Superboy Prime VS Thanos with HOTU
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Board Walker
So I truly want your opinions on this, Superboy prime currently trascended the comics world and is in our world. Where the writers exist, additionally he has his powers while he is in our world. Furthermore the very thread he was trolling in the comic exists in our world on the official DC Comics forum.
Thus if Thanos has the HOTU, the power of the writer and SBP has shown to be able to kill the real life writers in our world.
Would that not mean SBP > all of Marvel and for that matter the comic entity known as Thanos?
Sr J-Bieb
This thread is awful
Board Walker
Maybe, perhaps so is your response.
Originally posted by Board Walker
So I truly want your opinions on this Originally posted by Sr J-Bieb
This thread is awful ^^This.
No, just no. Closed.
I've had a change of heart and this thread is reopened. biscuits
Board Walker
AS stated prior, Superboy prime is currently in our world. Our real life world, additionally Thanos with HOTU is basically the writer backing him, however prime has shown on panel and in our real life world he is able to hurt, threaten and kill the writers.
Thus Prime goes to marvel, kills HOTU, and rewwrites thanos as being a corner street baker selling pot pies.
Alright then, Superboy Prime wins!

Originally posted by Board Walker
Thus Prime goes to marvel, kills HOTU, and rewwrites thanos as being a corner street baker selling pot pies.
But.. but... but... he is imune to death!!
Originally posted by Board Walker
AS stated prior, Superboy prime is currently in our world.
No, he's not.
Zack Fair
Originally posted by Board Walker
So I truly want your opinions on this, Superboy prime currently trascended the comics world and is in our world. Where the writers exist, additionally he has his powers while he is in our world. Furthermore the very thread he was trolling in the comic exists in our world on the official DC Comics forum.
Thus if Thanos has the HOTU, the power of the writer and SBP has shown to be able to kill the real life writers in our world.
Would that not mean SBP > all of Marvel and for that matter the comic entity known as Thanos?
Board Walker
Originally posted by Mshinu
But.. but... but... he is imune to death!!
Ah but you see he is only immune to death due to the writers writing him being immune to death.
Superboy prime first goes to the marvel writers house, and forces the writer to write Thanos as no longer being in Death;s embrace, thus thanos is now street thug level.
Please someone close this nonsense.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see he is only immune to death due to the writers writing him being immune to death.
Superboy prime first goes to the marvel writers house, and forces the writer to write Thanos as no longer being in Death;s embrace, thus thanos is now street thug level.
Unfortunately Squirrel Girl hangs out there, she gives emoboy prime an atomic wedgie, calls him an evil evil little boy and kicks him back to DC (to chill in the source wall).

Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see he is only immune to death due to the writers writing him being immune to death.
Superboy prime first goes to the marvel writers house, and forces the writer to write Thanos as no longer being in Death;s embrace, thus thanos is now street thug level.
Prime was only able to cross over back into Earth-Prime - not the real world - because of the writers writing it. Yes, the writers wrote Prime meeting comic book versions of the writers themselves. Art imitating life imitating art is all that is.
Prime doesn't have the power to enter the "real" world nor does he have the capability to destroy characters simply by trolling forums. And Prime isn't currently in our world, either. Currently, he's chilling in the Source Wall, where he was forced into by the awesome power of the Teen Titans.
Bada's just being mean by re-opening this.
Board Walker
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Prime was only able to cross over back into Earth-Prime - not the real world - because of the writers writing it. Yes, the writers wrote Prime meeting comic book versions of the writers themselves. Art imitating life imitating art is all that is.
Prime doesn't have the power to enter the "real" world nor does he have the capability to destroy characters simply by trolling forums. And Prime isn't currently in our world, either. Currently, he's chilling in the Source Wall, where he was forced into by the awesome power of the Teen Titans.
Bada's just being mean by re-opening this.
Ah but you see, Prime is in our world. Earth Prime = OUR WORLD
CANNON fact! =)
everything happened on panel happened in our world as well, that is on panel (real world) fact.
Prime posted on the forums and his posts were real time on our forums. YOu can not deny the on panel, in reality evidence!
Furthermore Prime's speed advantage is too much for Thanos with HOTU, Thanos was only moving as fast the page turned, Prime just never turns the comic book pages, and thus thanos never moves.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see, Prime is in our world. Earth Prime = OUR WORLD
CANNON fact! =)
everything happened on panel happened in our world as well, that is on panel (real world) fact.
Prime posted on the forums and his posts were real time on our forums. YOu can not deny the on panel, in reality evidence!
Furthermore Prime's speed advantage is too much for Thanos with HOTU, Thanos was only moving as fast the page turned, Prime just never turns the comic book pages, and thus thanos never moves.
No, he's not. facepalm
Currently, Prime is in the Source Wall, as evidenced by the most recent comic he was in, not his Blackest Day tie-in which you seem to be be constantly referencing and using as 'CANNON fact'.
I'm pretty phucking sure we all would have heard about Superboy Prime entering the real world and threatening the editorial team of DC Comics. And if you want to get technical, there's no evidence Prime even exists in the current DC status-quo after Flashpoint.
It was a clever attempt at viral marketing/promotion.
Jesus Christ.
Honestly can't tell if you're trolling or just stupid.
Board Walker
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
No, he's not. facepalm
Currently, Prime is in the Source Wall, as evidenced by the most recent comic he was in, not his Blackest Day tie-in which you seem to be be constantly referencing and using as 'CANNON fact'.
I'm pretty phucking sure we all would have heard about Superboy Prime entering the real world and threatening the editorial team of DC Comics.
It was a clever attempt at viral marketing/promotion.
Jesus Christ.
Honestly can't tell if you're trolling or just stupid.
Ah but you see, the Superboy prime in the source wall was not "THE" Superboy prime in our real world, you seem to forget he is able to cross in and out comics and into our world at a whim.
This is due to him becoming the writer of his comics, through sheer will power.
The superboy prime in the source wall is just Superboy prime writing himself into the source wall as a way of venting his pent of rage from his comic book experience.
And yes an attack did happen on DC editorial staff, it was in the news. It happened in our world, and you have yet to prove how Superboy prime posting on the official dc comics forums in real time in our world, does not equal to him being in our world.
DC Themselves said Superboy prime was posting on their forums, thus on panel for SBP is on life evidence.
Now you see?
Show me footage of Superboy Prime in our world or it didn't happen

Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see, the Superboy prime in the source wall was not "THE" Superboy prime in our real world, you seem to forget he is able to cross in and out comics and into our world at a whim.
This is due to him becoming the writer of his comics, through sheer will power.
The superboy prime in the source wall is just Superboy prime writing himself into the source wall as a way of venting his pent of rage from his comic book experience.
And yes an attack did happen on DC editorial staff, it was in the news. It happened in our world, and you have yet to prove how Superboy prime posting on the official dc comics forums in real time in our world, does not equal to him being in our world.
DC Themselves said Superboy prime was posting on their forums, thus on panel for SBP is on life evidence.
Now you see?
It's the same character. They even reference all the events prior to his return to New Earth where he decides to troll the Titans and Superboy again. He's not able to cross over at a whim. If he was, he would have found Earth-Prime as soon as he wanted instead of going through his twisted mission to get "home" again.
Which is why the writers promised to leave him alone...and decided not to and forced him into a shitty Teen Titans arc, right? Prime's at the whim of the writers not the other way around. Him interacting with fictional representations of real world writers and artists don't change that.
Yes, Prime wanted to be placed into the Source Wall. Even though he was clearly upset about being beat up and forced into the Wall.
Show me the footage of Prime going apeshit in the real world, please.
So I guess Spider-Man is real too when he saved Anderson Cooper from the Green Goblin during New Years?
Board Walker
Originally posted by Blight
Show me footage of Superboy Prime in our world or it didn't happen
If you can not take the time to simply GOOGLE it, i'm not going to do it for you.
Originally posted by Board Walker
If you can not take the time to simply GOOGLE it, i'm not going to do it for you.
Googled it, no footage to be found.
Board Walker
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
It's the same character. They even reference all the events prior to his return to New Earth where he decides to troll the Titans and Superboy again. He's not able to cross over at a whim. If he was, he would have found Earth-Prime as soon as he wanted instead of going through his twisted mission to get "home" again.
Which is why the writers promised to leave him alone...and decided not to and forced him into a shitty Teen Titans arc, right? Prime's at the whim of the writers not the other way around. Him interacting with fictional representations of real world writers and artists don't change that.
Yes, Prime wanted to be placed into the Source Wall. Even though he was clearly upset about being beat up and forced into the Wall.
Show me the footage of Prime going apeshit in the real world, please.
So I guess Spider-Man is real too when he saved Anderson Cooper from the Green Goblin during New Years?
Ah but you see once again you do not grasp that it was Prime in our world coercing the writers to write about him in the teen titans arc, to take the spotlight off of him in our world.
I take it your just going to ignore his real time post on the DC forums? Or going to ignore the scientific research that krypton is real?
Board Walker
Originally posted by Blight
Googled it, no footage to be found.
And what did you google? If your googling skills are not up to is not some thing I can help you improve upon over the digital space of our interactions....
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see once again you do not grasp that it was Prime in our world coercing the writers to write about him in the teen titans arc, to take the spotlight off of him in our world.
I take it your just going to ignore his real time post on the DC forums? Or going to ignore the scientific research that krypton is real?
Lol. You're persistent, I'll give you that. Looks like to me that Prime was forced into a shitty story and was really upset that he wasn't left alone like the writers promised.
You really don't grasp viral marketing, do you?
Please show me the scientific proof that the planet Krypton is real.
This is comic gold right here.
Classic thread.
Originally posted by Board Walker
And what did you google? If your googling skills are not up to is not some thing I can help you improve upon over the digital space of our interactions....,mod=13&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=superboy+prime+in+the+real+world#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=superboy+prime+in+our+reality&oq=superboy+prime+in+our+reality&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=serp.3...79717.87810.0.87978.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c34afa3d936562c4&biw=1280&bih=899,mod=13&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=superboy+prime+in+the+real+world,mod=13&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=superboy+prime+in+the+real+world#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=Superboy+prime+in+real+life&oq=Superboy+prime+in+real+life&aq=f&aqi=q-w1&aql=&gs_l=serp.3..33i21.10681.17570.0.17680.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c34afa3d936562c4&biw=1280&bih=899
Educate me.
Board Walker
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Lol. You're persistent, I'll give you that. Looks like to me that Prime was forced into a shitty story and was really upset that he wasn't left alone like the writers promised.
You really don't grasp viral marketing, do you?
Please show me the scientific proof that the planet Krypton is real.
Have you at all kept up with the latest cosmic research? On worlds and stars discovered lightyears from us? Krypton has actually been theorized about for years, it is what DC originally based kyprton on in the comics.
A potentially habitable world for hydrogen based life forms, near a red sun.
But you are derailing...let us get back to the topic at hand old chum, SBP handidly beats down Thanos with HOTU, due to prime simply coercing marvel writers to make him depowered. Or killing HOTU out right, or becoming HOTU himself
Thank you board walker for being the craziest person on the net. You actually believe Prime is real.
Still haven't seen proof of this.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thank you board walker for being the craziest person on the net. You actually believe Prime is real.
Qunchi I only go by on panel/on real life feats, so prove it or else don't .
Prime soundly beats thanos w/hotu due to buying marvel stocks (publically traded) and during board of directors meeting decides to have thanos canceled.
Or just uses his diminished powers and forces the writers to write thanos without hotu.
Board Walker
Originally posted by Blight
Still haven't seen proof of this.
I'm not the one denying on panel/on real life feats,
Originally posted by Board Walker
Qunchi I only go by on panel/on real life feats, so prove it or else don't .
Prime soundly beats thanos w/hotu due to buying marvel stocks (publically traded) and during board of directors meeting decides to have thanos canceled.
Or just uses his diminished powers and forces the writers to write thanos without hotu. Why does he need to prove it? You still haven't.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Have you at all kept up with the latest cosmic research? On worlds and stars discovered lightyears from us? Krypton has actually been theorized about for years, it is what DC originally based kyprton on in the comics.
A potentially habitable world for hydrogen based life forms, near a red sun.
But you are derailing...let us get back to the topic at hand old chum, SBP handidly beats down Thanos with HOTU, due to prime simply coercing marvel writers to make him depowered. Or killing HOTU out right, or becoming HOTU himself
So, you have no proof that there really is a planet called Krypton with highly advanced alien civilization? Good.
Prove Prime can coerce Marvel writers.
Originally posted by Board Walker
I'm not the one denying on panel/on real life feats, The On Panel feat is ambiguous because why would he have the writer write about him having the writer write about something?
Originally posted by Board Walker
Qunchi I only go by on panel/on real life feats, so prove it or else don't .
Prime soundly beats thanos w/hotu due to buying marvel stocks (publically traded) and during board of directors meeting decides to have thanos canceled.
Or just uses his diminished powers and forces the writers to write thanos without hotu. This is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. Thanos wins based off of superior power. The Teen titans beat him. The flashes beat him. One guardian beat him. He beat himself. (Take your mind out of the gutter). Thanos doesn't need the hotu. You are seriously unhinged. Please do carry on. Tell Prime to fly to my house and do something about it because Thanos wins.
Board Walker
Originally posted by Blight
The On Panel feat is ambiguous because why would he have the writer write about him having the writer write about something?
Am I SBP? Ask him, his parents gave a real life interview, of which they commented that from the basement SBP coerces them to make him grilled cheese sandwhiches out of fear of his powers.
Really, I'm not going to do a lit review on the research of krypton.
Here is what you do, go to the library, or a tier 1 grad school research archive (preferably one with a emphasis upon space time physics/para psychology) and you begin to look at the 40+ years of research on krypton.
I have a half mind to post a YouTube video of me ripping up a comic with Prime in it to justify me kicking his ass in a fight.
Or maybe I can make an account as Superboy Prime and declare myself to really be Prime, therefore, actually making me Prime in the real world.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
This is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. Thanos wins based off of superior power. The Teen titans beat him. The flashes beat him. One guardian beat him. He beat himself. (Take your mind out of the gutter). Thanos doesn't need the hotu. You are seriously unhinged. Please do carry on. Tell Prime to fly to my house and do something about it because Thanos wins.
Ah but you see Thanos speed is limited by how fast the reader is turning the pages, Superboy prime is in our world and decides how fast he turns the pages.
Thus when he is fighting thanos, thanos is stuck in the comic on page 1 or the cover, all SBP has to do is put the comic in the toaster and he wins.
Thats how he wins, game set and match my good cheesy friend.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
I have a half mind to post a YouTube video of me ripping up a comic with Prime in it to justify me kicking his ass in a fight. If Prime doesn't show up to my house in ten minutes that's a forfeiture.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see Thanos speed is limited by how fast the reader is turning the pages, Superboy prime is in our world and decides how fast he turns the pages.
Thus when he is fighting thanos, thanos is stuck in the comic on page 1 or the cover, all SBP has to do is put the comic in the toaster and he wins.
Thats how he wins, game set and match my good cheesy friend. Prime has been beaten on panel. Prime also exists in a planet like ours mimicking real life. It isn't real life. He doesn't ever leave the pages.
I've already issued a challenge to him. If he doesn't show then I won. I am giving him 9 more minutes.
In comics Prime has been trashed by the Teen Titans.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
If Prime doesn't show up to my house in ten minutes that's a forfeiture.
Ah but you see, you are trolling by changing the thread to SBP Vs Quanchi.
Please stick to the thread which is Thanos Vs SBP, If you can't use on panel/on life feats to prove thanos beats SBP, well thanos loses.
I have already listed several strategies to beat thanos, and you have listed none.
Regardless of Prime being real or not (lulz), Board Walker's plan of attack is against the rules. Prime has to fight Thanos with HOTU. Coercing writers that are non-combatants would be against the forum rules anyway.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
Prime has been beaten on panel. Prime also exists in a planet like ours mimicking real life. It isn't real life. He doesn't ever leave the pages.
I've already issued a challenge to him. If he doesn't show then I won. I am giving him 9 more minutes.
In comics Prime has been trashed by the Teen Titans.
Ah but you can't issue a challenge to prime, thats like you issuing a challenge to Shaq+Arnold Swartezaniergera, and saying if he doesn't respond in 10 minutes you win. That is purely your own delusion my friend!
You are derailing like thanos high on mud pies, this is Thanos Vs SBP, not SBP Vs quanchi no matter how much you want it to be.
Also on panel evidence proves earth prime is our earth.
Board Walker
Originally posted by MF DELPH
Regardless of Prime being real or not (lulz), Board Walker's plan of attack is against the rules. Prime has to fight Thanos with HOTU. Coercing writers that are non-combatants would be against the forum rules anyway.
Ah not so, you see Thanos does indeed start with the HOTU, Prime just goes to TOAA which is the source of the HOTU and kills it. Thus nullifying HOTU. Prime is not attacking outside combatants, he is attacking the HOTU directly which is part of this fight.
And if prime wants, all he has to do is edit the comic pages.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you see, you are trolling by changing the thread to SBP Vs Quanchi.
Please stick to the thread which is Thanos Vs SBP, If you can't use on panel/on life feats to prove thanos beats SBP, well thanos loses.
I have already listed several strategies to beat thanos, and you have listed none. If he's real and has any honor he will show.
On panel feats Thanos wrecks him. Far less has; ie. Teen Titans.
I could give a huge list of the characters who would destroy Prime from both universes.
But let's play it your way. You aren't anywhere near as clever as I am. So post proof Prime can go to a marvel writer's house ?
TOAA isn't his opponent.
Thanos is.
That would be illegal as well.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
If he's real and has any honor he will show.
On panel feats Thanos wrecks him. Far less has; ie. Teen Titans.
I could give a huge list of the characters who would destroy Prime from both universes.
But let's play it your way. You aren't anywhere near as clever as I am. So post proof Prime can go to a marvel writer's house ?
Its on you to prove prime can't go to the writers house, when he already has in several news articles covering his attack on DC Editorial staff, as well as his live posting on dc forums.
On panel feats show that current prime > all of thanos with hotu
Also, while Prime was able to coerce the Writers in their realm, he was also still subject to their powers and they could/did control him.
Board Walker
Originally posted by MF DELPH
TOAA isn't his opponent.
Thanos is.
That would be illegal as well.
Not so, his opponent designated by title is Thanos+HOTU. Prime is fighting thanos as well as the HOTU, he simply kills the HOTU which is the pen of the writter.
Thus no more HOTU, illegal at all my dear friend.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but you can't issue a challenge to prime, thats like you issuing a challenge to Shaq+Arnold Swartezaniergera, and saying if he doesn't respond in 10 minutes you win. That is purely your own delusion my friend!
You are derailing like thanos high on mud pies, this is Thanos Vs SBP, not SBP Vs quanchi no matter how much you want it to be.
Also on panel evidence proves earth prime is our earth. Not our earth he's on dc's earth. Dc's earth isn't our earth. Originally posted by MF DELPH
TOAA isn't his opponent.
Thanos is.
That would be illegal as well. I want to debate him on his terms. His mind is pretty fragile. I will break him via a game of his own choosing.
Board Walker
Originally posted by MF DELPH
Also, while Prime was able to coerce the Writers in their realm, he was also still subject to their powers and they could/did control him.
Ah not so, once he coerced them he became a real boy (albeit with super powers). Thus he has actually been the head of the board of directors ever since, do you honestly not keep up with real world news?
Please read a New york post every now and than rather than comics!
Originally posted by Board Walker
Its on you to prove prime can't go to the writers house, when he already has in several news articles covering his attack on DC Editorial staff, as well as his live posting on dc forums.
On panel feats show that current prime > all of thanos with hotu
Doesn't matter. Writers aren't Prime's opponent. Leaving the battlefield to kill Bendis, though welcome, would be self BFR and result in Prime losing.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
Not our earth he's on dc's earth. Dc's earth isn't our earth. I want to debate him on his terms. His mind is pretty fragile. I will break him via a game of his own choosing.
Ah but quanchi prove its not our earth, I have proven it is, but you have proven not a thing!
Luthor staring softly into our eyes when finding prime earth, only further solidifies this is Prime earth.
But I understand lack the ability to debate, I could teach you if you like...
Board Walker
Originally posted by MF DELPH
Doesn't matter. Writers aren't Prime's opponent. Leaving the battlefield to kill Bendis, though welcome, would be self BFR and result in Prime losing.
He never left the battle field, the battle takes place in Prime's room, it is him alone with the Comic that Thanos is in. HE simply picks up the comic and takes it with him to Bendis, and then kills bendis since Bendis is the HOTU.
Thus no self BFR, gg my friendly friend.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah not so, once he coerced them he became a real boy (albeit with super powers). Thus he has actually been the head of the board of directors ever since, do you honestly not keep up with real world news?
Please read a New york post every now and than rather than comics!
Last comic I saw with Prime took place subsequent to the events you're discussing, and he was defeated.
Originally posted by Board Walker
He never left the battle field, the battle takes place in Prime's room
Leaving his bedroom is self bfr.
Prime loses.
Board Walker
Originally posted by MF DELPH
Last comic I saw with Prime took place subsequent to the events you're discussing, and he was defeated.
You are behind on events my dear, that was Prime in our world coercing the writers to write about him in the comics to draw off pressure of him from in our world. His attack on dc editorial, and his trolling of the forums brought him unneeded attention, had to make it seem like he was back in the comics.
But if you had been at one of the DC board of directors meetings you would of seen SBP there, which only shows me you don't keep up to date on events...not my fault
Originally posted by Board Walker
Ah but quanchi prove its not our earth, I have proven it is, but you have proven not a thing!
Luthor staring softly into our eyes when finding prime earth, only further solidifies this is Prime earth.
But I understand lack the ability to debate, I could teach you if you like... That's dc's fictional earth meant to mimick their version of real life earth which in the end isn't reality.
I debate based on showings. You don't have a single showing where he interacts with marvel staff. We don't just make stuff up to debate. if it didn't happen in a comic then it isn't a possible tactic.
You also want us to ignore him being destroyed on panel multiple times. You don't know the first thing about debating.
You are breaking multiple forum rules and will have this thread closed. It'll be fun destroying you in the meantime.
I just called out Prime to a death match. Seeing as he has both superhuman hearing and speed, he should be able to both hear my challenge and respond to it. I told him if he no-shows, I'm going to find Laurie and break her neck.
Stay tuned for more developments.
Board Walker
Originally posted by MF DELPH
Leaving his bedroom is self bfr.
Prime loses.
Not so, you are defining the bedroom as the sole limitations of the battlefield, which is not what the OP says nor the rules of the forum.
I suggest rereading the rules, it may help refresh your memory.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
That's dc's fictional earth meant to mimick their version of real life earth which in the end isn't reality.
I debate based on showings. You don't have a single showing where he interacts with marvel staff. We don't just make stuff up to debate. if it didn't happen in a comic then it isn't a possible tactic.
You also want us to ignore him being destroyed on panel multiple times. You don't know the first thing about debating.
You are breaking multiple forum rules and will have this thread closed. It'll be fun destroying you in the meantime.
And yet you haven't shown any on panel showings or feats to show Thanos beating current prime in our world.
Nor have you shown any on panel showings to show we arent in prime earth.. are losing your touch...I think you may be suffering from personality projection...
I notice you defend thanos so religiously due to you likely projecting your own identity onto Thanos...often seen on patients who lacked proper identity development during adolescent years....there is help...I am here...take my hand...
Originally posted by Board Walker
Not so, you are defining the bedroom as the sole limitations of the battlefield, which is not what the OP says nor the rules of the forum.
I suggest rereading the rules, it may help refresh your memory. He used to be a moderator and yet you have the gall to tell him to reread the trolls with this obvious troll thread you created in an attempt to troll with the most ridiculous asinine logic this side of the Milky Way.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
He used to be a moderator and yet you have the gall to tell him to reread the trolls with this obvious troll thread you created in an attempt to troll with the most ridiculous asinine logic this side of the Milky Way.
My dear Quanchi....anger over a digital thread is not a good sign for your state of psychological health....might I recommend bowling?
But you are derailing my topic again and again...please stop trolling.....
Lets get back to topic!
When Luthor stared into our eyes with that dreamy look he was looking into our world earth prime...
This is like the guy who said that we are under LT's jurisdiction. But there is on panel proof that prime threatened the writers.
Board Walker
Originally posted by Diesldude
This is like the guy who said that we are under LT's jurisdiction. But there is on panel proof that prime threatened the writers.
Exactly there is on panel proof threatened the writers, which only is further strengthened by the fact that DC PUBLISHED in a news article that prime truly did mess up their office in OUR REAL WORLD.
Furthermore on panel evidence states prime trolls the dc forums, IN OUR REAL WORLD prime is trolling the dc forums, confirmed in yet another news article by DC.
On panel evidence > ALL
Originally posted by Board Walker
And yet you haven't shown any on panel showings or feats to show Thanos beating current prime in our world.
Nor have you shown any on panel showings to show we arent in prime earth.. are losing your touch...I think you may be suffering from personality projection...
I notice you defend thanos so religiously due to you likely projecting your own identity onto Thanos...often seen on patients who lacked proper identity development during adolescent years....there is help...I am here...take my hand... Prime has thus been defeated by far less than Thanos here. We don't dismiss showings or highlight showings and then make other showings up. You clearly are making up him going anywhere near marvel writers.
You attempting to psychoanalyze me is against the rules. You are welcome to try though, kid.
Originally posted by Board Walker
My dear Quanchi....anger over a digital thread is not a good sign for your state of psychological health....might I recommend bowling?
But you are derailing my topic again and again...please stop trolling.....
Lets get back to topic!
When Luthor stared into our eyes with that dreamy look he was looking into our world earth prime... Luthor stared into a fictional world representing dc's version of reality. There were no marvel writers or anything on panel. We only go by what's on panel.
Quit making things up. Thanos stomps. The Teen Titans did despite Prime's real world connections.
Originally posted by Board Walker
Exactly there is on panel proof threatened the writers, which only is further strengthened by the fact that DC PUBLISHED in a news article that prime truly did mess up their office in OUR REAL WORLD.
Furthermore on panel evidence states prime trolls the dc forums, IN OUR REAL WORLD prime is trolling the dc forums, confirmed in yet another news article by DC.
On panel evidence > ALL Prime isn't real so him appearing on the pages is only dc mimicking reality. That means his powers or whatever he can mimick to limited to dc properties due to copy right infringement.
Do you realize how the world works ?
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
Prime has thus been defeated by far less than Thanos here. We don't dismiss showings or highlight showings and then make other showings up. You clearly are making up him going anywhere near marvel writers.
You attempting to psychoanalyze me is against the rules. You are welcome to try though, kid.
Luthor stared into a fictional world representing dc's version of reality. There were no marvel writers or anything on panel. We only go by what's on panel.
Quit making things up. Thanos stomps. The Teen Titans did despite Prime's real world connections.
It is curious adopt the very same values of Thanos, and defend the character thanos so intensely due to you idealizing Thanos...could it be Thanos to you represents some one who is "Strong"...."willful", and "independent"
Quanchi were you coerced when younger by others against your will? And now idealize Thanos and he represents to you what you ultimately desired/still desire to be?...regardless...
You have yet to show on panel evidence of Thanos > real world...
This may be hard for you to grasp but real life > Comics
And SBP is in our world, real as you and me and everyone else..actually more real than us due to his diminished super powers which we lack.
Originally posted by Board Walker
It is curious adopt the very same values of Thanos, and defend the character thanos so intensely due to you idealizing Thanos...could it be Thanos to you represents some one who is "Strong"...."willful", and "independent"
Quanchi were you coerced when younger by others against your will? And now idealize Thanos and he represents to you what you ultimately desired/still desire to be?...regardless...
You have yet to show on panel evidence of Thanos > real world...
This may be hard for you to grasp but real life > Comics
And SBP is in our world, real as you and me and everyone else..actually more real than us due to his diminished super powers which we lack. Keep going. Don't end the story there. You have me in suspense.
You have yet to show Prime was in the real world. Prime was in a mimicked fictionalized real world created by a writer.
Prime isn't real. You may believe he is but that's due to your lack of intelligence.
Board Walker
Originally posted by quanchi112
Keep going. Don't end the story there. You have me in suspense.
You have yet to show Prime was in the real world. Prime was in a mimicked fictionalized real world created by a writer.
Prime isn't real. You may believe he is but that's due to your lack of intelligence.
It is also interesting in all your post you hinge upon the same pattern "prove it" and yet when in a scenario you are unable to do the very thing you so vehemently preach you start digressing into other topics....from personal assault upon my perceived stating you only need wait for the thread to close as if you are currently the winner...
which only goes to show when you enter these threads you already perceive yourself as the victor...superior....which leads me to believe you use these debates as a psychological construct to prop up your own self perceived value...and ego.
But I'll bring the thread back to topic which you keep derailing...on panel evidence and real world news articles have been shown SBP is real. You however just bold face deny it..
You ultimately choose what to accept as real and not real, you hand pick your reality...the same you do with Thanos, you choose what is real and not real as to prevent your ego which is hinged upon Thanos from ever being in danger of being wounded.
Truly a well thought out defense mechanism often seen in patients who suffered chronic psychological pain for a duration of multiple years.
P.S. It isn't psychoanalysis, that is one form of therapy upon many...which isn't even remotely close to anything in this thread...don't be so jumpy
Okay, that's enough.
Board Walker, Prime doesn't exist. lulz.
Board Walker
Originally posted by Badabing
Okay, that's enough.
Board Walker, Prime doesn't exist. lulz.
As you Say Baddabing *tips hat*
*wisps away into the shadows*
Dream Stuff
This is a weird one.
Strangely it comes do to whether or not a representation of the real world IS the real world. My impulse is to say it is. Accepting the internal logic of fiction is what makes this board possible.
When I look at a photograph of myself, do I accept that I was real even though I never leave the page?
What if SBP destroyed the real Earth? I, being not destroyed, would have to concede that SBP's real Earth is not my real Earth, just a close facsimile.
I am a rooster's illusion.
Also, Thanos can't win Since SBP isn't even on the same battlefield. Thanos is in a comic and SBP is in a room with the comic. If Thanos could "win" despite him being a comic book character fighting against a "real" person, then he could also win every battle on this board, regardless of whether or not he is in the thread.
Board Walker
Originally posted by Dream Stuff
This is a weird one.
Strangely it comes do to whether or not a representation of the real world IS the real world. My impulse is to say it is. Accepting the internal logic of fiction is what makes this board possible.
When I look at a photograph of myself, do I accept that I was real even though I never leave the page?
What if SBP destroyed the real Earth? I, being not destroyed, would have to concede that SBP's real Earth is not my real Earth, just a close facsimile.
Reality is a delusion.
Also, Thanos can't win Since SBP isn't even on the same battlefield. Thanos is in a comic and SBP is in a room with the comic. If Thanos could "win" despite him being a comic book character fighting against a "real" person, then he could also win every battle on this board, regardless of whether or not he is in the thread.
You understand the illusion well as perceive just how malleable human paradigms are.
Quanchi in particular cherry picks his every human being does, all do it for varying reason...but reality ultimately comes down to what the majority accepts as "Real"...
Anything can be "Real" as long as enough individuals "believe".
Originally posted by Board Walker
It is also interesting in all your post you hinge upon the same pattern "prove it" and yet when in a scenario you are unable to do the very thing you so vehemently preach you start digressing into other topics....from personal assault upon my perceived stating you only need wait for the thread to close as if you are currently the winner...
which only goes to show when you enter these threads you already perceive yourself as the victor...superior....which leads me to believe you use these debates as a psychological construct to prop up your own self perceived value...and ego.
But I'll bring the thread back to topic which you keep derailing...on panel evidence and real world news articles have been shown SBP is real. You however just bold face deny it..
You ultimately choose what to accept as real and not real, you hand pick your reality...the same you do with Thanos, you choose what is real and not real as to prevent your ego which is hinged upon Thanos from ever being in danger of being wounded.
Truly a well thought out defense mechanism often seen in patients who suffered chronic psychological pain for a duration of multiple years.
P.S. It isn't psychoanalysis, that is one form of therapy upon many...which isn't even remotely close to anything in this thread...don't be so jumpy You have yet to prove your claims. I have evidence of Prime being beaten down by far less than Thanos than that of Thanos with the hotu.
I accept all showings if I believe them to be canon. You pick and choose.
If you really believe a fictional character is real then this tops your Prime doesn't have a red solar radiation weakness.
Thanos minus the hotu destroys prime. His intelligence and his immunity to death win the day.
Ps. Yes, it is. If you weren't so fragile or inept I might take offense to more of your baseless claims. You really do project a lot.
Someone remind me to open this again.

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