Rank The Plutonian.
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The following list, gives a general feel of each tier. If you wanted to create a competitive match, under which tier would you rank him?
(Herald Low Class)
Ronan The Accuser - Magneto - Exodus - Lightmaster
(Herald Mid Class)
Cable - Wonder Women - Beta Ray Bill - Black Bolt
(Herald High Class)
Silver Surfer - Thor - Photon (Genis) - Wally West
Superboy Prime - Alan Scott - King Thor - The Renegade Doctor
Feat wise he's mid heraldish, imo. An argument could be made for high herald, though.
Well, from the feats I've seen I'd probably say the high end of the herald mid class. The only thing that stops me from putting him up to the high class is not having seen just how powerful his energy manipulation is compared to Surfer. If there are more showings like the one I saw with him creating those massive spears in the atmosphere/space (I thinks thats what they were), then he should be moved up, imo.
I think he showed the needed durability to be in the high herald class for surviving that barrage of blows that could have destroyed stars (I think I have that straight...lol)
Why did you not list Superman is one of the categories?
Superman is above the tiers he listed.
n00b. ermm
On the real though, I posted a non-holding back Superman vs Plutonian thread and you voted for Plutonian in it.
Do you also think Superman is not above Mid-Herald, or that maybe Plutonian has a specific means of beating Superman even if he's not at the same tier as Superman in your opinion?
Board Walker
Superboyprime is above Trans level.
That and his future self (Time Trapper) is Abstract or above.
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