Superboy Prime vs Avengers
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Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
Hercules (Classic, Mace)
Red Hulk (current)
World War Hulk
Sentry (WWH Version)
High Noon on a sunny day, NYC. No BFR
Prime, without breaking much of a sweat.
Lord Feron
Vision goes for the low density heart rip imo. but other than that I dont think the team has a chance in a forum setting.
Superboy prime uses heat laser on iron man turning him into and oven and set at roasting. captain america rushes then he eye laser his sheild to hot degrees, making caps drop the sheild in agony then sbp grabs the sheild throws it with force and beheads caps,black widow and quicksilver. hawkeye steps up to the plate making sbp :laugg: then burnes hie eye sockets along with his brain. vision,rulk and hulk step up and sbp lasers their brain effectively lobatimizing them. thor and hercules strike sbp with their weapons then sbp grabs both their hands rips them off and smash their skulls with their weapons combined. rulk upon seeing this gtfo as usual but sbp speedblitz through his body and lazers him at a molecular level using his molecular vision. sentry pops up and sbp starts whining which starts fu

king with sentrys head driving him retarded and weakening him enough for sbp to rip his head off and freeze both his head and body...after which he shatters it sucks his pieces up and blows him into a dark hole. later sbp gets bored so he uses speedforce goes back in time meets the avengers then he grabs the sun and moves them all inside the star killing them instantly.
Originally posted by Hulkbuster1
Superboy prime uses heat laser on iron man turning him into and oven and set at roasting. captain america rushes then he eye laser his sheild to hot degrees, making caps drop the sheild in agony then sbp grabs the sheild throws it with force and beheads caps,black widow and quicksilver. hawkeye steps up to the plate making sbp :laugg: then burnes hie eye sockets along with his brain. vision,rulk and hulk step up and sbp lasers their brain effectively lobatimizing them. thor and hercules strike sbp with their weapons then sbp grabs both their hands rips them off and smash their skulls with their weapons combined. rulk upon seeing this gtfo as usual but sbp speedblitz through his body and lazers him at a molecular level using his molecular vision. sentry pops up and sbp starts whining which starts fu

king with sentrys head driving him retarded and weakening him enough for sbp to rip his head off and freeze both his head and body...after which he shatters it sucks his pieces up and blows him into a dark hole. later sbp gets bored so he uses speedforce goes back in time meets the avengers then he grabs the sun and moves them all inside the star killing them instantly.
My gift to you:

Originally posted by nimbus006
My gift to you:
thanks my gifts to you:
and your welcomed

Superboy prime didn't break much of a sweat when the JLA and JSA tried taking him down why would he with the avengers?
Superboy prime proceeds to kill every member
Originally posted by Mr.SunKing
Superboy prime proceeds to kill every member
Some by mistake, like he did in IC.
Prime wins but Hawkeye makes him work for it.
Originally posted by Bentley
Prime wins but Hawkeye makes him work for it.
LOL. I hope it's not Phantom Zone arrows.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Sundipped
LOL. I hope it's not Phantom Zone arrows.
Nope just arrows or pure win. SBP is highly allergic to anything remotely entertaining/cool.
Sentry dies and keeps coming back until SBP kills himself.
Originally posted by Hulkbuster1
thanks my gifts to you:
and your welcomed
you have quite an assortment.

Originally posted by Damborgson
you have quite an assortment.
But none to do with grammar, I see. Good thing you expanded his collection!!
Originally posted by Bentley
Prime wins but Hawkeye makes him work for it.

SBP accidently Retcon punches Thor to RKT and Hercules to SuperGod Herc

i want to design a video game and i hope all of you on this forum will can help me better than others, i have get some designs from this forum.
Avengers stomp. Prime either attempts to flee like he normally does against a team or gets thoroughly dominated.
Prime is too much for them to handle
Originally posted by juggerman
Prime is too much for them to handle Based on ?
Lord Feron
Originally posted by malikinam
i want to design a video game and i hope all of you on this forum will can help me better than others, i have get some designs from this forum.
whats this now?
Based on he was pounding Superman Supergirl Powergirl and a sh!tload of others and they all had to pile on him while he was weakened and still couldnt stop hm from getting some sunlight.
Then he promply started to demolish Ion
Originally posted by Naija boy

Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on ?
Shut the **** Quanchi. Named me a time Prime ever ran away from a fight. Hell he's the first one to charge head first at his opponents.
Originally posted by juggerman
Based on he was pounding Superman Supergirl Powergirl and a sh!tload of others and they all had to pile on him while he was weakened and still couldnt stop hm from getting some sunlight.
Then he promply started to demolish Ion Anyone on this team would solo Ion.
Naija boy
Originally posted by SquallX
Hyperion Prime
Avengers win this. Finally a fight that marvel has the edge on. I think Sentry and Thor will be too much for him. He will be constantly pounded by Both Hulks and Hercules.
Originally posted by SquallX
Shut the **** Quanchi. Named me a time Prime ever ran away from a fight. Hell he's the first one to charge head first at his opponents. Prime fled from the Flash in his tie in. Prime fled from the heroes in Infinite Crisis.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Prime fled from the Flash in his tie in. Prime fled from the heroes in Infinite Crisis.
He has a phobia against flashes and Bart had absorbed entire speed force into him. He got bored and decided to destroy Oa and remake the universe, he wasn't fleeing.
Originally posted by abhilegend
He has a phobia against flashes and Bart had absorbed entire speed force into him. He got bored and decided to destroy Oa and remake the universe, he wasn't fleeing. He asked when he ran. Yes. he's scared of them. That means he runs out of fear despite being a lot more powerful. Yes, he was fleeing from the heroes. Running away from them is fleeing. They caught him and beat him. If you think flying away from an opponent isn't fleeing you need help.
Quan is easily the most knowledgeable poster on SBP.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He asked when he ran. Yes. he's scared of them. That means he runs out of fear despite being a lot more powerful. Yes, he was fleeing from the heroes. Running away from them is fleeing. They caught him and beat him. If you think flying away from an opponent isn't fleeing you need help.
Yeah, he was scared of them because they imprisoned him for many years in speed force, your point? He wasn't fleeing and they beat him with a plot device. Try again.
Depends if inverse-ninja law/jobbing is effecting the team or not.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, he was scared of them because they imprisoned him for many years in speed force, your point? He wasn't fleeing and they beat him with a plot device. Try again. So he fled just like I said. He asked for examples and I provided two.
So flying away from your opponent isn't fleeing ? Then what is ?
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, he was scared of them because they imprisoned him for many years in speed force, your point? He wasn't fleeing and they beat him with a plot device. Try again.
Why are you bothering? I realized there was no point in arguing with him after he said Thanos could beat Rune King Thor.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Why are you bothering? I realized there was no point in arguing with him after he said Thanos could beat Rune King Thor. You asked for examples and I provided some. You have yet to respond. I win.
Originally posted by quanchi112
So he fled just like I said. He asked for examples and I provided two.
So flying away from your opponent isn't fleeing ? Then what is ?
He has a phobia and that's why he was running away from a massively amped bart, not applicable in the least here. He wasn't fleeing, he just got bored killing them and decided to kill them all in just one step. Flying away because of danger of losing is called fleeing, not flying away because you are bored.
Originally posted by abhilegend
He has a phobia and that's why he was running away from a massively amped bart, not applicable in the least here. He wasn't fleeing, he just got bored killing them and decided to kill them all in just one step. Flying away because of danger of losing is called fleeing, not flying away because you are bored. He fled from a team. He has used teams to counter teams before because he can't win on his own. As evidenced by Teen Titans beatdown. Prime was trying to flee the flashes initially before they beat him into the dirt. In ic he attempted to fly in the opposite direction of the heroes. I more than provided enough examples to support my assertion.
Could the Avengers beat the Flashes anyway? You realize you're not making any kind of a case for the Avengers beating Prime.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Could the Avengers beat the Flashes anyway? You realize you're not making any kind of a case for the Avengers beating Prime. That has nothing to do with my point. I think so definitely but I don't want to lose the thread topic into a mini Flashes versus Avengers thread. Prime fled from a single flash before. Prime flees in battle. Not all the time but he knows when he's up against teams he needs back up and has fled more than once.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He fled from a team. He has used teams to counter teams before because he can't win on his own. As evidenced by Teen Titans beatdown. Prime was trying to flee the flashes initially before they beat him into the dirt. In ic he attempted to fly in the opposite direction of the heroes. I more than provided enough examples to support my assertion.
No he didn't. Teen titans 100 is just PIS. When has he used teams to counter teams? He was running away from flashes because he was having a phobic attack. He flew towards Oa, not in the opposite direction of heroes. As usual you have nothing.
Originally posted by abhilegend
No he didn't. Teen titans 100 is just PIS. When has he used teams to counter teams? He was running away from flashes because he was having a phobic attack. He flew towards Oa, not in the opposite direction of heroes. As usual you have nothing. Yes, he did. He fled from a team of heroes in ic. Here you go again picking and choosing. In teen titans 100 iirc and in legion of 3 worlds. He flew in the opposite direction of the heroes. He fled earth from their wrath.
Hyperion Prime
Quanchi talks a lot of crazy shyte and hangs from Thanos nuts, but he is right, SBP did run from the flashes. He was terrified of them.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Yes, he did. He fled from a team of heroes in ic. Here you go again picking and choosing. In teen titans 100 iirc and in legion of 3 worlds. He flew in the opposite direction of the heroes. He fled earth from their wrath.
No, he didn't. He flew towards Oa to destroy the universe. Yeah, it was pure PIS. Teen titans was PIS and in LO3W he was kicking asses of all three legions when saturn queen informed him that Brainiac 5 was bringing bart back to life and in a phobic attack he flew to FOS to prevent that. He just got bored killing them and as evidenced in SCW took on both corps, superman, power girl and guardians at the same time.
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
Quanchi talks a lot of crazy shyte and hangs from Thanos nuts, but he is right, SBP did run from the flashes. He was terrified of them.
Yeah, because he has a phobia of flashes since they trapped him in speed force.
Originally posted by abhilegend
No, he didn't. He flew towards Oa to destroy the universe. Yeah, it was pure PIS. Teen titans was PIS and in LO3W he was kicking asses of all three legions when saturn queen informed him that Brainiac 5 was bringing bart back to life and in a phobic attack he flew to FOS to prevent that. He just got bored killing them and as evidenced in SCW took on both corps, superman, power girl and guardians at the same time. If you fly away from your opponents that's called fleeing. In losh he needed aid left and right. Did you read it ? He was poisoned by k-nite just for one example. I know teen titans doesn't count but it was canon. I could care less for your picking and choosing. Dc decides what counts not you.
Prime killed random weaklings in sc but one guardian neutralized him. Yeah, prime had the advantage of a war going on to attack both sides. When a team takes him on he needs aid or he flees.
Originally posted by quanchi112
If you fly away from your opponents that's called fleeing. In losh he needed aid left and right. Did you read it ? He was poisoned by k-nite just for one example. I know teen titans doesn't count but it was canon. I could care less for your picking and choosing. Dc decides what counts not you.
Prime killed random weaklings in sc but one guardian neutralized him. Yeah, prime had the advantage of a war going on to attack both sides. When a team takes him on he needs aid or he flees.
Not when you're flying away due to boredom and trying to kill everyone at the same time instead of killing one by one. Yeah and what's that has to do with anything here? He was poisoned and was not fleeing. Its PIS, pure and simple. Yeah you didn't read SCW. In the last moments he was taking on both corps and as you claimed wasn't fleeing. So you have nothing as usual. Good.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Not when you're flying away due to boredom and trying to kill everyone at the same time instead of killing one by one. Yeah and what's that has to do with anything here? He was poisoned and was not fleeing. Its PIS, pure and simple. Yeah you didn't read SCW. In the last moments he was taking on both corps and as you claimed wasn't fleeing. So you have nothing as usual. Good. He wasn't flying away due to boredom. He was scared, was crying, and actively fled against one Flash. He was poisoned and had aid from the team. He wasn't soloing the LOSH. He needed help. Name me one team he's beaten under his own power. People have agreed with me, Wonderwoman. Look it's obvious you don't have a point.
But Prime would have no reason to fear the avengers like he does the flashes right?
Originally posted by juggerman
But Prime would have no reason to fear the avengers like he does the flashes right? He fled against other foes than the Flashes. Ic for example.
in IC he wasnt fleeing cuz he was scared or was being beaten he was talking to Alexander Luthor and when he learned his world couldnt be returned he decided to destroy Oa and start everything over again. I might be remembering it wrong but im pretty sure he wasnt in a fight he was just killing people as he walked
Originally posted by juggerman
in IC he wasnt fleeing cuz he was scared or was being beaten he was talking to Alexander Luthor and when he learned his world couldnt be returned he decided to destroy Oa and start everything over again. I might be remembering it wrong but im pretty sure he wasnt in a fight he was just killing people as he walked He was trying to get away from them as quickly as he could. Had he stuck around and not been flying off he would have never flew right into a red sun which depowered him.
He was flying off to complete a task not to just simply run away. his goal was to destroy the universe. i know he fears the flashes and would flee them but here i dont believe he was running away he was on a mission
Give the Avengers Prep and they win.
but without prep they lose?
Originally posted by juggerman
He was flying off to complete a task not to just simply run away. his goal was to destroy the universe. i know he fears the flashes and would flee them but here i dont believe he was running away he was on a mission You can say accomplish your mission by going through your foes not away from them. That's called fleeing.
his goal wasnt to kill them all by hand. he wasnt even really in a fight. he was speaking with Luthor and he decided to destroy everything by flying thru Oa. he didnt flee anything as no one was actually fighting him. it was a giant battle going on no one attacking him tho. and he broke thru the GL barrier and proceded to kill a bunch of GLs in his way so i guess that would be him going thru his foes to complete his mission
Originally posted by juggerman
his goal wasnt to kill them all by hand. he wasnt even really in a fight. he was speaking with Luthor and he decided to destroy everything by flying thru Oa. he didnt flee anything as no one was actually fighting him. it was a giant battle going on no one attacking him tho. and he broke thru the GL barrier and proceded to kill a bunch of GLs in his way so i guess that would be him going thru his foes to complete his mission They were trying to attack him and were but he was busy trying to get away from them. He attempted to flee but was brought to justice.
doesnt really count as fleeing if he wasnt in a fight at all. he was talking and walking. and when the GLs tried to fight him he stood and fought killing a good amount of them. even if he did flee here (which he didnt) that still isnt evidence that he would run from the avengers since he wouldnt have a reason to fear them
he also didnt flee when he joined Sinestro and was destroying loads of heros solo at night while depowered and it took Superman Supergirl Powergirl andothers to restrain him to no avail.
SBP is way to overpowered and i cant see him losing here
Originally posted by juggerman
doesnt really count as fleeing if he wasnt in a fight at all. he was talking and walking. and when the GLs tried to fight him he stood and fought killing a good amount of them. even if he did flee here (which he didnt) that still isnt evidence that he would run from the avengers since he wouldnt have a reason to fear them
he also didnt flee when he joined Sinestro and was destroying loads of heros solo at night while depowered and it took Superman Supergirl Powergirl andothers to restrain him to no avail.
SBP is way to overpowered and i cant see him losing here They had to slow him down through a gl construct. Prime knew they wanted to fight him he fled and was caught. Knowing someone wants to beat you up and fleeing is cowardice in this situation.
Can you name a team he's beaten.
He is usually stopped by someone outside of the team before he kills everyone like:
The team of GLs before the Supermen saved them
Teen Titans before Flashes BFRd him
Everyone during the Sinestro Corps fight before the Guardian sacrificed himself
He beat The Black Lanterns (i think)
Originally posted by juggerman
He is usually stopped by someone outside of the team before he kills everyone like:
The team of GLs before the Supermen saved them
Teen Titans before Flashes BFRd him
Everyone during the Sinestro Corps fight before the Guardian sacrificed himself
He beat The Black Lanterns (i think) He didn't kill the entire team of gl's. Hal wasn't killed.
The Teen Titans weren't beaten and they later destroyed him. The Flashes beat him as well.
He was fighting people at random and was taken out by one Guardian.
No, he didn't.
i said he is stopped BEFORE killing everyone
Originally posted by juggerman
i said he is stopped BEFORE killing everyone So he didn't beat the team he fled from them. He fought those he had to and quickly flew away when he had the chance yet still lost.
Which one of the examples that i gave did he flee from
Originally posted by quanchi112
He wasn't flying away due to boredom. He was scared, was crying, and actively fled against one Flash. He was poisoned and had aid from the team. He wasn't soloing the LOSH. He needed help. Name me one team he's beaten under his own power. People have agreed with me, Wonderwoman. Look it's obvious you don't have a point.
Yeah he was. He has a phobia of flashes. He wasn't fleeing from them as you claimed. Every hero when he came down from moon to earth. Who cares about someone agreeing with you? You've lost two bz with thanos. Yeah, prime wins.
Originally posted by juggerman
Which one of the examples that i gave did he flee from So you admit he does flee.Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah he was. He has a phobia of flashes. He wasn't fleeing from them as you claimed. Every hero when he came down from moon to earth. Who cares about someone agreeing with you? You've lost two bz with thanos. Yeah, prime wins. No, I didn't. You are lying yet again. You were manhandled by smurph who allueded he didn't even give his best yet. That's awful. You were beating by smurph who held back.
Let's see how you do against the guy who I broke in a battlezone.
Prime has fled from a fight enough times to support my opinion. I backed my reasoning.
ive already admitted he flees from the flashes but i dont recall him fleeing from anyone else and he didnt flee in the examples i posted
Originally posted by juggerman
ive already admitted he flees from the flashes but i dont recall him fleeing from anyone else and he didnt flee in the examples i posted Ic.
that wasnt fleeing as he wasnt fighting anyone. he wasnt scared or trying to get away from anyone. it was clearly stated what he was doing and your just ignoring it.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He fled against other foes than the Flashes. Ic for example. Who did he flee from in IC?
He only left the battle to ram through Oa... After a Flash punched him in the face.
Originally posted by juggerman
that wasnt fleeing as he wasnt fighting anyone. he wasnt scared or trying to get away from anyone. it was clearly stated what he was doing and your just ignoring it. He was fighting and fleeing. They wanted to fight him ye he fled. The only reason he did fight them is because they slowed him down long enough to fight him.
who wanted to fight him? there was a war going on and i dont recall anyone singling Prime out at the moment. he only got everyone attention AFTER he shouted he was going to destroy Oa and everyone tried to catch him but he was gone already
Originally posted by juggerman
who wanted to fight him? there was a war going on and i dont recall anyone singling Prime out at the moment. he only got everyone attention AFTER he shouted he was going to destroy Oa and everyone tried to catch him but he was gone already Everyone wanted to fight him. Prime fled.
nobody that was there wanted to fight him at all thats why he wasnt attacked. the two Supermen arrived seconds after Prime took off. they were the only one who wanted to challenge Prime
Originally posted by juggerman
nobody that was there wanted to fight him at all thats why he wasnt attacked. the two Supermen arrived seconds after Prime took off. they were the only one who wanted to challenge Prime Green lanterns did as did the others. Not many save the gl's and the Supermen caught him to fight him. Prime was too busy fleeing.
i dont recall where the GLs were i may have to read it again but no one was trying to fight Prime. he was in the middle of the fray for awhile and nobody tried to fight him
now i know the Supermen were elsewhere but if the GLs or anybody else were there and didnt attack Prime then they must have been too scared
fact remains nobody tried to fight him and he left.
thats not running away from a fight thats just leaving to do something else
Originally posted by quanchi112
So you admit he does flee. No, I didn't. You are lying yet again. You were manhandled by smurph who allueded he didn't even give his best yet. That's awful. You were beating by smurph who held back.
Let's see how you do against the guy who I broke in a battlezone.
Prime has fled from a fight enough times to support my opinion. I backed my reasoning.
Yeah, that's why every judge said that it was too close of a fight and existere won by one vote, right? You spamming a thread doesn't mean anything quan. As usual you have nothing but broken lies.
Originally posted by juggerman
i dont recall where the GLs were i may have to read it again but no one was trying to fight Prime. he was in the middle of the fray for awhile and nobody tried to fight him
now i know the Supermen were elsewhere but if the GLs or anybody else were there and didnt attack Prime then they must have been too scared
fact remains nobody tried to fight him and he left.
thats not running away from a fight thats just leaving to do something else He flew off and they were in pursuit. That's running from a fight. If someone wants a piece of you and you are going elsewhere you ran.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, that's why every judge said that it was too close of a fight and existere won by one vote, right? You spamming a thread doesn't mean anything quan. As usual you have nothing but broken lies. You lost. He probably didn't even post his best because it wasn't necessary. You shamed WW there. Even galan who you will concede points away just because of who he is said you lost.
I won the debate by making clear concise points. Electrical energy leaves Mordru confused and Thor has the power to imprison and bfr. He also has the experience of going up against a mage his entire life. I made a great case unlike yours; she's really fast. LOL.
he left and way very far away before they started to chase him. he had no idea they were coming until they caught him. that still isnt running away
Originally posted by juggerman
he left and way very far away before they started to chase him. he had no idea they were coming until they caught him. that still isnt running away He knew they were because they were shooting walls of willpower to slow him down. he was trying to avoid them and fighting them as he was flying away.
They caught him and beat him.
'no the GLs came from Oa to slow him down with their wall. the GLs and Supermen that were behind him he was unaware of
Originally posted by juggerman
'no the GLs came from Oa to slow him down with their wall. the GLs and Supermen that were behind him he was unaware of He wasn't 'unaware of the heroes. He ran. He got caught.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He flew off and they were in pursuit. That's running from a fight. If someone wants a piece of you and you are going elsewhere you ran.
You lost. He probably didn't even post his best because it wasn't necessary. You shamed WW there. Even galan who you will concede points away just because of who he is said you lost.
I won the debate by making clear concise points. Electrical energy leaves Mordru confused and Thor has the power to imprison and bfr. He also has the experience of going up against a mage his entire life. I made a great case unlike yours; she's really fast. LOL.
Well, I didn't lost with my favorite character in my first bz like you did. Galan was a judge and acted like a judge. You just spammed the thread with unnecessary scans. That was so ridiculous that everyone else was laughing at you.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Well, I didn't lost with my favorite character in my first bz like you did. Galan was a judge and acted like a judge. You just spammed the thread with unnecessary scans. That was so ridiculous that everyone else was laughing at you.
Which match was this?....gotta read some good ol' quan comedy...
Originally posted by quanchi112
He didn't kill the entire team of gl's. Hal wasn't killed.
The Teen Titans weren't beaten and they later destroyed him. The Flashes beat him as well.
He was fighting people at random and was taken out by one Guardian.
No, he didn't.
You are one of the biggest ignorant person of all time. Yes he didn't killed Hal, but when was the last a main character from Marvel Or DC were killed without some plot device.
Hell, name one main character Thanos killed without a plot device.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Well, I didn't lost with my favorite character in my first bz like you did. Galan was a judge and acted like a judge. You just spammed the thread with unnecessary scans. That was so ridiculous that everyone else was laughing at you. I won the debate. I posted more than I needed. You apparently didn't post enough. I purposely lulled him in and then dropped the hammer. Unlike you who had the hammer dropped on him.
Desaad said I won the first battlezone. I did. One judge admitted his mind was made up due to the matchup not the debaters. You lost. Your idol said you lost. Originally posted by SquallX
You are one of the biggest ignorant person of all time. Yes he didn't killed Hal, but when was the last a main character from Marvel Or DC were killed without some plot device.
Hell, name one main character Thanos killed without a plot device. So you agree he didn't kill him. He killed fodder. Phyla Vell.
I could care more but you asked for one. You're easy.Originally posted by Estacado
Which match was this?....gotta read some good ol' quan comedy... It's the same battlezone you claimed I was being destroyed in. You're very unintelligent. Wow.
By the way, there are a couple of people on this team that could solo Prime.
Originally posted by carver9
By the way, there are a couple of people on this team that could solo Prime.
****ing name one?
Black Widow probably.
Shes boss
Originally posted by quanchi112
Phyla Vell. Phyla isn't a main character on the level of Hal Jordan by a large step. Might as well be fodder too. Ask anyone who isn't a comic reader who Hal Jordan is, and they'll tell you it's Green Lantern. Ask 97% of people who DO read comics, but only casually, and they still couldn't tell you Phyla Vell is.
The only thing prime ran from was flash and that's arguable, since when flash attacked prime, he just finished heat visioning the shit out of supes 2 and cassie and was telling luthor that he didnt want this earth then flash came and punched him and prime flew off to destroyed oa and start over. It's impossible to say if he was running from flash or to Oa. When Prime says "No! it was so much better when I was the only hero in this universe." after flash punches him it seems like it's just a continuation/finishing of his conversation with Alex before flash punched him, like flash being there didn't even matter and was just a minor interruption to his conversation and plan.
Originally posted by quanchi112
I won the debate. I posted more than I needed. You apparently didn't post enough. I purposely lulled him in and then dropped the hammer. Unlike you who had the hammer dropped on him.
Desaad said I won the first battlezone. I did. One judge admitted his mind was made up due to the matchup not the debaters. You lost. Your idol said you lost. So you agree he didn't kill him. He killed fodder. Phyla Vell.
I could care more but you asked for one. You're easy. It's the same battlezone you claimed I was being destroyed in. You're very unintelligent. Wow.
He said "favorite character" that's why I thought it was a different thread.
I'm fairly certain Thor could conjure up a stormfront dense enough to block out the sun over Manhattan, and if SBP leaves the battlefield to get more sunlight the Avengers would win via DQ. If he stands his ground in this situation Avengers could possibly take 4/10+ (sun blocked out plus Rulk draining while others pour it on), though that scenario is lowered more based on the likelihood of Thor actually using the tactic (he uses storms and lightning in combat a lot, but he'd have to specifically block out the sun with a thick cloud cover over NYC).
Originally posted by Estacado
He said "favorite character" that's why I thought it was a different thread.
I also though they are talking about the Thanos vs Darkseid BZ, where Nver owned Quan.
Originally posted by MF DELPH
I'm fairly certain Thor could conjure up a stormfront dense enough to block out the sun over Manhattan, and if SBP leaves the battlefield to get more sunlight the Avengers would win via DQ. If he stands his ground in this situation Avengers could possibly take 4/10+ (sun blocked out plus Rulk draining while others pour it on), though that scenario is lowered more based on the likelihood of Thor actually using the tactic (he uses storms and lightning in combat a lot, but he'd have to specifically block out the sun with a thick cloud cover over NYC). Even if Thor used that tactic, I still don't see the Avengers winning. Prime shit-stomped pretty much every single hero on DC earth simultaneously, at night (and he was already at less than full power, to boot.) Also recall that even when Prime appeared nearly powerless toward the end of said battle, he was still capable of mustering HV capable of skewering Superman like a hot knife through butter.
On another note, couldn't Prime use his super-breath to blow away at least a portion of the cloud cover? Heck, all he needs is a glimmer of sunlight, and his power jumps astronomically. /shrug
Originally posted by carver9
WWH solos.

WWH isn't powerful enough to solo
Originally posted by carver9
WWH solos.
I missed you and your jokes, they always make me laugh out loud

Originally posted by iceman24567

WWH isn't powerful enough to solo
Yes he is.
@Batman Prime. I'm not joking.
Originally posted by carver9
Yes he is.
@Batman Prime. I'm not joking. Not likely going by average portrayals Prime would work Hulk
At some point I will learn NOT to respond to Carver's and Quanicake's jokes.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Not likely going by average portrayals Prime would work Hulk
WWH is strong enough AND durable enough to give Prime a hell of a fight imo.
Originally posted by carver9
WWH is strong enough AND durable enough to give Prime a hell of a fight imo. Durable enough? Nah not really
Originally posted by iceman24567
Durable enough? Nah not really
What leads you to believe he isn't durable enough? I'm not talking about Savage Hulk here.
Originally posted by Galan007
Even if Thor used that tactic, I still don't see the Avengers winning. Prime shit-stomped pretty much every single hero on DC earth simultaneously, at night (and he was already at less than full power, to boot.) Also recall that even when Prime appeared nearly powerless toward the end of said battle, he was still capable of mustering HV capable of skewering Superman like a hot knife through butter.
On another note, couldn't Prime use his super-breath to blow away at least a portion of the cloud cover? Heck, all he needs is a glimmer of sunlight, and his power jumps astronomically. /shrug
Magic clouds, b*tch!
Magic is Prime's b*tch. uhuh
Originally posted by carver9
What leads you to believe he isn't durable enough? I'm not talking about Savage Hulk here. If we compare the durability feats of both Prime is above him even taking Hulks healing factor into consideration
Zack Fair
Originally posted by biensalsa
At some point I will learn NOT to respond to Carver's and Quanicake's jokes.

You sanity will thank you for that.
Originally posted by Galan007
Magic is Prime's b*tch. uhuh Please
Prime is Prime's b*tch
Originally posted by MF DELPH
I'm fairly certain Thor could conjure up a stormfront dense enough to block out the sun over Manhattan, and if SBP leaves the battlefield to get more sunlight the Avengers would win via DQ. If he stands his ground in this situation Avengers could possibly take 4/10+ (sun blocked out plus Rulk draining while others pour it on), though that scenario is lowered more based on the likelihood of Thor actually using the tactic (he uses storms and lightning in combat a lot, but he'd have to specifically block out the sun with a thick cloud cover over NYC). Thor did exactly that against a Spiderman villain who drew strength from the sun. Said villain was fighting the Avengers, X-Men and FF and getting stronger. His name was Sundown I believe.
but would they know thats how to stop him?
^ If common knowledge doesn't grant it, then it's doubtful. SBP would need to brag about it or Noh-Varr would need to discover it mid-battle or Sentry would try to throw him into the Sun and SBP laughs about it.
Anyway, team healthily overpowers him straight-up. Especially if SBP ends up killing one of the less powerful characters on the field. Sodam Yat gave him an extended fight under the same circumstances.
Still prime. Yat was little more than a nuisance even after having Ion level shields and daxamite durability.
The Avengers wouldn't know to block the sun. And contrary to popular belief Prime isn't instantly depowered if he's not in the sun. And blocking the sun takes time. If Prime used his speed to any degree, most of this team is dead before they even know what hit them.
The fact that Kryptonians get their powers from the sun is common knowledge in the DCU and on DC Earth (Clark gave up the game in the Daily Planet years ago), and per forum rules would be common knowledge to the opposition (as well as it being a two way street, so Prime knows all the commonly known info about his opponents as well, i.e., Thor's a thunder god Asgardian, Hulk's a super strong gamma monster that gets stronger with rage, etc.). The Avengers wouldn't, however, know about traits unique to Prime that aren't common knowledge (like the fact that, while Kryptonian, his powers don't work exactly as regular Clark Kent/Kal El's powers do).
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
The Avengers wouldn't know to block the sun. And contrary to popular belief Prime isn't instantly depowered if he's not in the sun. And blocking the sun takes time. If Prime used his speed to any degree, most of this team is dead before they even know what hit them. . You easily dismiss the infamy surrounding SBP among nearly every DC Earth hero there is. Which should bear on whether these certain Marvel Earth heroes would be aware. I'm not so sure I can casually dismiss that.
As for speed? You mean to the degree he actually used it on-panel? Then, no. Even then, SBP isn't dealing with WWH, all-out Sentry, Thor easily.
true but they would also know that simply blocking out the sun wuldnt depower Superman at all unless it was blocked out for a long period of time (days/weeks) and they have no reason to believe Prime is any different so it wouldnt be a course of action imo
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
. You easily dismiss the infamy surrounding SBP among nearly every DC Earth hero there is. Which should bear on whether these certain Marvel Earth heroes would be aware. I'm not so sure I can casually dismiss that.
As for speed? You mean to the degree he actually used it on-panel? Then, no. Even then, SBP isn't dealing with WWH, all-out Sentry, Thor easily.
WWH and Thor have never dealt with this kind of speed:
And even IF...a big IF....Sentry could hang with SBP's speed, if a hellicarrier knocks him back into a human being (and am I mistaken, or didn't he take an extra dose of the serum that made him Sentry in the first place before the events of Siege?) then SBP is beating him back to Robert Reynolds very quickly.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
WWH and Thor have never dealt with this kind of speed:
And even IF...a big IF....Sentry could hang with SBP's speed, if a hellicarrier knocks him back into a human being (and am I mistaken, or didn't he take an extra dose of the serum that made him Sentry in the first place before the events of Siege?) then SBP is beating him back to Robert Reynolds very quickly.
Superman Prime got hurt by a rocket from Batman Jet. Superboy rocked him more than once. Do you really want to use low showings?
Originally posted by carver9
Superman Prime got hurt by a rocket from Batman Jet. Superboy rocked him more than once. Do you really want to use low showings?
How is it a low showing? Just because someone is KO'ed doesn't make it a low showing. But if that's how you want to rationalize it, that's fine with me. It's actually more rational than most things you say on this site. Sentry is 99% hype. I've thought for a long time that the 3 or 4 really high end showings for Sentry were more out of character for him than anything else.
oh, and nice context with your "low showings".
I can't believe I'm even bothering to reply to you.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
. You easily dismiss the infamy surrounding SBP among nearly every DC Earth hero there is. Which should bear on whether these certain Marvel Earth heroes would be aware. I'm not so sure I can casually dismiss that.
As for speed? You mean to the degree he actually used it on-panel? Then, no. Even then, SBP isn't dealing with WWH, all-out Sentry, Thor easily.
Carver is on your side. That's not a good sign.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
WWH and Thor have never dealt with this kind of speed:
And even IF...a big IF....Sentry could hang with SBP's speed, if a hellicarrier knocks him back into a human being (and am I mistaken, or didn't he take an extra dose of the serum that made him Sentry in the first place before the events of Siege?) then SBP is beating him back to Robert Reynolds very quickly. WWH: perhaps, Thor: yes. SBP turning into a tornado of fists and sending Jay and Bart flying backwards isn't anything that leads me to believe that Thor and WWH are going to be dealt with easily. So they get sent flying backwards. Great.
That was Void. After he had endured several barrages from Norn Stone amped heroes, and a refreshed Thor, and far after Sentry had an extended fight with an all-out Thor. Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Carver is on your side. That's not a good sign. I'm not carver9 and you're not h1a8 and other posters have nothing to do with the points you or I am making.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
How is it a low showing? Just because someone is KO'ed doesn't make it a low showing. But if that's how you want to rationalize it, that's fine with me. It's actually more rational than most things you say on this site. Sentry is 99% hype. I've thought for a long time that the 3 or 4 really high end showings for Sentry were more out of character for him than anything else.
oh, and nice context with your "low showings".
I can't believe I'm even bothering to reply to you.
You was the one starting with low showings buddy.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
So they get sent flying backwards. Great.
My point was about speed, not power. The only instance I've ever seen of someone punching Thor really fast was in a What If (by Sentry actually), and he had no response for the fast punches. If you have an example (which you might...I haven't read EVERY Thor comic, or even remember all the ones I have read) I'd love to see it.
If we want to talk about the power of punches, I don't think anyone would claim Prime's punching feats can be matched by Thor or WWH. Thor's been KO'ed by a LOT less than the damage Prime can dish out.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
That was Void. After he had endured several barrages from Norn Stone amped heroes, and a refreshed Thor, and far after Sentry had an extended fight with an all-out Thor.
If anything, Void should be more powerful than Sentry, especially if like I think he was amped by a double dose of the serum. But even ignoring that, he's been physically beaten down before by less than what Prime can dish out.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
I'm not carver9 and you're not h1a8 and other posters have nothing to do with the points you or I am making.
I was just joking.
Originally posted by carver9
Superman Prime got hurt by a rocket from Batman Jet. Superboy rocked him more than once. Do you really want to use low showings?
While your precious Hulk got owned by Spiderman all by his lonesome, and Captain America.
Originally posted by SquallX
While your precious Hulk got owned by Spiderman all by his lonesome, and Captain America.
Don't forget snakes, darts, bones, gas, human soldiers, batman, it's too easy.
Originally posted by SquallX
While your precious Hulk got owned by Spiderman all by his lonesome, and Captain America.
You clearly missed the point of my post. Him using the Hellicarrier as some type of durability showing for Sentry is outright lowballing him. We both know Sentry and Prime is more powerful than what has been.brought up in this thread. If he wants to low ball and use it as an average for Sentry, why not do the same for others?
Originally posted by carver9
You clearly missed the point of my post. Him using the Hellicarrier as some type of durability showing for Sentry is outright lowballing him. We both know Sentry and Prime is more powerful than what has been.brought up in this thread. If he wants to low ball and use it as an average for Sentry, why not do the same for others?
again, prove it's lowballing. Whenever someone is knocked out, it doesn't automatically mean it's lowballing
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
again, prove it's lowballing. Whenever someone is knocked out, it doesn't automatically mean it's lowballing
Him surviving and withstanding punches from WWH is proof of this. These are punches from a weakened Hulk.
More powerful than what any Hellicarrier can do and Sentry withstood punches from a more powerful Hulk and was asking for more. Like I said, you are clearly lowballing.
Originally posted by carver9
Him surviving and withstanding punches from WWH is proof of this. These are punches from a weakened Hulk.
More powerful than what any Hellicarrier can do and Sentry withstood punches from a more powerful Hulk and was asking for more. Like I said, you are clearly lowballing.
LOTS....and LOTS of people "survived" punches from WWH.
Two questions:
1) How many people did WWH punch?
2) How man people did WWH kill?
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
LOTS....and LOTS of people "survived" punches from WWH.
Two questions:
1) How many people did WWH punch?
2) How man people did WWH kill?
It was stated that WWH held back but he had no reason to pull his punches against Sentry, especially pulling them to the point that he wasn't hitting him with the force of a Hellicarrier.
This doesn't look like Hulk was pulling his punches.
By the way, a lot of people got one shotted by WWH...Sentry performance against him was one of the best.
Originally posted by carver9
It was stated that WWH held back but he had no reason to pull his punches against Sentry, especially pulling them to the point that he wasn't hitting him with the force of a Hellicarrier.
This doesn't look like Hulk was pulling his punches.
haha. That's not proof of anything. That punch looked like practically every other punch he threw in that arc.
Practically every top tier hero is stated to pull their punches. We have no idea to what degree if any Hulk did. In fact the only time I remember it being stated was from Amadeus telling Hulk that Hulk must have been holding back. Amadeus wasn't there for the entire WWH arc, he didn't see the fights... and he didn't feel the punches, so he have no clue if Hulk was holding his punches or not.
Did Hulk actually say he was pulling his punches? If so, then you have a case.
And ASSUME you're right, and he was holding his punches. Then you would have to show me where it's stated he didn't pull his punches against Sentry. I can show scans from WWH that look like Hulk punching JUST LIKE THAT against other people. That scan proves nothing. Less than nothing really.
Fact is, WWH punched practically everyone on Marvel earth at one point or another from Dr. Strange, to street levelers, to Skrull Bolt, and THEY ALL SURVIVED. Sentry surviving WWH punches is a worthless argument.
when superman and hulk met, superman practically no sold Dr. banner. sbp makes superman and any other top tier brick look like a child. add his vast array of exotic powers you got yourself a winner in little Clark. the reason prime faces any challenge is so he doesn't become the antithesis of a deus ex machina.
Also, I do recall Sentry saying he wasn't holding back punches against WWH, but I didn't see where Hulk said the same thing.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
haha. That's not proof of anything. That punch looked like practically every other punch he threw in that arc.
Practically every top tier hero is stated to pull their punches. We have no idea to what degree if any Hulk did. In fact the only time I remember it being stated was from Amadeus telling Hulk that Hulk must have been holding back. Amadeus wasn't there for the entire WWH arc, he didn't see the fights... and he didn't feel the punches, so he have no clue if Hulk was holding his punches or not.
Did Hulk actually say he was pulling his punches? If so, then you have a case.
And ASSUME you're right, and he was holding his punches. Then you would have to show me where it's stated he didn't pull his punches against Sentry. I can show scans from WWH that look like Hulk punching JUST LIKE THAT against other people. That scan proves nothing. Less than nothing really.
Fact is, WWH punched practically everyone on Marvel earth at one point or another from Dr. Strange, to street levelers, to Skrull Bolt, and THEY ALL SURVIVED. Sentry surviving WWH punches is a worthless argument.
Hulk one shots She Hulk.
Hulk one shots Ares.
Hulk one shots Doc Samson.
One punch Huggernaut to the point he is fatigued and finish him off. Huggernaut has some amazing durability showings like taking withstanding blows from King Hyperion and Thor and Ironman.
First physical hit he laid on Ghost Rider drops him.
First hit takes a lil fight out of Zom.
Took enough fight out of him for the Hulk to bounce over there and beat the crap out of him.
Like I said, you don't know what you are talking about. I can keep going with this but what's the point since Hulk punches were clearly greater than a hellicarrier and Sentry survived punches from a pissed Hulk.
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk one shots She Hulk.
Hulk one shots Ares.
Hulk one shots Doc Samson.
One punch Huggernaut to the point he is fatigued and finish him off. Huggernaut has some amazing durability showings like taking withstanding blows from King Hyperion and Thor and Ironman.
First physical hit he laid on Ghost Rider drops him.
First hit takes a lil fight out of Zom.
Took enough fight out of him for the Hulk to bounce over there and beat the crap out of him.
Like I said, you don't know what you are talking about. I can keep going with this but what's the point since Hulk punches were clearly greater than a hellicarrier and Sentry survived punches from a pissed Hulk.
I almost feel bad correcting you, because it's starting to feel like I'm beating up on a handicapped retard. Could Ares, She Hulk, Doc Samson....survive the Hellicarrier? What the hell are you trying to prove. All of those people survived. I don't see anywhere that it's shown he's not holding back. In fact, some of those punches look as intense as the ones he hit Sentry with. So AGAIN...
You're making my point for me!
You said, Sentry survived punches from WWH as some kind of proof for how durable sentry is.
Well, you now just showed me She Hulk and Ares surviving punches from WWH.
What's the big deal
You don't even know what you're arguing do u?
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk one shots She Hulk.
Hulk one shots Ares.
Hulk one shots Doc Samson.
One punch Huggernaut to the point he is fatigued and finish him off. Huggernaut has some amazing durability showings like taking withstanding blows from King Hyperion and Thor and Ironman.
First physical hit he laid on Ghost Rider drops him.
First hit takes a lil fight out of Zom.
Took enough fight out of him for the Hulk to bounce over there and beat the crap out of him.
Like I said, you don't know what you are talking about. I can keep going with this but what's the point since Hulk punches were clearly greater than a hellicarrier and Sentry survived punches from a pissed Hulk. You realize none of those people are high end class 100 right?
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
I almost feel bad correcting you, because it's starting to feel like I'm beating up on a handicapped retard. Could Ares, She Hulk, Doc Samson....survive the Hellicarrier? What the hell are you trying to prove. All of those people survived. I don't see anywhere that it's shown he's not holding back. In fact, some of those punches look as intense as the ones he hit Sentry with. So AGAIN...
You're making my point for me!
You said, Sentry survived punches from WWH as some kind of proof for how durable sentry is.
Well, you now just showed me She Hulk and Ares surviving punches from WWH.
What's the big deal
You don't even know what you're arguing do u?
Why can't they survive a Hellicarrier when they have survived hits from top tiers?
Not just Hulk, Sentry surviving attacks from Genis is proof of this...attacks that was shedding planets. Sentry flying in the sun is proof of this.
What was the force of the Hellicarrier that hit Sentry?
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