouldn't be the first time, unless you trying to say War Hulk is that much stronger than Green Scar?
What are you basing this about to finish him off thing on. Do really believe a double fisted haymaker from Merged Hulk would have KOed the Juggernaut?
And you would think when Cain was holding Hulk's head under water and Merged Hulk had to throw something in Cain's eyes to get him to let go that Hulk would realize he was fighting against a super strong opponent he couldn't afford to hold back against.
And Hulk has never taken Cain out without some form of help, ie Celestial Technology or a physic backlash.
I do agree we should wait and see how Colossus does.
There was nothing suggested nor implied that the tech affected Cain, Apocalypse wanted to test Hulk's strength and used Juggernaut as a test subject. End result: Juggernaut was defeated. In WWH he held back against Juggernaut and got rid of him when he got bored of playing mercy, War Hulk wanted to kill Juggernaut. It's an apples and oranges comparison, the only time I have seen Green Scar not worry about killing people was HOTM who would destroy either WWH or Cain.
Hulk was in an uber rage at the time. Juggernaut was left prone after the first two blows, a 3rd double fisted attack would have put some serious hurting on him.
He fought Talos the Untamed who was trying to take his head off with an axe and he still wouldn't fight back. This is Merged Hulk were talking about here, essentially Banner's mind inside the body of a Hulk. Banner's mind is far more rational and less inclined to fly into a rage like other incarnations, iirc he wanted to arrest Cain not take him out.
Until we see more from Colossus, Green Scar current or otherwise wins.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
There was nothing suggested nor implied that the tech affected Cain, Apocalypse wanted to test Hulk's strength and used Juggernaut as a test subject. End result: Juggernaut was defeated. In WWH he held back against Juggernaut and got rid of him when he got bored of playing mercy, War Hulk wanted to kill Juggernaut. It's an apples and oranges comparison, the only time I have seen Green Scar not worry about killing people was HOTM who would destroy either WWH or Cain.
Hulk was in an uber rage at the time. Juggernaut was left prone after the first two blows, a 3rd double fisted attack would have put some serious hurting on him.
He fought Talos the Untamed who was trying to take his head off with an axe and he still wouldn't fight back. This is Merged Hulk were talking about here, essentially Banner's mind inside the body of a Hulk. Banner's mind is far more rational and less inclined to fly into a rage like other incarnations, iirc he wanted to arrest Cain not take him out.
Until we see more from Colossus, Green Scar current or otherwise wins. Except we've already seen where weird items that have weird cosmic/strange properties can and has effected Cain, Shatter Star's sword, Thor's hammer.
You have a different account of that fight, cause WWH didn't get bored and get rid of Cain leisurely. He simply couldn't beat Cain head up, and don't try and say he was playing around. Up till that point WWH had no problems hurting and nearly maiming anyone in his path. The fact he could do it to Cain is a testament to the fact WWH couldn't.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Sticks and stones won't break Hulk's bones, but words will hurt forever.
Words to live by. Ill teach that to my kids someday.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by Newjak
Except we've already seen where weird items that have weird cosmic/strange properties can and has effected Cain, Shatter Star's sword, Thor's hammer.
Excuses. Shatterstar blade was forged in a mystical dimension, Celestial aren't magical by nature. War didn't beat Juggernaut using weapons he used his fist as did Thor.
Up until that point he hadn't fought someone with Juggernauts level of durability, confronting the X-Men was one of his first missions in the arc. Once Hulk realised the mansion could be destroyed as a result of their fight he got rid of Juggernaut and did it with ease, he wasn't their to fight Juggernaut. He nullified his unstoppable momentum and matched him in strength while holding back. That's what happened. Lol @ Hulk BFRing Juggernaut because he couldn't win.
He slowed him a great deal, but he didn't stop him. It's happened before. He's never been truly "stopped", but has on several occasions been almost stopped. And if his momentum had been nullified as you said, he wouldn't have been able to side step and bfr him into the lake. And what says he was holding back?
Originally posted by The Sorrow
War and Merged Hulk had Juggernaut on the ground in pain about to finish him so this a straight up lie. Even Thor has been a step away from putting his lights out but again Cain was saved by PIS.
Colossus at Juggernaut levels was losing against Rulk, has been KO'd by his own momentum and in the previews for the next AvX VS, is again having a hard time with Rulk. It was established by Jeff Parker (and of course Pak) that Green Scar is > Rulk.
At no time was colossus losing. He got poked in the eye. Now thats PIS
This "WWH stopped Juggernaut" garbage needs to go away.
Juggernaut didn't have time to build a foot's worth of momentum... And he was still pushing WWH back, hence the BFR.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by KingD19
He slowed him a great deal, but he didn't stop him. It's happened before. He's never been truly "stopped", but has on several occasions been almost stopped. And if his momentum had been nullified as you said, he wouldn't have been able to side step and bfr him into the lake. And what says he was holding back?
War Hulk stopped him.
Once WWH gained a foothold they weren't moving anywhere hence Xavier complaining about the mansion. Hulk side stepped and Juggernaut couldn't stop his momentum before Hulk shoved him away.
Hulk himself said he was holding back. Several times.
Colossus doesn't share his feats with Cain.
War Hulk tripped him with a tendril while they were locked up. And War Hulk was powered by literally the most powerful technology in existence. It's quite possible it canceled out or overrode his unstoppability enchantment since Celestials>>>Cytorrak.
Celestial Tech stopped him. Not even WWH could do that so unless youre saying War Hulk>WWH plz stop using this
Juggs didnt look to be trying to move WWH as much as just overpower him. They were trading blows for awhile and it looked to me that Juggs got the better of that exchange. Besides if WWH actually stopped Cains forward momentum it wouldnt have gone unnoticed just like when it happened with War Hulk. It was a big deal and would have been here too either with WWh gloating or Juggernaut surprised
Very true but that gives no reason that he would have stopped or even hurt Juggernaut at full power. And one could make the arguement that 8th Day Juggernaut is full power so in a way Juggs was holding back too (i know im streching with this one)
Right again but Colossus shows the ability to power up and down the way Cain never shown so id wager he might be able to go beyond what Classic Juggs can do but we'll hafta see
Originally posted by KingD19
War Hulk tripped him with a tendril while they were locked up. And War Hulk was powered by literally the most powerful technology in existence. It's quite possible it canceled out or overrode his unstoppability enchantment since Celestials>>>Cytorrak. facepalm The Tech Was Helping Hulk Tap Into His Power(So In Theory It Was Under Hulks Own Power] Not "Amp" Him.
Yea Your Right Hulk Did Tripped Juggy.....After Hulk Stopped Him Right Down In His Track.
Originally posted by TheHulk
facepalm The Tech Was Helping Hulk Tap Into His Power(So In Theory It Was Under Hulks Own Power] Not "Amp" Him.
Yea Your Right Hulk Did Tripped Juggy.....After Hulk Stopped Him Right Down In His Track. It doesn't matter what the tech was doing. It was still Celestial Technology which muddies the feat if it was effecting Cain which it could have been.
It was never explained?
Didn't it show Hulk's green energy field colliding with Cain's red one? There was obviously something more going on in that panel.
I know that i just wanted to know if it was ever explained by anyone.
Originally posted by KingD19
Didn't it show Hulk's green energy field colliding with Cain's red one? There was obviously something more going on in that panel. Yeah it did.
There's also an early fight between Hulk and Juggernaut where Cain basically walked up and down on Hulk until Xavier messed with his head. It was right after Cain returned from Oblivion and lost all his crazy extra powers.
Originally posted by KingD19
There's also an early fight between Hulk and Juggernaut where Cain basically walked up and down on Hulk until Xavier messed with his head. It was right after Cain returned from Oblivion and lost all his crazy extra powers. If you're talking about their first encounter Cain was manhandling him until Hulk grew stronger and managed to throw Cain off of him. Then as Cain was about to jump back at Hulk Xavier showed up randomly and TPed him.
Yep, that's the one.
(only scan I could find)
cuz Juggernaut is the F***ING MAN
Originally posted by The Sorrow
War Hulk stopped him.
Once WWH gained a foothold they weren't moving anywhere hence Xavier complaining about the mansion. Hulk side stepped and Juggernaut couldn't stop his momentum before Hulk shoved him away.
Hulk himself said he was holding back. Several times.
Colossus doesn't share his feats with Cain.

Originally posted by KingD19
He slowed him a great deal, but he didn't stop him. It's happened before. He's never been truly "stopped", but has on several occasions been almost stopped. And if his momentum had been nullified as you said, he wouldn't have been able to side step and bfr him into the lake. And what says he was holding back?
Actually, He didn't even slow down Juggernaut at all.
The writer himself, said Juggernaut wasn't trying to use his unstoppable momentum enchantment against Green Scar in that tie up. He said it was just a test of strength.
Hulk didn't simply step aside either. He side-stepped and SHOVED Juggernaut on the shoulder, that's what got Juggernaut moving.
Poor Hulk, he is simply outmatched by classic Juggs.
Colossusnaut doesn't seem quite as powerful as Cain was, but he would still probably beat current Hulk.
Oh by the way,
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Hulk had tech because his powers didn't work, it allowed him to boost his strength and he beat Juggs down with boosted strength.
... this is a lie, and...
Originally posted by The Sorrow
There was nothing suggested nor implied that the tech affected Cain, Apocalypse wanted to test Hulk's strength and used Juggernaut as a test subject.
... this is a lie.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
The only time Hulk's had "assistance" was with Celestial tech to amp himself, but he needed it to take on Juggernaut because at the time he couldn't grow stronger with anger. on their first encounter hulk need profesor X assistance...

The Sorrow
Originally posted by CosmicComet
Actually, He didn't even slow down Juggernaut at all.
The writer himself, said Juggernaut wasn't trying to use his unstoppable momentum enchantment against Green Scar in that tie up. He said it was just a test of strength.
Hulk didn't simply step aside either. He side-stepped and SHOVED Juggernaut on the shoulder, that's what got Juggernaut moving.
Juggernaut was moving before Hulk shoved him:
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Juggernaut was moving before Hulk shoved him: you are wrong again buddy, it sucks to be a Hulk fanboy in a vs Juggernaut battle, juggernaut is the superior in all possible ways
Originally posted by DickBlazer
At no time was colossus losing. He got poked in the eye. Now thats PIS
To be fair, Shatterstar drew blood from Juggernauts eyes too.
But even if you wound them, the magic fixes them right up.
Not to mention he was walking and talking one time in the form of a skeleton. Magic based durability can be hard to cope with, as it could keep someone from dying no matter how much damage they take (Charnel is one such example, taking extensive damage from Minion, yet not dying and eventually telling him straight up that he can't die, because of the magics empowering him. Cytterok should certainly be capable of infusing his avatar with similar mojo..)
Originally posted by cdtm
To be fair, Shatterstar drew blood from Juggernauts eyes too.
But even if you wound them, the magic fixes them right up.
this, even if hulk manages to draw blood(wich he has never ever done on panel before) his magical HF is going to fix that on the spot.!
lets face there is no way hulk can put down juggernaut for good, hulk cant even bite, scratch or tear juggernauts flesh let alone kill him and if and this is a huge IF, if hulk manages to scratch hulk, his HF will heal that in blink of an eye... so its pointless
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Juggernaut was moving before Hulk shoved him: Oh hey look it's Hulk admitting that nothing stops the Juggernaut, which is conceding that he could not.
It must suck when your own scans prove you wrong.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by NemeBro
Oh hey look it's Hulk admitting that nothing stops the Juggernaut, which is conceding that he could not.
It must suck when your own scans prove you wrong.
Wow your still quoting my posts this thread is dead, and nice strawman btw. Hulk pushed him on because they were wrecking the foundations of the mansion not because he was struggling.
Whether you agree he stopped him or not isn't an issue to me, and is actually besides the point. Either way you slice it, Green Scar did what he wanted to and was never in any danger of losing, he matched Juggernaut while holding back and effortlessly BFR'd him. Juggernaut can't handle Hulk when he hits those high levels of rage, and that's referring to Cain who has much more impressive feats than Colossus.
Seems more like Hulk couldnt handle Juggernaut since he had to BFR instead of putting him down like he did everyone else who got in his way. Fact is he couldnt beat Juggs so he outsmarted him and then left before he came back
Originally posted by The Sorrow
he matched Juggernaut while holding back and effortlessly BFR'd him.. is this jerk for reals? WWH was pushed back, he never "Match" juggernaut, effortlessly my ass, he need it outside help(like he always do) to BFR him.
Originally posted by Reacting2
is this jerk for reals? WWH was pushed back, he never "Match" juggernaut, effortlessly my ass, he need it outside help(like he always do) to BFR him. Outside Help? You Mean When Xavier Got Juggy Attention? Isn't It Clear That Xavier Also Got Hulk Attention. Even It Was Not True At The End Of The Day It Was Not Outside Help As Xavier Had No Intention To Help Hulk As Xavier Meant To Really Ask Them Or Juggernaut Himself To Stop As They Were Both Gonna Cause Some Serious Damage.So It Was Not "Outside Help"
It was out side help as in the distraction came from an outside source and Hulk took advantage of it to BFR Juggs. If Juggs used it to his advantage then it would be him who had the outside help but WWH was the smarter one here
Originally posted by TheHulk
Outside Help? You Mean When Xavier Got Juggy Attention? Isn't It Clear That Xavier Also Got Hulk Attention. Even It Was Not True At The End Of The Day It Was Not Outside Help As Xavier Had No Intention To Help Hulk As Xavier Meant To Really Ask Them Or Juggernaut Himself To Stop As They Were Both Gonna Cause Some Serious Damage.So It Was Not "Outside Help"
Cain is pretty much a bullying idiot while WWH has Banner's intelligence so it's easy for him to 'trick' Juggs.As for the fight it's not like couldn't have gone back to continue it.
By the time Juggs hefted his ginormus body up and walked back to continue to fight Hulk had already taken off. The only reason Hulk BFR'd Jugger was because he couldnt physically put him down to talk to X which was his goal.
Originally posted by juggerman
By the time Juggs hefted his ginormus body up and walked back to continue to fight Hulk had already taken off. The only reason Hulk BFR'd Jugger was because he couldnt physically put him down to talk to X which was his goal.
Juggs can run pretty damn fast in thunder bolts he was running so fast he was a blur.
It showed it took him awhile to stop and then he got up slowly and walked back. Maybe he thought Hulk would come to him as he has in the past. Maybe he forgot some of his powers (he does this pretty often) or maybe the writer just wanted Hulk to leave before he got his sh!t pushed in so he made Juggs move like a slug.
Also Juggs could have been moving so fast that by the time he stopped he was uber far away
Originally posted by juggerman
It was out side help as in the distraction came from an outside source and Hulk took advantage of it to BFR Juggs. If Juggs used it to his advantage then it would be him who had the outside help but WWH was the smarter one here A Distraction To Both! Hulk Used It As A Advantage Your Right And that's all there is to it...Outside Help Does Not Fit In The Word "Advantage"...
Originally posted by juggerman
It showed it took him awhile to stop and then he got up slowly and walked back. Maybe he thought Hulk would come to him as he has in the past. Maybe he forgot some of his powers (he does this pretty often) or maybe the writer just wanted Hulk to leave before he got his sh!t pushed in so he made Juggs move like a slug.
Also Juggs could have been moving so fast that by the time he stopped he was uber far away
Yeah, Cain has legit super speed that he rarely uses. And he doesn't have most of his crazy powers anymore. He gave them up to escape the realm of Oblivion.
it was still something on the outside that ended up helping Hulk. im not saying that was the intent but in the end it helped him
Originally posted by juggerman
it was still something on the outside that ended up helping Hulk. im not saying that was the intent but in the end it helped him That Is True But I'm Just Saying It's Not Really "Outside Help"
its arguable. but i think the whole point for that was Hulk needed some kind of opening/advantage/help to do what he did
Current Colossus should be more powerful and probably is, once he would accept his powers and use them...
i think he should be as well but not quite sure yet
He technically is more powerful. As he has his Colossus powers stacked on top of his Juggernaut powers. Whereas Cain was a normal guy. But Cain had more powers overall like the Force field and other crazy stuff that he gave up. So it kinda balances out.
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