Originally posted by TheGodKiller
If Erishkigal didn't have the power , do you think that she would
"laugh off" a threat from the second most powerful being in Marvel
Actuality ?
Why not? It's not like she did anything to him.
I've seen the Stranger actually having the nerve to threaten the LT
in a Silver Surfer issue, but that doesn't mean squat if they can't act on it.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Also the Warlock confrontation , imo , clearly shows that , at the
very least , Erishkigal w/ Starbrand+fully functional congress amp
is as great a threat to LT as Warlock w/IG .
Well, that's your opinion and I understand that.
But I disagree completely.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
And LT did indeed use the guilt trap on Warlock , by blackmailing
him with the "All reality will get destroyed in such a confraontation.
Is that what you want? Is that the type of god you are? " line.
The LT was giving Warlock a chance to give up the IG willingly.
There's nothing wrong with that, the LT isn't a cowboy looking for a fight.
He's always allowed (or given the chance to) lesser beings to fix their own problems,
like he spared the Earth so Dr Strange could fix the situation before the LT acted.
Warlock had just saved Reality from Nebula.
The LT doesn't "blackmail" ... he told Warlock the facts.
I have to take that glove off of ya by force, and everything around us dies.
That aside,
since the up coming run of Warlock and the Infinity Watch was about to be published,
we can see how Warlock needed to keep the glove,
and disperse these Gems himself to individuals to form said group.
Now you see why the LT was not allowed to stomp the IG out of Warlock's hand.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
IIRC , LT himself wasn't sure which way the fight would have
gone , yet he was unwilling to get in a direct confrontation with
Ersishkigal . However , if you still believe that even w/ the congress
amp, the IG is greater , then to each his own .
The LT's Handbook bio actually references "Infinity Watch #1"
as the issue where the LT demonstrated his superiority over the IG:
In the "Chronicles" run, we learn that Warlock was "ordered" by the LT, and as we know he obeyed:
The 616 IG was such a potent force,
that it was actually a direct order from TOAA that ordered the last ban on the Gems:
(end of Infinity War)
That says a lot.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Your opinions are
respected and welcome .
Likewise friend.