Thanos, amped up on Venom, vs Surtur...
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Thanos has broken into Banes wearhouse...stolen all of his Venom...has created a Venom Harness (idenical to Banes)...given himself a good jolt...and then takes on Surtur in pure hand to hand combat.
The only power/ability allowed is the ability to amp ones strength...
Fight to the Death or BFR...who wins?
Lol, Venom must be the enhancement of the day.
Err... I'll say Surtur. Still would have a massive size advantage, and I would assume strength accompanies that size... : /
I dont think venom would even affect Thanos.
Originally posted by TheMask
I dont think venom would even affect Thanos.
Probaly not, but for now lets just say it does; crazier things have happened in comics afterall...
Physical strengh wont be enough to take out a magical being on Surters level
Still Surtur .
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