Luke Cage & Iron Fist vs. Classic Colossus
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Colossus has stood toe to toe with Gladiator which should mean he can take anything these two can dish out.
Dream Stuff
I could see the team maybe wearing Colossus down eventually. It will be a very long fight where Danny's chi-healing and ridiculous stamina will come into play.
Heroes for Hire whoop that ass.
If it's post death Colossus, then him.
jalek moye
How far back do we consider Classic?
Classic Colossus as in before he was upgraded to 100 ton class?
Pete gets pissed off after a while, with a cry of "MOOOTHERRRR RRRUSSIA!!!!" changes into the P*R*O*L*E*T*A*R*I*A*N and easily whups their capetalist swine butts.
Worker`s Hero of the Soviet Union FTW!
Originally posted by -Pr-
If it's post death Colossus, then him. Did he get some sort of upgrade?
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