Legion Runs Gauntlet
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1) Thanos
2) King Thor (end of Reigning)
3) Odin
4) Rune King Thor
5) Uatu
6) Galactus (just consumed one planet)
7) Arishem
8) Exitar
9) Tiamut
10) Galactus (just consumed 4 planets)
11) Celestial Fourth Host
12) All Celestials from 616 Continuity
Fully rests between each battle. No BFR in any battle.
Hmm... What is the most powerful persona Legion has shown so far?
Im not sure he gets past thanos
Originally posted by DickBlazer
Im not sure he gets past thanos
Yeah, tough gaunlet, which is why I was wondering what his most powerful persona has shown as far as feats and durability.
Nice Silva banner by the way : )
Originally posted by DickBlazer
Im not sure he gets past thanos
He would 100% get past Thanos.
What are his feats.
Depends on which Legion we're talking about. He is a massively powerful reality warper, who can potentially destroy the universe. Thanos has zero chance against him. Neither do many of the people on this gauntlet.
Originally posted by TheMask
What are his feats.
Stops at 8 or 9 .
5 and 10 are too high
Gets to 9
Originally posted by DickBlazer
Im not sure he gets past thanos

Originally posted by Gecko4lif
5 and 10 are too high
Gets to 9
Where do u think Galactus eating 4 planets should be?
I have him at 6.
Even if he passes up Galactus with a mild lunch, the Celestials along with Galactus are being who can potentially warp reality at a universal scale themselves.
Originally posted by "Id"
I have him at 6.
Even if he passes up Galactus with a mild lunch, the Celestials along with Galactus are being who can potentially warp reality at a universal scale themselves.
Proof of this statement? Because it's never happened on panel that I can recall, not even close. The closest I've seen is Galactus "wiping the Galaxy clean" of the Annihilation forces.
Celestials have been stated to be able to create and destroy universes. On Galactus I'm not as sure.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Can't believe this hasn't been brought up. But Galactus fans should check out Spiderman & the Secret Wars #3. This series is not a Marvel Adventures publishing and portrays untold segments from the original Secret Wars.
Issue #3 portrays where the heroes assault Galactus and it starts off by showing that Galactus' "sheer presence can alter reality nothing is going to be quite as it seems." Apparently, when you fight him, "Galactus hits you on hundreds of different levels. Even separate planes of reality." The entire comic proceeds on how Spiderman deals with it, who at one point is literally being unmade by Galactus' warping powers:
http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo326/OneDumbG0/More%20Random/th_Galactus01SpidermanSW3.jpg http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo326/OneDumbG0/More%20Random/th_Galactus02.jpg http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo326/OneDumbG0/More%20Random/th_Galactus02b.jpg http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo326/OneDumbG0/More%20Random/th_Galactus03.jpg
Yeah. And apparently, "What we normally see of Galactus is the merest tip. He's an iceberg of cosmic dimensions. . . . No. Worse. He has no dimensions. . . . No boundaries at all."
Very cool.
Indeed. Very cool.

Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Celestials have been stated to be able to create and destroy universes. On Galactus I'm not as sure.
Implied power and hyperbole mean nothing to Zopzop!
Universal Reality Warper Legion gets to 12 then dies.
Originally posted by "Id"
Indeed. Very cool.
That's how Galactus should be written at all times. Even a starving Galactus should be at LEAST a hundred times more powerful than the Silver Surfer, who is his damn herald.
Originally posted by zopzop
Implied power and hyperbole mean nothing to Zopzop!
Universal Reality Warper Legion gets to 12 then dies.
Well, Galactus having fed on 4 planets, Tiamut and Exitar should be ahead of the 4th host on the gauntlet.
And I would say he could beat Arishem, and maybe but doubtfully) Exitar but I don't think he could beat Tiamut or Galactus having devoured 4 planets. The entire Celestial race shouldn't even be considered, as it's pretty preposterous he could even begin to challenge that kind of power.
Originally posted by zopzop
Implied power and hyperbole mean nothing to Zopzop!
Universal Reality Warper Legion gets to 12 then dies.
Didn't you yourself once defend Kubik's statement regarding a Celestial's power-level in comparison to a CCU ?
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Didn't you yourself once defend Kubik's statement regarding a Celestial's power-level in comparison to a CCU ?
What of it? It wasn't implied at all, it was stated MULTIPLE times in that issue and others that Cube Beings < Celestials.
I don't know where you got the CCU comparison though.
Originally posted by zopzop
What of it? It wasn't implied at all, it was stated MULTIPLE times in that issue and others that Cube Beings < Celestials..
You're being generous. Not just >, but >>>> than cube beings.
Originally posted by zopzop
What of it? It wasn't implied at all, it was stated MULTIPLE times in that issue and others that Cube Beings < Celestials.
I don't know where you got the CCU comparison though.
So a Cube Being and a CCU have different power levels now ?
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