Colossus(Pre Juggernaut) vs Spider-Man with a twist
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Alright in this fight there is no bfr and no webbing but Spider-Man has adamantium knuckles and some boots made out of adamantium. Can these upgrades alow Spider-Man to win? Oh Spider-Man is out for blood
Very possibly. We know that SpiderMan without Adamantium weapons beat down Titania (a She Hulk level character), and we know Adamantium weapons can really upgrade a characters beating power (Ock did beat the Hulk once with Ad arms). Considering SM is so much faster than Colossus, and he now has the hitting power to really hurt him, yeah Im supporting Peter to beat Peter here.

Won't spidey break his hands before hurting him?
Originally posted by pym-ftw
Won't spidey break his hands before hurting him?
nah spiderman hits spiderslayers,sandman,sentinals,hulk,juggernuat,ma
ry jane and heck he even defeted a herald of galactus.
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