Superman Vs. Darkseid with Pink kryptonite
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Battle conditions:Last man standing.
Battle location

an francisco Beach.
Whats the pink stuff do again?
In before the lock.
It makes him gay.
Originally posted by keiththegreat
In before the lock.
It makes him gay.
why would it be locked? Superman overpowers it be intresting to see how this match might unfold. besides batgirl had resistance to phermones.
Originally posted by -Pr-
superman had resistance to green kryptonite

...have mercy my lord!
lol The pink K was from another universe, but if this type of thread floats your boat.
Sm FROM THAT UNIVERSE becomes gay and ****s DS
You haven't changed a bit, but here, the site is not going to put up with your crap dude.
So thread carefully.
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