JLA vs Green Lanterns
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Superman (current version) has been poisoned with Red K. While under it's influence he pulls a Pee Wee Herman and accidently blows someones head off in the theater. A warrant has been issued for his arrest. Who has the better chance of bringing him in Dead or Alive: Justice League (Current w/o Superman) or the Green Lanterns (Jordan, Rayner, Stewart, Yat, and Gardener)?
Is this a movie thread or a comic book thread?
pretty sure this is meant for the comic section, 'cause none of those Lantern's (save for Hal) were in the GL movie.
Moved to the Comic Book Versus Forum.
Originally posted by Brockalizer
Superman (current version) has been poisoned with Red K. While under it's influence he pulls a Pee Wee Herman and accidently blows someones head off in the theater. A warrant has been issued for his arrest. Who has the better chance of bringing him in Dead or Alive: Justice League (Current w/o Superman) or the Green Lanterns (Jordan, Rayner, Stewart, Yat, and Gardener)? Closed. Keep your sick fantasies off the forum. sneer
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